Reviewed by Nan Bridges, Kimberly Gray, & Courtney Mace

Title / Insecta 360
Version (if Applicable) / 2.2
Publisher / YED28 srl
Target Audience (if your opinion differ from the publisher, state that) / From the design and layout of the app it seems that the target audience is children.
Type(s) of software/app with your justification / Tutorial, Drill and Practice, Discovery Learning, Problem Solving
Curriculum(s) - How does it (or can it) fit into the curriculum / This is a great Science app. Students who are interested in Entymology will love it!
Possible environment(s):
-  One computer classroom / Yes
-  Individual / Yes
-  Small group / No
-  Large Group / No
-  Lab Setting / Yes
-  Or any other environment you see
this should/could be used in
Supplements / Insecta 360 Gold
Documentation, teacher handouts, student handouts, did it come with other software? / No
Check website to see if there are extra handouts / None
Cost / Free
Check website to see cost (sometimes you will need to check stores – but check website first) / If there are various prices:
-  single
-  lab pack
Describe the software/app you reviewed:
Insecta 360 is an app all about insects. It is divided into four sections: photos, quizzes, tours, and puzzles. The photos section has at least 3 pictures of 150 different insects. You can also zoom into the pictures. The quizzes section is able to recognize the user so that it can keep track of which answers you get right and wrong. The tours section provides information on various types of insects. The puzzles section has different levels of difficulty. Younger students can do puzzles with fewer pieces while older students can do puzzles with more pieces.
What were your impressions of the software/app?
We really enjoyed this app. The pictures were very good quality and the zoom option allowed for very close up views of the different insects. The quizzes were pretty difficult and there wasn’t an option for changing the level of difficulty. However, the puzzles were awesome. This was our favorite part of the app. The tours section was probably our least favorite. It was pretty boring. The layout was great. Everything was easy to get to and instructions were clearly stated. The design was also really good.
How could this software/app be used in the classroom?
This app would be a great resource for identifying different types of insects. For example, many Science classes require an insect collection as a class project. This app would be a great tool to help identify the different insects that students need for their collection.