By Louise Ann Wilson
Produced by Artevents
as part of The Re-Enchantment national arts programme
All audience members are required to fill out the following and return the form to us, by email () or post (Unit 2.3 Hoxton Workspaces, 128 Hoxton Street, London N1 6SH):
Contact Tel:
Emergency Contact Person & Number:
Accommodation Tier Required (please tick):-
£170 - Accommodation not required
£220 - Bunkhouse (dormitory)
£250 - B&B
If B&B, Type of Room:-
Single / Double / Twin
If double or twin, name of partner:______
If you are travelling with friends, please give us their names so that we can arrange accommodation for your group together:-
Please note that accommodation will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. While we will endeavour to meet your needs, we may not be able to meet your exact requirements.
Also note that, if you are staying in bunkhouse accommodation, you will need to make your own arrangements for breakfast on Saturday.
Are you:-
Vegetarian / Non-vegetarian
Any other dietary requirements______
Please tell us about the last country walks you went on:-
Walk 1:
Start Point:
End Point:
Date Completed:
Distance Covered:
Walk 2:
Start Point:
End Point:
Date Completed:
Distance Covered:
Are you fit to walk?
Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition?
Yes / No
If yes please specify what and when:
Do you have a bone or joint condition that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
Yes / No
If yes please specify what and when:
If you have answered yes to one of the above questions, we recommend that you seek medical advice before signing up.
Terms and Conditions:-
Fissure is a three day walking cum performance event in the Yorkshire Dales from 20 to 22 May 2011. It will begin at 6pm on Friday 20 May and end at 12 noon on Sunday 22 May. The second day, Saturday 21 May, involves a 12 mile walk across hilly terrain. There will be an extremely early start – around dawn – on Sunday. The entire walk has been graded by our risk assessors as strenuous* and is conducted according to recommended Health and Safety requirements.
* Strenuous level of walking: The walk is over 12 miles and there may be difficult terrain where the ground is uneven, rocky or steep. Walkers should be equipped with sturdy, waterproof boots and extra warm layers of clothing, including a waterproof / windproof outer layer, hat and gloves.
Audience members are required to have the necessary fitness level to go on the walk. You are solely responsible for judging your level of fitness. However Artevents reserves the right to estimate a participant’s fitness levels and to turn away participants at any stage of the walk.
All participants are requested to be on time for pick-ups as Artevents will not keep the group waiting for latecomers.
Fissure is an all-weather performance and will continue even in the event of heavy rain or other weather conditions that are severe but not dangerous.
Fissureby its nature cannot be rescheduled or restaged.
Artevents reserves the right to cancel the performance or alter the route forFissure, without notice, in case of inclement weather or other circumstances beyond the organisers’ control.
Fissure is a guided walk, along public footpaths as well as through private land. Audience members are required to follow the route set by the trained guides and remain with the walking group at all times.
Please make cheques payable to Artevents Limited. Please post to Unit 2.3, Hoxton Workspaces Ltd, 128 Hoxton Street, London N1 6SH byrecorded delivery.
For bank transfers please pay Artevents Account Number 02026400 Sort Code 30-93-80.
If your cheque / bank transfer covers the cost of another person(s) please include their name(s)
Note that a form should be filled in for each individual and returned along with the cheque or emailed to us if you are paying by wire transfer.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you are unable to attend and notify us earlier than 30 days from the start of the performance, Artevents will endeavour to resell your ticket. A 10% administration fee will be charged for this.
I am above 14 years of age and I understand that I walk at my own risk. *
I understand that this event is held in accordance with both recommended Health and Safety Requirements.
I confirm that I am aware of the organisers’ information and requirements in connection with this event.
I accept the hazards involved in country-side (or cross-country) walking and acknowledge that I am participating at my own risk.
Other than the organiser’s liability for causing death or personal injury by negligence, I confirm that I understand that the organiser accepts no liability to me for any loss or damage of any nature to myself or property arising out of my participation in this event.
I consent to the above data being held on to and processed by the organisers.
I have read the rules and agree to abide by them.
I have enclosed a cheque / made BACS payment (please tick) to cover the cost of the above.
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