PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, A White, J Richmond,P Baildon andclerk G Simpson.

Also,3 members of the public.

Public Session

Comments were made regarding the condition of the noticeboard at Hodgetoft lane, being covered in green algae stains, and containing outdated notices.

17/071] Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman opened the Council Meeting by wishing those present a happy new year and thanked them for their attendance on such a chilly night.

17/072] Apologies

Apologies were received fromDistrict Cllr Harrison and County Cllr Cullen, both due to illness.

17/073]Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs


17/074] Notes of themeeting held on28November2017 to be approved as minutes

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting, signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse.

17/075] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The clerk reported ELDC would not provide road name plates for the main roads at the junction in the village. The clerk had consulted planning officers and planning permission was required for a second vehicular access to a property on the main road. The precept form had been submitted and acknowledged. The new external auditors, Littlejohn, were providing a webinar to demonstrate the new procedures now in place and new forms should be available online. HMRC was also changing the way the council reclaims VAT; more details will be made available at a later date.

17/076] Chairman’s report

The Chairmanreported the footlight at the old post office had been changed to LED, leaving just one to be modified, but the one on the corner damaged by a vehicular accident was still to be repaired. The state of the noticeboard at Hodgetoft Lane was noted and it was resolved to have it cleaned and the notices checked. The owner of the vacant property opposite Aljec House had again contacted the Chairman about cars being parked there, but with nobody in residence there is little deterrent and the council have no power to prevent it.

17/077] Reports from Outside Bodies


17/078]Financial Matters

The quarterly budget report was accepted and the bank reconciliation approved. An adjustment to the precept claim had been made to account for the new tax base received, this would keep the rise to the agreed 2%. An application for funding from Citizens Advice EL was turned down. Cheques resolved for signing; R Aldrich £88.00, J Alldridge £42.50, Village Hall £72.00, Information Commissioner’s Office annual fees.

17/079] General Data Protection Regulations

New regulations come in to force in May 2018 and there is doubt as whether the clerk will be able to act as the Data Protection Officer due to a conflict of interests. Councillors were advised to read the information provided before the next meeting. By this time, it is hoped LALC will have been able to provide further advice for parish councils.

17/080] Footpaths update

Even though Mr Aldrich had a little work to do to finish widening the path opposite the Service Station, it was a marked improvement on it’s previous state. Mr Sleaford, Highways Officer, had been consulted with regard to the ongoing saga with the pathway opposite “The Willows”, but even after two years it still remains a very low priority task. It was suggested he be asked if the parish council could provide a quote for it to carry out the work and Highways pay for it. The clerk will make further investigations.

17/081] Broadband update

Cllr Baildon is in regular contact with Stephen Brookes who has reported the exchange box installed on Strubby Road near the church is all wired up and ready to go but another box needs to be installed (site unknown) which cannot happen until two pieces of collapsed ducting have been repaired.

17/082] Speed notices

Some of the notices need to be reset, possibly with new holes drilled and new ties to make them more secure. Cllrs Whitehouse and Baildon agreed to carry out the necessary repairs.


Application N/112/02031/17 land at Hillcrest has an amendment to include a vehicular access, comments have already been submitted.

17/084] Format of Annual Parish Meeting

After discussion it was agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on 13 March at 7.00pm, before the normal council meeting, with the usual agenda minus a guest speaker.

17/085] Correspondence

The following list of correspondence was noted;

ELDC; Full planning permission N/112/01924/17

ELDC; Full planning permission N/112/01380/17

ELDC; register of electors December 2017

ELDC; precept form and details

Citizens Advice EL; application for funding

PKF Littlejohn; limited assurance review

LALC; general data protection regulations May 2018

HMRC; updating VAT claims forms

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as the 13March 2018, to follow the Annual Parish meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131

Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD