Nogales High School
Nobles since 1962
Mr. Nasouf, Principal
Teacher: Mr. Tong & Mr. Kim Grade/Subject: Geometry
Contact: & Phone: (626) 965-3437
Ext. 3460
Course Description
The fundamental purpose of the Geometry course is to formalize and extend students’ geometric experiences from the middle grades. This course includes standards from the conceptual categories of Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Some standards are repeated in multiple higher mathematics courses. In this Geometry course, students explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, presenting and hearing formal mathematical arguments. Students will be working on the necessary skills to be successful in the 21st Century (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking).
- Notebook – lined or graph paper (8.5 x 11 – no composition)
- Loose-leaf lined (8.5 x 11) and graph paper
- Binder (to keep returned work)
- Pencils (2) or mechanical pencil (with extra lead) – No work will be accepted in pen unless noted!
- Eraser
- Protractor, compass and ruler
- Scientific calculator
- McDougal Littell - California Geometry, 2007
- Homework and classwork 10%
- Test, quizzes, projects and notebook/binder checks 70%
- Finals 20%
- A: 90% +
- B: 80 – 89.9%
- C: 70 - 79.9%
- D: 60 - 69.9%
- F: 59.9% & below
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned almost every night and will be collected on the following day. Most of the homework assignments from the book will be odd numbers so students can check the answers in the back of the book. Late, incomplete work, or no work shown will receive half credit. Late homework will only be accepted up to a week after the due date.
Late Work and Make Up
Late projects will be accepted for half credit up to one week after its due date. If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to make-up any missed work on the first day that the student is back at school.
Additional support
- Youtube
Classroom Rules
- Respect yourself, the teacher, others, and school property
- Arrive to class on time and ready to be productive
- Follow directions, classroom procedures, and stay on task
- Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work
- Store away electronic devices, drinks, and food unless given permission
- Verbal or Written Warning
- Penalty Cards
- If a student is given more than 3 Penalty Cards in a week, the student is required to attend a Tutoring Work Session
- Seat Removal with Action Plan Write-Up
- Lunch or After-School Detention with a Phone Call Home
- Student and/or Parent conference
- Referral to Assistant Principal
*At any time, if the behavior warrants it, students will receive a referral without previous steps taken.
- Verbal praise
- Stickers & Candy
- Free Homework Pass
- If a student is given less than 5 Penalty Cards in a month, the student will receive a Free Homework Pass
- Letter of Appreciation
- Other Various Positive Perks
Personal Statement
It is my sincerest hope that every student will benefit from this course. In my experience, parent involvement is key to any child’s learning. Students who apply themselves, ask questions and are willing to come to class every day with a positive attitude (willingness to learn) will not only be successful in this course, but in subsequent math courses.
I have read and understand the rules and policies of Mr. Tong’s and Mr. Kim’s classroom:
Student’s Name______Period ______
Student’s Signature______Date______
Parent’s Name ______
Parent’s Signature______Date______
Contact Number______E-mail Address______
Comments/Requests/Suggestions: ______