Women of Grace

Bible Studies

January 24 – May 4, 2017


9:30 – 11:15 am



6:45 – 8:30 pm

Seamless by Angie Smith – Back by Popular Demand!

Understand the Bible as One Complete Story

Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Through this study we will gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God's Word. There is a medium amount of homework expected each week.


Unwrap the book of Nehemiah to show a servant so selfless, a mission so humbling, and a perseverance so admirable that Christians are drawn to a new awe of God. As the leader God calls to mobilize and equip His people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was a man who didn't know the word no when it came to God's economy.This study has a medium amount of homework, mainly scripture reading and personal application.

1 Corinthians: A Love and Wisdom Unlike Any Other

Second Session

How can we resolve conflict with other people? How do our passions affect our relationships? How can we live in a way that builds harmony and glorifies God? Ours is a world in which relationships are marked by strife, confusion and pain-even among Christians. Our passions can contribute to conflict, too, unless they’re controlled. In 1 Corinthians, God gives us the cure: the cross of Christ. He speaks of having the mind of Christ, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and being a spiritual woman of God. Discover how you can experience this in your own life and encourage it in the life of others. This study has a medium amount of homework, mainly scripture reading and personal application.

Women of Grace Spring2016 Bible Study Registration (please print)

Name:______Date: ______


Email: ______

Phone Number:______

Bible study selection: (each class must meet a minimum of 8 people)

First choice______

Second Choice ______

Tuesday morning ______orThursday evening ______

Registration fee ($15) paid ______(cash) _____ (check # ______)

You may request to be in the same class with one friend and we will do our best to accommodate if both parties make the request at the time of registration. Name of friend ______

Have you participated in a Bible study in the past? ______Through Women of Grace?______. If this is your first time joining a Bible study,welcome to a deeper understanding of God’s word and authentic fellowship!

Children’s Ministry: registration fee $20 per child.(max. $60 per family)

Provide below the names of the children who will be attending.

Name (first and last) GenderBirth Date Additional Info

To register online, please visit the Grace Fellowship Shrewsbury website at Go to “Women of Grace” under the Ministries Tab, click on “Bible Studies” (located on right hand side bar under “Women’s”) and then click on the online registration link.

To register by mail, please send form and payment to
Women of Grace, GFC Shrewsbury, 74 East Forrest Ave, Shrewsbury, PA 17361. Make checks payable to GFC Shrewsbury.

For more information, contact Jeanne Botzler, at or 410-456-8167.