SU-ARC Supplier & Supplier Sites Interface

Updated 08/23/2013 (R12)

ARC Supplier & Supplier Sites Interface Version 1.0


The ARC Supplier and Supplier Sites Interface Version 1.0 enables the creation of Supplier and Supplier Site records using a tab delimited source file.

This interface can be used to enter a new supplier with single or multiple supplier site records or to add single or multiple site records to an existing supplier record. This includes 'Master' site records which are entered under the Master Operating Unit.

A supplier or supplier site record however, cannot be entered individually.

Obtaining Access

Supervisory approval is required to obtain access to this interface. An email may be sent to the Oracle Support Team requesting the necessary responsibility.

Note: In R12 the profile option ‘ARC Supplier Interface Allowed’ is set at the responsibility level, therefore it needs not be set at the user level.


Creating the Source File

An EXCEL tab delimited template is provided to assist you in creating the source file.

Refer to the File Layout tab of the template for specifics on what data needs to be entered in each field and the associated field lengths along with null value handling (what happens when you leave a specific field under the template blank). This tab also includes a record count of suppliers and sites entered under the template.

All data should be in uppercase. The process will convert the data to uppercase as needed.

Required or minimum fields to be entered under the template for a supplier and supplier site record. These fields differ by supplier type.

--Supplier Information--

1. Org_ID - required for all supplier types when adding a new supplier or adding a site to an existing supplier.

o A complete listing of ORG_ID's can be found at

2. Supplier Name - required for all supplier types and when adding a new supplier or adding a site to an existing supplier.

3. Supplier Number - required for all supplier types and when adding a new supplier or adding a site to an existing supplier.

4. Taxpayer ID required for all supplier types when adding a site to an existing supplier when the supplier in Oracle has a Taxpayer ID. If supplier does not possess a Taxpayer ID in the application, then the field MUST be left blank.

5. Supplier Type required for new suppliers.

6. Current Supplier Types include:



o GRANT RECIPIENT Only applies to customers that use the HHS Payment and Management System Interface.




7. Employee Number – required for supplier type of EMPLOYEE.

o You are prevented from associating a supplier record to an employee record when the employee record is already associated to another supplier record. This validation exists on the form in Oracle and the interface will function similarly.

o Interface will only load vendors and sites associated to an employee record that is not terminated.

§ Employee records are automatically terminated on the day they are created.

§ You must run the ARC Supplier Interface to create an employee supplier and supplier site record on the same day the employee record was created or the record will need to be loaded manually.

8. DFF1 (Elim_Dept_ID) – required for the Federal supplier type.

9. DFF1 (EIN Suffix) – required for the Grant Recipient supplier type.

o The end-user needs to proceed with caution when completing this field to ensure the value is no longer than 2 characters in length.

o The process does not validate the field length. If an end-user enters a value larger than 2 characters in length, the HHS Grants Interface will error when processing files reflecting this supplier.

10. DFF2 (Elim_Bureau_ID) – required for the Federal supplier type only.

11. Allow interest invoices flag.

12. Reportable_Federal Flag.

13. If you answer Y under the Reportable_Federal, Income Tax Type field must also be completed.

--Site Information--

14. Site Name – required field.

15. Address Line 1– required field.

16. City – required field.

17. State – required field.

18. Postal Code – required field.

19. One Time Payment Flag

o If the supplier is being entered for a one-time payment, the One Time Payment Flag field under the template must be updated to reflect Y. This will trigger the site inactive date to be populated automatically to 30 days from the date the file is interfaced into Oracle.

The interface cannot be used to load inactivated supplier sites with the exception of those designated under the template for one-time payment.

The Tax Registration Number field must be populated manually under the template for the following types of suppliers:

· Personal Service Contractors

· Grant Recipient

· Volunteer Traveler

· Utility Supplier

Payment Method is entered as Electronic on the form. It needs to be entered as EFT under the template which will derive Electronic on the form.

All suppliers interfaced into Oracle will reflect a pay (pay site checkbox checked) and purchasing (PO site checkbox checked) site. You are prevented from interfacing any other designation of pay or purchasing site.

Only sites named MASTER can be loaded under the Master Operating Unit which is ORG 6. The ship-to location field for a Master Site must be MASTER. This is necessary for the context driven DFF's to populate the Primary PRISM PO and PAY site to Yes so the supplier flows to PRISM.

Suppliers and supplier sites can be loaded across operating units and set of books.

Formatting and Saving the Source File

Refer to the Instructions tab for instructions on how to format the file. The file should be named in lower case with no spaces and should include the file extension. Example: file_load.dat. The file should be saved in either a .dat or .txt format.

Drop Zone Location

Once the file is created and saved using the appropriate naming convention, it is placed in the supplier_load folder in the outbound folder under the appropriate instance of Oracle.


1. Access Oracle, using the ARC-SUPPLIER ENTRY responsibility.

a. Suppliers are global but sites are operating unit specific so each record (row) must contain the applicable Org_ID. Master Sites which must be entered under the Master Operating Unit (Org_ID 81).

2. From the Navigator window, access View and Requests from the file menu. The Find Requests window is displayed.

3. Click the Submit a New Request button. The Submit a New Request window is displayed.

4. Click the OK button. The Submit Request window is displayed.

5. Enter ARC Supplier Interface and tab. A Parameters window is displayed.

6. Click Cancel on the Parameters box.

7. Update the Operating unit field to the operating units suppliers you are loading.

8. Click into the Parameters field.

9. Under the File Name field either enter the file name you wish to process or leave the field blank and click OK.

a. If you enter a file name, that specific file will be processed.

b. If you leave the file name field blank, all files under the supplier_load inbound drop zone folder will be processed.

10. Click the Submit button. The Requests window is displayed.

11. The ARC Supplier Interface process is launched. From this process, if new suppliers are found, the Supplier Open Interface is spawned. If new sites are found, the Supplier Sites Open Interface is spawned. Ensure all processes complete Normally.

12. Click on the ARC Supplier Interface concurrent process and click the View Log button if status completes with Warning or Error to determine the reason for the warning or error.

a. If the Log File provides the following, the file was NOT processed:

Example of log file error - invalid file format or file not found under drop zone location:

i. If you receive an error that your file is in an incorrect format or was not found, refer to the file path contained in the log file and confirm you dropped your file in the correct location. Also confirm the file naming convention is correct. Remember, no spaces are allowed and the file extension is required. Example. file_load.dat.

ii. If you are sure the file is in the correct format, has the correct naming conventions, and was dropped under the correct location, wait a few minutes and try to process the file again. Replication occurs every 5 minutes moving the file from the outbound folder to the Linux box to the inbound folder.

Example of an archived file under the Archive folder in the inbound drop zone location.

iii. If you are still unable to process the file, refer to the drop zone inbound supplier_load folder and determine if your file was archived.

Example of .log file which shows fields that are too long or in an invalid format

Example of .log file with errors opened in Word:

iv. If so, go back to the supplier_load folder and locate the associated .log file and review it by copying it and saving it to an alternate location.

1. All files successful or unsuccessful generate a log file.

2. The date and time reflected under the log file should coincide with the date and time you kicked off the process to interface the file.

v. Once saved to an alternate location, open the file with Word and scroll to the bottom.

1. If an error was returned, it will be the last row under the document.

2. The error will provide you with the file path including the file name and it will provide you with the column name that contained invalid data under your file. If the issue is field length, it will tell you this.

vi. Correct your file.

vii. Return to Step 1 above.

viii. If you do not locate a .log file reflecting your file name and your file is not found under the inbound folder, contact the Oracle Support Team for assistance.

b. If the log file provides the following, the file was processed:

i. A list of suppliers that did not load because they already existed in the applciation.

ii. A list of supplier or supplier sites that failed validation and the reason for the failure.

iii. A record count of supplier records which successfully loaded.

iv. A record count by operating unit of supplier sites that successfully loaded.

v. The name of the error file created and saved under the error folder under the supplier_load folder under the inbound drop zone location.

1. If you count the existing suppliers under the log file that were not loaded and add the total to the supplier record count that successfully loaded under the log file, it will coincide to the record count under your template under the File Layout tab. The site total under the log file should coincide the site count under the File Layout tab of your template.

vi. Proceed to Step 13.

Example of Log File:



Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

XX_SUPPLIER_INTERFACE module: ARC Supplier Interface


Current system time is 27-JAN-2011 13:28:20


**Starts**27-JAN-2011 13:28:20

**Ends**27-JAN-2011 13:28:57


Start of log messages from FND_FILE


January 27, 2011 13:28:20

Supplier Interface, version 1.0

Filename specified is ssoi_28c.dat

Processing file: ssoi_28c.dat

Archiving file: ssoi_28c.dat


Following suppliers already exist in Oracle.

We will attempt to interface associated supplier site(s).

Supplier Number Supplier Name



118027668 1A SUPPLIES

114214211 6K SYSTEMS INC.




181185570 AA TEMPS INC.


962555843 A2B SYSTEMS INC.



104187666 601 NJ AVENUE LLC

022662316 A B VEIRS & SONS INC

612031414 1105 MEDIA INC


********************************************************ERROR REPORT********************************************************

Following validation failures in file ssoi_28c.dat. The error file is named SUPPLIER_00022.err.

Error 16: File(s) contain duplicate records of supplier number, site name, and org id.

Org ID Supplier Number Site Name

7 112013625 TAXSITE3

21 112013626 TAXSITE3

1 112013627 TAXSITE3

469 112013627 TAXSITE3

******************************************************END ERROR REPORT******************************************************

Suppliers (headers) processed: 5

**********************************************Suppliers sites processed by org**********************************************









Creating error file SUPPLIER_00022.err


End of log messages from FND_FILE



Executing request completion options...

Finished executing request completion options.


Concurrent request completed

Current system time is 27-JAN-2011 13:28:57


13. Click on the Supplier Open Interface Import (Supplier Open Interface Import) concurrent request and click the View Output button to see a list of Supplier records that successfully loaded along with any records that were rejected by the supplier open interface process.

14. Click on the Supplier Site Open Interface Import (Supplier Sites Open Interface Import) concurrent request and click the View Output button to see a list of Supplier Site records that successfully loaded along with any records that were rejected by the supplier sites open interface process.

15. Once the file has successfully processed, the file under the drop zone is moved to the archive folder. Files under the drop zone are purged when they become 30 days old.

Example of Error File under drop zone location:

Example of document opened in Excel:

16. If records failed to interface and an error file was generated, access the drop zone inbound folder and copy the document and save it to another location. Do NOT open or alter the file under the drop zone. The log file will reflect the name of the error file you need to locate. See in red above.