
1. On page 250, in Figure 16-2, the cost of Flu-begone should be $35. If you or your students calculate the cost of each branch of the decision tree in Figure 16-1, you will see that the Flu-begone branchs assume a cost of Flu-begone of $35, rather than the $30 erroneously listed in Figure 16-2.

2. On page 260, in the paragraph beginning "Comparing the cost estimates", the last part of the last sentence should say "$1,650 higher as a result of adding Flu-wonder to the formulary." The last sentence on page 260 should read "...adding Flu-wonder to the formulary will result in a healthier population with only a small increase in cost."

3. Page 251, about halfway down, "0.0005 x $5,350…" should be "0.005 x $5,350…"