Last Update:July 4, 2002
Try new hyperlinks to individual pages by clicking on the underlined items below…
Following Pages Contain:
I.VBSTheme – Keep in mind as you are praying
Opening – Life of Paul
Chaperones & Workers
Daily Skits - PLACED ON HOLD
III.Ministry Areas – Where do you see yourself serving the Lord this year?
* Please remember this list is only as of the date of this document so don’t hesitate to sign up or make yourself available!
- Progress Updates – Communication to keep everyone informed.
- PrayerNeeds – Praises to God are welcome!
VI.Crafts – Daily breakdown of crafts & list of materials needed
VII.Games – Game ideas & list of materials needed
VIII.Bible Story Highlights – Insights to our bible lessons are always welcome!
Please send any updates to Jennie, Lisa, or Mike. Thank you in Christ Jesus
I.This Year’s Theme:“Stepping Out For Jesus” Back to Top
Theme Verse:Joshua 1:7-9 VBS Project Team
Joshua 1:9 Children Meditation
“Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Five-Day Program Includes:
Site 1 – Stepping into the Palace
Bible Study:Esther steps out in speech. She rescues the Jews when she speaks out for them. (Esther 4:15-6:4; 8:3-17)
Key Verse:“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” Matthew 12:34b (NIV)
Core Concept:Jesus wants us to speak out boldly for Him.
Child’s Response: I can be an example for Jesus by boldly speaking out for Him.
Site 2 – Stepping into the Lion’s Den
Bible Story:Daniel steps out in life. Daniel lives for God and is rescued from the lion’s den. (Daniel 1:3-4, 17-21; 6:3-23)
Key Verse:Jesus…said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” John 8:12
Core Concept:Jesus wants us to live for Him every day.
Child’s Response: I can be an example for Jesus by living for Him every day.
Site 3 – Stepping into the Nile River
Bible Story:Miriam steps out in love. Miriam shows love to her brother Moses by protecting and providing for him. (Exodus 1:8-2:10)
Key Verse:“Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12
Core Concept:Jesus wants us to show love to our families and others.
Child’s Response:I can be an example for Jesus by showing love to my family and others.
Site 4 – Stepping into the Battlefield.
Bible Story:David steps out in faith. David’s faith in God helps him defeat Goliath.
(1 Samuel 17:1-11, 20-24, 32-50)
Key Verse:“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20b
Core Concept:Jesus wants us to put our faith in Him.
Child’s Response:I can be an example for Jesus by putting my faith in Him.
Site 5 – Stepping into the Temple
Bible Story:Josiah steps out in purity. King Josiah purifies the land and the temple.
(2 Chronicles 34:1-8, 33; 2 Kings 23:1-5)
Key Verse:“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8
Core Concept:Jesus wants us to keep our thoughts and actions pure.
Child’s Response:I can be an example for Jesus by keeping my thoughts and actions pure.
- Daily ScheduleBackto Top
5:00Set up Tents (Dan & Jan Symolon)
7:30 - 8:30Set up Scenery / Sound Equipment / Tables & Chairs
8:30 - 8:45All Other Saints Please Report to Park
8:45 - 9:00Daily Prayer
9:00 - 9:10Children Registration & Settled in Chairs before stage
9:10Opening Prayer & Introduction & Pledge of Allegiance (Mike)
9:15Songs (1-2 on flipchart – Phyllis Sorel)
9:20 - 9:25Life of Paul (Brian Sorel Sr.)
9:25 – 9:30Narration (Jennie Kenyon)
9:25 - 9:50Daily Lesson from the Scriptures
Songs Reinforce Teaching
Move 3 Groups of Children to Respective Areas (Crafts, Games, Snacks)
9:50 – 10:30Craft & Snack (Team # 1, Team # 3)
9:50 – 10:30Games & Snack (Team # 2)
10:30 – 11:15Games (Team # 1, Team # 3)
10:30 – 11:15Craft & Snack (Team # 1, Team # 3)
11:20Gather Children Back to Stage for Closing Comments from the Puppets
11:30Closing Song, Prayer, Packaged Handouts, Dismissal
11:30 – 12:30Take Down / Remove Tents, Equipment, Scenery, Tables, & Chairs
Note: This is only to be used as a guideline so that we give God’s Word first place and enough time for the crafts and games committees to do their work.
The only tough part of this year with one teaching time is that we will have to include 2 groups together in the craft tents at once. Pray for room in tents.
- Be ready to give an answer for the Hope which is in you (I Peter 3:15)
- Pray for the Teaching Lessons
- Pray for the Children’s Salvation & Safety
- Pray for dry weather
- Pray for puppet and skit characters
- Pray for crafters and chaperones
- Pray for the organization of games
- People chipping in for 1 or more days – thank you, please chip in where you see the need
- Please bring folder chairs from chapel for crafts
Back to Top
Life of PaulBack toTop
Day 1 – Paul’s conversion on the road to DamascusLesson:Paul’s speech becomes bold for Jesus
Day 2 – Paul’s experience in prisonLesson:Stepping out in Life
Day 3 – Paul’s vision as he was caught up into the third heavenLesson:Jesus shows his love for Paul in saving him
Day 4 – Paul’s shipwreckLesson:Paul placed his faith in Christ to sustain his life
Day 5 – Paul fought the fight, finished the race Lesson:Life lived out in purity pleases God
Daily Skits - These are a framework for Bethany and Shelly to follow and can be further adapted. The narrator will ensure proper transition into the daily teaching and summarization of bible story.
Skit 1
Skit 2
Skit 3
Skit 4
Skit 5
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Chaperones & Worker Assignments
3 Groups of Courageous Kids:
Team #1Ages 4-69:50Crafts & Snacks10:30Games & Snacks
Marty & Pat Roche
Kathy Jorge
Joshua Albert
Team #2Ages 7-99:50Games & Snacks10:30Crafts & Snacks
Ron & Jean Russell
Jennie Kenyon
Phyllis Roche
Team #3Ages 10-129:50Crafts & Snacks10:30Games & Snacks
Brian & Phyllis Sorel
Jesse Gallagher
Games Team
Jeff Sullo
Joshua Sorel
Sarah Roche
Brian Sorel Jr.
Brian Thayer
Crafts Team
Carrie Zack
Holly Rossetti
Lisa Roche
Michael Roche
Snack Area-Bernie Gimpl
Puppets (But don’t tell the kids!!!)
Brian Sorel Jr.
Brian Thayer
Back to Top
III.Progress UpdatesBack toTop
- Taylor Family contacted about sending youngest sons Matthew and Johnny to VBS again this year. Mike and Lisa have been keeping in touch with Jeff and Donna over the winter. Their oldest son’s name is Chris.
- Praise God for providing Jeff Sullo from the Waterbury Christian Fellowship. He will be helping us this year at VBS.
- The deacons have been made aware of our need to use the Bristol Boys & Girls’ Club for a VBS work night. The May 19 fellowship night has been suggested and will need to be run by the elders.
- The deacons are also aware of the possible need to buy more durable tents. Anyone interested in looking into this should contact the VBS coordinators or the deacons.
- Lisa has been in contact with our paper carrier (who is a Christian) about putting flyers into the newspapers. She says that all we need to do is drop off a stack of pre-made flyers to the circulation department about two weeks prior to the event.
- A draft of the invitations has been designed. A copy will be made available shortly.
- We are working through the kit to get craft ideas for each day. A tentative meeting is schedule prior to the 4:00 prayer night this Sunday, April 7 at 3:30. We expect to have a list of craft needs once the craft activities have been nailed down. For example, we will need to have reeds for basket weaving. Yes, so all you who have gone to school for basket-weaving should not have any excuses!!!
- Praise God who provided several quarts of paints from the Zaricks who are Mike and Lisa’s neighbors and who have come to VBS before and profess to know the Lord.
- Joshua Sorel can get us cardboard & paint for the scenery.
- Work is being done to obtain lightweight tents and canopies. Several internet sites and store locations have been looked at. A decision of what to purchase will be made shortly. Brian Zack, Gregg Rossetti, and Dan Symolon have been helpful to the VBS coordinators. The tents that make the most sense seem to be in the ballpark of $70-$100 for 10X13 canopy structures with plastic poles and another for $200 which is 10X20 with side flaps.
- The aluminum army tent structures will be recycled at Green’s in Southington. Any one with a truck who would like to perform this service should talk to Mike. Money received will be donated to the VBS project.
- Praise the Lord, Kathy Jorge has volunteered to teach and play the part of Miriam.
- Carrie Zack has worked up a list of crafts for us to review. A craft list and needs list will be provided once the craft team gets together. A craft specific meeting will be determined (maybe before Sunday’s 5:30 fellowship).
- Brian Jr. and Mike will meet on Wednesday morning to discuss the organization of the skits for VBS.
- Lisa Roche will have invitations for the VBS team soon.
- We will pursuing scenery people once we have traced some things out. It would be nice to have a central location for the scenery. Anyone interested in working on or preserving one or more sites should contact Lisa.
- **Very important!!! - We need a list of all the old craft, costume, and supply items you might be storing in your houses. I would like to make lists for this distribution so that we can start working with the creative saints for scenery, costume, props, and craft preparation. PLEASE make a list and sent it to us ASAP.
- Jeff Sullo has volunteered to head up the “game crew”. Praise the Lord.
- N.T. Bibles will be ordered for the week of VBS with the “Courageous Kids” cover. ($.99 a piece)
- We sent WIHS information for announcing this year’s VBS over the airways.
- Lisa has printed 100 invitations. Jean Russell will mail to all previous VBS participants. Additional invitations will be made available at the Chapel for individual use.
- We will meet at 5:00 p.m. Sunday evening before the fellowship time to give a short status on each of the areas being worked on to date. All are invited.
- Brian Jr. and Mike met this past week and will be trying to integrate the daily teachings into a play/skit setting. Details have yet to be worked out but we will consult the teachers on how best to do this. One idea is to have a narrator that may be the teacher or may just be someone who gives the general bible story information and directs the audience to the scene where the teacher works to bring the story alive.
- Jennie is working with Dan on the purchasing of canopies. We’re looking to Dan to represent the elders on any purchase decisions concerning the tents as these tents/canopies will become an asset to the Bristol Bible Chapel and will be useful for future chapel events. We will look to the deacons to purchase the tents as part of Bristol Bible Chapel’s general fund operating expenses.
- Carrie is looking for any instructions we might’ve had concerning the construction of baskets. Back in 1993, we made baskets and the children seemed challenged, not to mention the adults. This may be a good multiple day project to remember the story of Miriam.
- Meeting Recap:The VBS team meeting on Sunday, April 21, 2002 was profitable and informative. Special thanks to all who attended. Carrie Zack gave us an update on the crafts selected and has provided a list of materials needed (go to crafts). Jennie provided an update on the search for tents prior to the meeting. Lisa Roche gave us an update on advertising through the Bristol Press and display of posters via car windshields, libraries, and storefronts. Brian Jr. gave us an update on the incorporation of plays/skits into the various teachings. He and Mike will be working to bring forth details in the coming weeks. We will be very flexible in working with the teachers that have come forth thus far (Ron – David, Kathy J., Phyllis R. – Miriam) and will solicit their feedback once we have come up with a plan.
- Scenery – Lisa will work to sketch different scenes for our May 19th work night at the Boys&Girls’ Club. The kit has murals for each site. A list of materials will be made available once all cutouts have been determined. For example, cardboard and styrofoam may be used to depict soldiers for David and Goliath.
- Teaching skits included in the VBS kit are being reviewed by Mike and Brian Jr. Positions will be available for different characters and/or puppets for each story. Actual characters and their lines are being developed.
- Game ideas will be provided to Jeff Sullo. A link to a games page will provided to identify games and needs. For example, “Giant Goliath Relay” uses large coffee cans as stilts.
- A section for “Bible Story Hightlights” has been added so you can fall in love with the God of Courage!
- We are pleased to announce that we have filled all the teaching parts for the five day’s of bible lessons. Phyllis Roche will be Esther, Jerry Albert will be Daniel, Kathy Jorge will be Miriam, Ron Russell will be David, and Joshua Sorel will be Josiah. Thank you for being willing to serve our Lord in this capacity.
- We are also please to have Michelle and Bethany role play the opening skits for the first 4 days. Outlines of the skits are attached.
- We redeemed the aluminum tents for .10 cents a pound and received $48.00 that means the metal alone weighed 480 pounds. Imagine that! Each day we put up and took down 480 pounds not to mention those heavy tarplans!
- We are excited to get together next Sunday night @ 5:30 for a VBS Work Night at the chapel. Workers are needed to help with crafts and scenery. All are welcome to fellowship. We’ll even try to persuade the deacons to supply some pizza…Oh it’s good to be a deacon!
- Thanks to Jay and Janet for providing cardboard.
- Our work night on May 19, 2002 was profitable and a blessing. Thank you to all who helped trace, paint, and cut scenery. Special thanks to Joshua Sorel for working hard to get the cardboard. It was also a blessing to praise the Lord utilizing our new projector. Thank you Ron and the deacons for buying it. Thanks to the deacons for providing the soda and pizza.
- We have had a change of mind and have put the daily skits on hold at this time. We hope to utilize our puppet talent for a summary of the day’s lessons before dismissing the kids each day.
- The “Life of Paul” has been outlined and included in this edition of the VBS Weekly Reminder. Brian Sorel Sr. will emphasize the daily theme for each courageous character through the life of Paul.
- The daily schedule has been refined.
- A craft list has been put out at the chapel. Please see where you might be able to donate.
- We ask that any costumes be made available to the VBS Coordinators.
- We could use a costume coordinator.
- Supplies that can be used for crafts that reside at anyone’s house should be inventoried and the inventories provided to the VBS Coordinators by June 15, 2002. Thank you.
- We are looking to finalize the counts of workers for the week of VBS. We will assume that if you have let the coordinators know that you will be there that you are available to be a chaperone. Three age groups will need chaperones to get them to their destinations. Please let Mike know if you have a preference on what group to belong to. Kathy Jorge and Phyllis Roche have provided their availability – thank you.
- Carrie Zack is ordering basket material this week and has given the assembly a week to provide and supplies they have signed up for. She specifically mentioned cool whip container tops.
- We have agreed that Carrie, Holly, Lisa, and Mike will work the craft tents this year. This is where some chaperones can receive a rest unless there is a need to help the other four.
- A craft meeting will be held the week of June 23.
- We will make some of the lesson material in the VBS kit available to teachers to spark some ideas while they are preparing for their messages. FOR TEACHERS: Mike can be available to help any or all teachers feel comfortable with the teaching time and material. If you would like to have a meeting to discuss how to prepare, what to speak on or anything else, please let us know.
- Jeff Sullo has provided some really great game ideas that have been attached to this week’s reminder. He requests that some of the youth help him in corralling the kids and working the different games that all may enjoy.
- The wheelchair accessible playscape date has been pushed out to the end of the summer. This means that we may have a limited area to work in during VBS week. Lisa will contact City Hall today and find out if the park is still available to us and whether or not the workers will be disruptive to our VBS.
- Brian Sorel Jr. will be a tremendous help at setting up each day’s scenery as well as engineering the electronics.
- Costumes don’t seem to have sparked any interest among the saints; therefore, each teacher can wear normal dress attire.
- We are looking for two individuals to be puppets to recap or summarize what each day’s lessons were about. This will help us draw kids attention back to biblical stories before the go home to their parents. You will be behind the scenery and could read from scripts or adlib based on your familiarity with the story. Adults or young adults (13 and up) can do this part.
- Large coffee cans are still needed for the Goliath relay race.