Project Highlight Report

Project Title: / Collaborate Cumbria
Release: / Version 4
Date: / 11.11.10
Author: / Dave Mells Project Officer, Cumbria County Council

Project Highlight Report History

Document Location

This document is only valid on the day it was printed and circulated.

The source of the document will be found in the project file.

Revision History

Date / Version / Summary of Changes
18.06.10 / 1 / First completion of report
02.08.10 / 2 / Completion of report
10.09.10 / 3 / Completion of report
11.11.10 / 4 / Completion of report


This document has been distributed to:

Name / Title / Date of Issue / Version
CIEP Prog Board / 24.06.10 / 1

Project Name: Collaborate Cumbria

Project Highlight Report

Reporting Period / From: September / To: November
Overall Project Status / Time
(indicate red/amber/green) / Cost
(indicate red/amber/green)
Section 1 – Short Summary of the Project
To improve and extend the IT infrastructure to support increased flexible and collaborative working, in both the individual partnership organisations and collectively across the sub-region.
·  Increase room based video conferencing facilities
·  Enable desk based conferencing by integrating the existing VC capability
·  Deploy Wireless access at 50 or more sites
·  Introduce an Office Collaboration service to allow teams within the partner organisation to work together effectively
·  Integrate messaging capability to deliver multiple communication channels including instant messaging, person to person video conferencing, shared work areas and discussion boards
Section 2 - Status Summary
Progress against the plan
The project is running to cost. The original schedule was to install all video and wireless units in Q2 and Q3. This was revised to install all units in Q3 – installation of all video conferencing and 23 wireless units is on track with this. Availability of resources from the network supplier (CLEO) may postpone the library wireless end points to Q4. It is not anticipated that the overall project end date will be affected.
Milestones Achieved
Activity / Revised Milestone / Status
Internet bandwidth upgrade / Complete
Video Conferencing Server / Complete
Video Conferencing Units x 32 / 22 Nov – 7 Dec / Installation dates agreed with supplier
Wireless Server – Council Network / Complete
Wireless Units – Council Network x 23 / 8 Nov – 31 Dec / Units are configured, rollout planned
Wireless Server – Library Network / Mar 2011 / Not started
Wireless Units – Library Network x 32 / Mar 2011 / Not started
Desktop Collaboration / Mar 2011 / Not started
Section 3 – Governance Arrangements
(Who is involved with the project, who is involved in the steering group)
Cumbria CC provides Project Management and will engage with partners through CIEP and the ICT Managers Group. The project board will monitor performance, and will report to NWIEP. The project manager will report to the board.
Section 4 – Comments on variations from the plan
(Identify any variations from the programme plan and whether an exception report is required)
The original plan was deploy half of the end points in Q2. The solution design and contractual negotiations with the two key suppliers took longer than expected. We have agreed plans with one (and the main supplier) to escalate the installation rate to ensure all of their components are in place in Q3. There is a planning meeting on 22 Nov to finalise the installation plans with the other supplier and this looks likely to push some of the wireless units installation into Q4.
Section 5 – Escalated Issues: None
Current issues to be resolved are:
Description / Proposed Solution
Section 6 – Escalated Risks: None
Description / Proposed Counter Measures
Section 7 – Finance
Total Budget / Actual Expenditure / Commitments / Budget Remaining
£453, 750 / £334,635 / £39,462 / £79,653
Section 8 – Next Period
(Identify any milestones in the next reporting period and potential slippage or concerns)
Install 32 video conferencing units
Install 23 wireless units in council offices
Agree the installation dates for 32 wireless units in libraries
Commence the plans for the desktop collaboration solution
Author: D. Mells / Date: 11.11.10