Would you like to work in the Lahti lab?
Thanks for your interest! I’m looking for inquisitive, thoughtful, and friendly people to join my lab, where we discuss and conduct research in a wide variety of areas relating to evolution.
Please send me four things, either to or to my office at Science E120, Queens College (slide it under the door if I’m not there):
(1) A letter of interest explaining why you want to work in my lab and what you might want to do in your life afterwards; feel free to be as general or specific as you want in describing your interests or goals.
(2) Your resume
(3) The name and contact information of two or three people who know you professionally and can comment on your abilities. If possible, include someone from Queens College (e.g. professor, lecturer, or senior graduate student).
(4) This form, which will help me determine whether and where you might best fit at this time.
This form is specifically for masters students, undergraduates, highschool students and non-students. If you are a prospective PhD student or postdoctoral researcher, you need not fill out this form, but please send me your resume with a letter of interest.
Contact information
NameStreet Address
City ST ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
When are you interested in starting work in the lab?How long might you be interested in staying? (If you like it here, of course-- I do not ask for a commitment)
Position sought
Check all that apply, and rank them if you check more than one.___ Volunteer laboratory technician
___ Volunteer laboratory research
___ Research for undergraduate credit
___ Honors undergraduate research
___ Graduate (Masters) research
___ Other (describe:)
In what area would you like to perform research? Look at my website for more information. Check all that apply, ranking them if you wish. Note that I will not always have available projects in all of these areas. My research projects are only a guide, however— I welcome your ideas for independent projects. If you checked only “volunteer laboratory technician” above, you can skip this question.___ Bird behavior and evolution (e.g. bird eggs, vocal learning, brood parasitism)
___ Evolutionary theory (e.g., relaxed selection and trait loss, coevolution)
___ Conservation applications
___ Human social evolution
___ Ethics & philosophy of biology
Previous experience
Summarize any previous experience you have working in a lab or similar situation, whether as a researcher or a technician.Biology coursework
If you are an undergraduate, list the biology courses you have taken to date, and the grade you received in the course. If you took courses outside of Queens College, include the institution.Person to notify in case of emergency
NameStreet Address
City ST ZIP Code
Home Phone
Work Phone
E-Mail Address
What we can both expect
- We’ll have an intellectually challenging and mutually respectful experience in an encouraging atmosphere!
- I’ll give you a place to work, including a secure place for any books and files. I’ll also provide you with a computer if you need one, and the use of central data storage, a printer, and other equipment for laboratory projects. You’ll also have access to my behavior & evolution library (in my office), my current journals in the field (in the lab), and wonderful interaction with other lab members!
- I want you to benefit from the lab in whatever way and to whatever extent you wish—we can discuss the level at which you can contribute, and how independent your project will be. I don’t have any particular requirements in this area, and I don’t ask you to commit beyond the current term unless you are writing a thesis.
- We have weekly lab meetings, in which I expect you to participate regularly. Here we openly discuss each others’ work and ideas. Also, in order for us to get acquainted with the literature, we will all read a paper biweekly and discuss it over lunch or coffee. I invite you to suggest papers that are relevant to your interests. You are also warmly invited (but not required) to join in any casual lab activities, especially field trips to enhance your inner naturalist!
- As for time spent in the lab, your responsibility will depend on your position:
- If you are volunteering, in general you can come in as much or as little as you like, but particular projects might require some commitment.
- If you are seeking undergraduate credit, I ask that you come in at least 3-4 hours per week for each credit you receive that term (1-3 credits). We’ll draft a short proposal of what you’ll do in the lab, and I’ll collect a brief report from you at the end of each term (all undergraduate researchers in the department will be doing this as of January 2010).
- If you are seeking graduate credit on a term-by-term basis and are not writing a thesis, I ask that you work at least 5 hours per week for each credit you receive.
- If you would like to be myresearch masters student orhonors undergraduate, in either case you will be writing a thesis. You don’t need particular guidelines as to how often to come-- I simply ask that you take it on yourself to make the lab the base of your operations and come in regularly.
- If you work on a project of mine during the summer, I will pay you or provide your room and board.
- I want to facilitate your academic and personal growth. Any idea you have while working in my lab is yours. I will acknowledge any work you do in my publications and presentations. If you contribute intellectually as opposed to simply doing work I give you, you will be an author on any resulting papers. If you are the primary person designing and executing a project, and you write the paper with my help, you will be the first author and I will respect all of your rights in that regard. If you work in my lab but I do not contribute intellectually to a specific project of yours, I will not ask to be an author on your paper.
- Finally, I want to cultivate a spirit of cohesiveness and continuity in the lab. Senior members are expected to train and help junior members. Try to pass on what you learn here. I also expect each lab member to contribute to keeping the lab clean and in working order. In addition, I will ask each student to work on ongoing projects for the good of the lab.
Name (printed)Signature