Song Title:
Promoter’s Rubric: Use this rubric to submit your project for a grade. You have a full day to evaluate and revise your project. Grade yourself and answer the reflection questions to receive full credit.
0 / 2 / 4 / 6Content / Project contains little to no requirements, and/or the requirements did were inappropriate for and qualifications of the label. / Project Contains 1-2 of the following errors:
-Minimal Lyrics
- basic album cover with some of the requirements missing
-No record of social media posts to promote.
- cover not to label qualifications / Project Contains:
-Completed lyrics
-Album Cover with Logo, Brand colors, photos, names, and contact info
- Social Media posts on 2/3 of platforms.
-Bandcamp post and link
-Some interview footage / Project Contains:
-Completed lyrics label with Arrangement form
-Album Cover with Logo, Brand colors, title, photos, names, contact info
-Social Media posts on 3/3 platforms, with original hashtags
-Bandcamp sites and youtube links.
-Utilized interview footage
0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / Little to no creativity is shown, and the album cover looks exactly like the blank template. / -Album Cover is an original design within limits
-Social media posts have links.
-photos posted / -Album Cover is an original design within limits
-Social media posts contain photos and video
-Interviews present
-Creative insightful hashtags / -Album Cover compliments the central idea of the song through design.
-Social media posts contain photos and video
-Interviews as in-depth questions.
-Creative insightful trending hashtags.
Core Values / Students require redirections towards class values at least 2 times /day. / Students require redirections towards class values at one time for every step. / Students successfully and consistently followed all six core values, with only a few misfires in one. / Students successfully and consistently followed all six core values, and sets an example for others.
Presentation / Student does not submit / Student submits their work in Class Portfolio but some mistakes in organization of folders / Student submits on time in the correct folders of the Class Portfolio, and names files correctly. / Student submits on time in the correct folders of the Class Portfolio, and names files correctly in the designated .png and .wav forms.