TSM - yourdate - SDTN

I Secured Party Name?, Sovereign Secured Party and Creditor and Natural and Free Man of the Land, DO SOLEMNLY AND SINCERELY DECLARE the following AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH:

1. I am Secured Party Name? sentient natural born, adult living man or woman, with the given name: Secured Party. I hold the family name of Name.

2. Secured Party Name? is my lawful name by birthright.

3. I am who I say I am, not who, or what any ‘person’, statutory legislative policy enforcer, corporate administrator, or government documents say I am.

4. I am created only by GOD and am subject only to my Creator.

5. I am a Sovereign, Political Power Holder, Secured Party, Creditor and Natural and Free Man of the Land, unbound by all statutory and legislative restraints.

6. I am a transient traveler in this world, which I am not of.

7. I absolutely bear no relation to the fictitious and trust entities of: THE STRAW MAN; THE MAN; THE S. MAN; T.S.MAN; T. MAN; MAN, THE STRAW; MAN, THE S.; MAN, T.S.; MAN, T.; The Straw MAN; The S. MAN; etc. these are but the "name" of an artificial "person" or ens legis.

8. I am the Secured Party/Creditor, Holder in due course, and Authorized Representative for the Juristic Person entities of THE STRAW MAN; THE MAN; THE S. MAN; T.S.MAN; T. MAN; MAN, THE STRAW; MAN, THE S.; MAN, T.S.; MAN, T.; The Straw MAN; The S. MAN; etc.

9. I am not an accommodation party nor a surety for the debts of THE STRAW MAN; THE MAN; THE S. MAN; T.S.MAN; T. MAN; MAN, THE STRAW; MAN, THE S.; MAN, T.S.; MAN, T.; The Straw MAN; The S. MAN; etc. does not represent & neither is to be confused with any of the said entities listed above.

10.Secured Party Name? is the correct, and lawful name for myself, the natural flesh and blood being and is a unique, DISTINCT AND SEPARATE name from any unlawful government-created fictional commercial version of my name that resembles my name. This distinction has been lawfully established and recognized in the public register under oath per a UCC-1 Financing Statement and all supporting documents. Secured Party Name? holds and controls a $100,000.000,000.00 lien and secured commercial interest against the fictitious GOVERNMENT CORPORATION, THE STRAW MAN, created from my birth certificate unlawfully and without my permission or my mother’s permission. This security interest is the FIRST RIGHT OF CLAIM and I am THE HOLDER IN DUE COURSE over all assets and property of this fictitious corporate body. I am also indemnified of all liability from this entity.

11. I shall at all times hereafter in all records deeds documents and other writings and in all actions proceedings as well as in all dealings and transactions on all occasions whatsoever use and subscribe the said name of Secured Party Name? so relinquished as aforesaid to the intent that I am to be called known or distinguished by my name of Secured Party Name? only.


13. I rescind all signatures executed in my natural and representative capacities on any document(s) or instrument(s) made in my natural name or fictitious legal entity(s); that have failed to fully disclose risks, perils, and responsibilities within them.

14. I Secured Party Name? am my own authority, AND NO MAN OR FICTION HAS JURISDICTION OVER ME.

15. I revoke, all powers of attorney and all adhesion contracts of Legislation, Statutes & Acts with government created entities that I have been unwittingly or unwillingly been drawn in to.

16. Secured Party Name? is copy written. See Copyright Notice: TSM - yourdate -CN .Take notice of the fee of $1,000,000.00 per incident of copyright violation and infringement.

17. I am recognized and known by my Christian Appellation, Secured Party Name?. If I choose to respond, it is only to such Christian Appellation. I AM NOT A CORPORATION, NOR A "PERSON", therefore, no legislative court shall ever obtain "personal jurisdiction" over me. Responding to my name will not allow statutory jurisdiction, and no subject matter jurisdiction shall apply to me.

18. I cannot use copyrighted codes, statutes, rules, or regulations against any legislative, or executive, body, therefore, NO LEGISLATIVE, NOR EXECUTIVE, BODY CAN USE SAID COPYRIGHTED CODES, STATUTES, RULES, OR REGULATIONS AGAINST ME; AND, SAID "COURT" FAILS TO OBTAIN "IN REM JURISDICTION" OVER ME.

19. I have no "residence" within any geographical jurisdiction, I do not "re-side" within any political jurisdiction, and I am not a magistrate of any federal foreign fictional government, so I have no entourage for any "residency". I keep house within the geographical Your State Republic, or in whatever Republic I so choose, therefore, there is no "state within a state" of federal jurisdiction, nor is there a political overlay of federal area or postal Zone Improvement Plan, therefore, there is no "federal jurisdiction" over me, nor is there obtainable any "venue jurisdiction" over me.

20. I am not a ‘public office holder’ or a ‘franchise’.

21. I have a right to travel freely without permission or licenses from any government agency.

22. I recognize the use of Federal Reserve Notes as contraband and gambling tokens, issued, maintained, and controlled within the Private realm of a Private corporation, therefore, I do not own, handle, nor utilize any of them outside the Rule of Necessity, which is a Rule of Common Law, originating well before the establishment of the British Colonies on American soil. Therefore, using only barter, silver, and where absolutely necessary under said ancient rule, Federal Reserve Notes (which are not of substance), no legislative court or executive agency shall obtain any "substantive jurisdiction" over me.

23. I recognize that THE UNITED STATES has been bankrupt since 1933 and THERE IS NO LAWFUL MONEY of exchange available to "pay" any debt, or to "pay" any fines, fees, licenses, penalties, child support, alimonies, court costs, etc., I cannot be a contemnor, as I am in contempt of nothing. No Private Man, nor corporate body or agency thereof, can demand that I do what cannot be done. As IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO "PAY" FOR ANYTHING, no fictional corporate governmental body can demand that I do the impossible; therefore, no legislative court or executive agency shall obtain any "legislative or executive jurisdiction" over me.

24. I am not aware of the existence of any JUDICIAL BRANCH of any level of true Republican government nor is any available to me; therefore, no "judicial jurisdiction" is obtainable over me.

25. I am aware that any alleged statutory jurisdiction or courts are unlawful and cannot exist under the constitution’s jurisdictional mandates. I am also aware that this hidden jurisdiction has no known defense rules and is coerced against unwitting people by trickery and deception perpetrated by evil and corrupt judges who are banking representatives using twisted legal jargon to capture jurisdiction to imprison flesh and blood bodies so prisoner’s Bid Bonds can be sold for illegal profit and gain to corporations, world banks, and nations via the US District Court.

26. I am not a U.S. citizen, a United States citizen, a 14th Amendment citizen, nor in any other manner do I "cite-I-Zen". I am, therefore, NOT an enemy of the "state" under any fictional corporate charter regulations and no "corporate jurisdiction" is obtainable over me to condemn me to a category of enemy of any "state".

27. My Constitution is the Holy Writ and I claim only one "color", that being the color of white in the form of a "flag of truce", making known to all that I have no controversy with any. I have no "license" to operate contrary to true law. I have no "permit" to temporarily suspend true law, therefore, no "Admiralty or Maritime or Martial Law jurisdiction" is obtainable over me.

28. I observe only the True Laws brought forward by the Ancient and Holy Writ, engulfing all established within principles of the Ten Commandments and the later Commandments to love the Lord My God with all my mind, soul, and body; and to, love my neighbor as myself; this is my political establishment, therefore, no fictional political jurisdiction is obtainable over me.

29. I exist only in, and respond only to, my Christian Appellation, Secured Party Name?. I do not recognize, nor give cognizance to, any fictional corporate entity, nor do I recognize any of their agents. No fictional, quasi-governmental agent/agency can obtain parity with me; therefore, no jurisdiction of agency is obtainable over me.

30. I am in my True Character, a Private Man upon the soil, maintaining only as a private man can, the Right of Soil. I am not a reflection, image, fiction, or other "person". I own and maintain my own "person" for purpose of contracting in the realm of commerce in a lawful and upright manner. My word is my bond when dealing with men. I offer my "signature" when contracting with fictional entities in commerce. Said "signature" (sig=no nature=alive) means no nature, thus, not alive - it is a [bond] age offered into debt/death. For this reason such "scribble" is called "cursive writing", cursed communication with the dead, the fiction. A dead Government, agency, principal, court or corporation cannot possibly interact with a living, breathing, flesh and blood and spiritual being, which I declare that I AM! This is not possible in any way as one is dead and one is alive.

31. By being responsible for my own "person" under True Law, I exercise my "personal rights" referred to by Thomas Jefferson, and maintain my lawful standing, impeccable under law, I do not yield "Character jurisdiction" over me, or my "persons" and I claim Common Law Jurisdiction, I DO NOT CONSENT, and waive the benefits.

32. I retain my right at all times to live a naturally lawful and peaceful life.

33. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835.

Respectfully Presented,

By _________________________ agent
Secured Party Name?, sui juris
“Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308 formerly 1.207”

Signed in the presence of:

Notary Name ________________________ Seal:

Dated: ___ Day of _________________ 2010

Signed Signature__________________________