Full session classes run from July 4th – July 29th; Half session classes run from July 4th – 15th and July 18th – 29th. Class begins at 8:00am and ends at 1:30pm, Monday to Friday.
PEEL Summer School Courses
You have until June 30th to register for Peel Summer School. You do this by logging into your student profile on the SLSS home page . Follow these steps:
1. Click on “Student Life”
2. Click on “STUDENT LOGIN”
3. Enter your student number for Student ID and your password is your birthdate (YY/MM/DD) unless you have changed it.
4. Click on the Summer School link on the left.
5. Search for the course and the location you wish to register for – click on “Register” - if there is space you will be enrolled immediately. It will say “pending approval” which means a counsellor still has to confirm that you have the pre-requisite for the course. Approvals will be completed by June 30th.
6. If there is no space in a course you can select to be added to the Wait List. On the first three days of Summer School if a spot comes available in that course the summer school site will call the number listed in the computer system and give you the opportunity to attend. If there is no answer at that number they will move on to the next person on the wait list.
7. If you do not register or put yourself on a Wait List by June 30th there is late Walk-in Registration on Monday July 4th from 9:00am – 12:00pm (go to the site that has the course you want), however, wait-listed students take priority over walk-ins. Check the link below for updated info on courses cancellations, course availability etc.
For more info go to:
DUFFERIN-PEEL Catholic Summer School Courses
At this point, Dufferin-Peel only has a Final Walk-in Registration on Monday July 4th from 10:30am – 3:00pm. Go to the site that has the course you want. Before going check the link below as they usually post an updated “course availability” chart to show which courses still have space.
For more info go to: