Foriegn Language Dept. /SPANISH 2/2013-14/ Semester 1

Ms. Kate Blevins/CHS, Room CB-17/805-742-3583(voicemail)/805-878-1220(cell)/

Office hours: Before school 7:25 – 7:40, At lunch daily, After school by appointment 2:30-3:30pm


The course objective of Spanish 2 is to continue developing students’ fundamental literacy in Spanish. Students will focus on how to read, write, speak, and understand conversational Spanish. Students will also learn about various cultural music, dances and traditions throughout Latin America.

Course Objectives

In this course students will develop the ability to read, understand, speak, and write in Spanish. Students will identify similarities and differences in history, geography, and vocabulary of the countries of Latin America in order to give them exposure to and appreciation of the Spanish-speaking world.

Sequence of Units

The text covers a review chapter and 8 units. Within each unit are 2 chapters. Each unit highlights a different country and each chapter focuses on a different topic and includes related grammar and vocabulary. The following is a projected pacing guide for the year. However, it may change due to the individual needs of my students.

August/September – Review Chapter and Unit 1, Friends and trips

October/November/December – Unit 2 and 3, Sports, Routines and Shopping

January/February – Unit 4, History, Legends

March/April – Unit 5, Food, Restaurants

May/June – Unit 6, Movies, School Newspaper


These are the projected assignments but they may change due to the needs of students.

August - Map of Latin America

September - Travel Brochure

November - Comic strip

December - Advertisement

February - Fairytale

April - Command Poster

May - “Hablamos de mi y mi niñeza” an end of the year project with a written, visual and oral component

Instructional Materials

The Spanish 2 textbook is McDougal Littell’s ¡Advancemos! 2. The text will be supplemented by a workbook which students will use in class. The workbook pages will also be available on my website as assigned. Occasionally videos will be used to reinforce cultural understanding or grammar concepts. These videos are curricula based, National Geographic, or occasionally G to PG rated. I also have a selection of U-tube videos that I use to introduce topics or re-teach concepts. I preview all videos before I show them to the class so I know they are appropriate and relevant to the learning objective. Memorization is greatly enhanced when put to musical jingles so students will be expected to learn and recite them.

Needed supplies:

3-ring binder, 100 pg composition books (1 for each semester), peel and stick tabs for the composition books, index cards to make flashcards for each chapter, 1 metal ring to keep flashcards together, highlighter, glue stick, colored pencils, and red or green pens.

Students are strongly encouraged to purchase a Spanish-English dictionary (many available for $5 or less) and use the internet to check my website and for other language practice websites.

Instructional Structure of the class

As students arrive each day there will be a review/warm-up activity to complete in their comp. books. Students will also take notes and complete any class work assigned in their comp. books. They will participate daily in choral reading and response, as well as, partner activities. There will be weekly quizzes, chapter tests, paragraph/essay writing, and oral presentations. Students will practice speaking and listening in pairs and/or groups.

Progress Monitoring

Grades on tests and quizzes are based on a point system. There will be 1-2 quizzes per week and a chapter test every 2-3 weeks. Work in composition books are given stamps, as completed, and those stamps will be added up at the end of each 6 week grading period for points. Projects will be graded based on rubrics and assigned points. Students will receive feedback daily on their work in the comp. books. Points for quizzes, tests, projects, and homework will be entered in Zangle every 1-2 weeks. Points for participation and the composition book will be entered at the end of each 6 week grading period. I allow students to make-up work within the current 6 week grading period but not for previous grading periods. That includes tests and quizzes. Students are allowed to re-take quizzes no later than 1 week after the quiz was given. Points will be deducted for late assignments. Students show mastery by completing assignments, projects, tests/quizzes with at least 80% accuracy. The final exam will consist of a multiple choice test covering all material learned to date. Assignments are weighted as follows:

50% Tests (chapter tests, final exam) and Quizzes (vocabulary and grammar)

20% Participation & Projects (discussions, role-plays, presentations, game-work, bringing materials)

20% Composition books (class work, notes, workbook, vocabulary)

10% Homework (Listening logs, flashcards)

Each category totaled together will make up students final grade in the class. I do not usually offer extra credit but may consider it on an individual basis when a student has completed all assignments and demonstrated at least partial mastery on tests and quizzes.

Homework Policy

The study of a language requires consistent daily practice. Students should expect to spend an average of 20 minutes on regular homework and vocabulary memorization each night. If no formal homework is assigned students are always expected to review vocabulary flashcards and grammar notes. If a student is off task in class the student may also have class assignments to finish at home. Light homework may be assigned over the weekend, but no homework will be assigned over holiday breaks. I will accept late homework (with the exception of flashcards) up to one week after it is due, but will subtract points for each day late.


I will be in my room before school at 7:25am daily, if not before. I am available daily during lunch and after school by appointment. Students can get one on one help and make-up/re-take quizzes or tests. It’s best if students let me know ahead of time when they want to come in as other work related responsibilities can occasionally change my availability. However, when I am in my room, I encourage students to drop by anytime. Students can also check my website for assignment listings, workbook pages, and other support. I use Zangle to inform students and parents of current progress in the class. Students and parents are encouraged to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Classroom Norms

Teaching begins the moment the tardy bell rings and practice will continue until the end bell rings. When a student is tardy they lose valuable learning time. I give points for warm-ups and students will lose those points if tardy. If I notice a pattern of tardiness I will contact home and it may result in administrative consequences, see student handbook. Bringing water is okay. Please, no gum, candy, colored water or junk food. Electronic devices and cell phones are to be out of sight and turned off once you enter the classroom. First offense – warning, 2nd offense – confiscate till the end of the day, 3rd offense – confiscate and send to office for parent pick-up.

There are five class rules that students are expected to follow: 1) Be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings

2) Bring required materials (pen/pencil, paper, text, assignments) to class 3) Participate in class discussions and activities

4) Treat everyone with respect 5) Follow all teacher directions.

Students who choose not to adhere to the standards above will earn one or more of the following: warning, conference with teacher, parent contact, after school or lunch detention, or referral to office. Severe misbehaviors (behavior that causes or threaten injury, sexual harassment, cheating) will be referred immediately to Administration. Students who cheat will earn no points and forfeit the right to make up the assignment (see Honor Code in handbook for additional consequences).

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the course expectations for Ms. Blevins Spanish class.


Student Signature / Date Parent Signature / Date