www.ncprescribedfirecouncil.org www.nclongleaf.org


The NC Prescribed Fire Council & The NC Longleaf Coalition

Joint meeting to explore collaborative opportunities to more effectively reach

our longleaf pine ecosystem and prescribed fire goals

August 27 - 28, 2013

Wilmington, NC

August 27 - The Riverside Hilton

Morning Master of Ceremonies – Wib Owen

8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 Welcome/Goals for the Meeting Greg Pate, State Forester, NCFS

9:15 Longleaf Legacy Robert Abernethy, Director

Longleaf Alliance

10:00 North Carolina’s Longleaf Pine Forest Bruce Sorrie, Biologist, NCNHP

From the Coast to the Piedmont

10:45 Break/Posters and Displays Available

11:15 Myths, Facts and Observations about Bill Pickens, NCFS Silviculturalist

Burning in Young Longleaf

12:00 Awards Lunch

NC Longleaf Coalition Golden Pine Cone Award - Presented by Bill Pickens, NCLC

NC Prescribed Fire Council Award – Presented by Ken Bridle, NCPFC

State Foresters Prescribed Burning Award – Presented by Greg Pate, NCFS

Wildlife Resources Commission Prescribed Burning Award – Presented by David Cobb, WRC

State of the NC Longleaf Coalition Bill Pickens

Passing of the Torch Ken Bridle

State of the NC Prescribed Fire Council Scott Pohlman

Afternoon Master of Ceremonies – Mark Megalos

1:20 Field photography and social media Brady Beck

1:40 Updates:

SERPPAS/ Southern Fire Exchange Jennifer Evans NCFS Nursery James West, NCFS

2:00 NCFS Goals and Controlled Burn Case Study Shane Hardee, NCFS

Mike Malcolm, NCFS

2:45 Break/Posters and Displays Available

3:15 Fire Weather

Fire Weather Forecasts (35 min) Josh Weiss, NOAA NWS

NC Fire Weather Portal (10 min) Cory Davis, Ryan Boyles

4:00 Managing Longleaf: A Landowner Perspective Amos McLamb

4:30 Wrap- up Mark Megalos

4:45 Raffle Winners/Election Results/Field Trip Logistics/Announcements/Adjourn

5:00-5:15 Posters and Displays available for viewing

6:00 Social -- An evening social with refreshments and appetizers will be held on August 27 at an establishment within walking distance to the hotel.

7:30 Sunset Cruise on the Cape Fear River (Optional) -- Enjoy a two-hour sunset cruise on the Cape Fear River. Space is limited to 45, and there is a $30 charge for the boat tour, which includes light snacks and a cash bar. Participants need to sign up in advance to reserve spots.

August 28 - Orton Plantation and Boiling Spring Lakes Field Trip

8:30 Meet for Field Trip

9:00 Field trip to include stops at Orton Plantation and Boiling Spring Lakes, to see and learn how land managers are working to restore the native longleaf pine forest ecosystem. Participation may be limited. Depending on the response, there could be a morning and an afternoon trip. Those who sign up will be contacted in advance with more details.

12:00 Return to meeting spot, or some will be able to stay on-site if they bring their own lunch. The Prescribed Fire Council will provide water and snacks for the field trip.