Library Reserve Request
Submitted: ______
Date Time Initials
Professor ______Course and Number ______Sect _____
Course Name______
Department ______Building and Room Number______
Loan: Library Use Only (2 hour) ____Three Day ____One Week ____Semester: Fall ____Spring ____Summer ___
RESERVE POLICIES: As space permits, the Library will place single copies of textbooks provided by the faculty on reserve. Textbooks which are desk copies or review copies must also include the written policy or permission of the publisher which would permit the textbooks to be placed on reserve in the Library. Periodicals and reference materials cannot be placed on reserve, but a single photocopy of an article can be. Multiple photocopies are prohibited by the copyright law. At the start of the semester, reserve requests can require 2-3 days to process; all requests are processed in the order received. A minimum of 24 hours, excluding weekends, is needed to process reserve requests after the start of the semester. Personal copies placed on reserve require labels for checkout purposes. At the end of the semester, reserve materials are removed from the reserve shelves and shelved in the stacks; personal copies are returned to the professor.
Call Number ______Personal Copy ______Library Copy ______
Author ______
Title ______
______Edition ______
Publisher/Journal ______Date ______Pages ______
ALMA Checked ______PC Bugged ______Date on Reserve ______
ISBN/OCLC # ______PC Desensitized ______Reserve Doc Name ______
Date Ordered ______PC returned via campus mail on ______by ______
Date Recd ______PC delivered to ______on ______by ______
Check if additional notes are on verso ______.
While we do our best to care for personal copies placed on reserve, the Library cannot assume responsibility for the wear and tear or possible loss of these items. Please note that if you submit a personal copy to be placed on reserve and the Library owns that same book, the library copy will be placed on reserve and your copy returned to you.
If you have trouble accessing this document, please contact
Hammond: Sharon Smith, Circulation and Reserve Clerk at or call 219-989-2430.
Westville: Kristina Moore, Circulation and Reserve Clerk at 219-785-5248