Workforce shortage demands comprehensive approach
By Doug Loon
Minnesota’s talented workforce is the secret sauce that drives the economy. It’s at the foundation of making Minnesota ready for the future – ready for change and ready to grow.
But our state’s chief advantage is showing stress. Companies of all sizes and types across the state are increasingly challenged to find skilled workers. It’s the No. 1 concern shared by our network of local chamber of commerce partners.
Fixing the problem demands new approaches. The Minnesota Chamber is doing as much via private-sector business initiatives as we’re doing via public policy.Our legislative efforts tend to focus on younger people in K-12 systems. Our business initiatives focus on individuals in or just ready to enter the workforce.
Finding solutions requires persistent conversations among all the stakeholders. Once-a-year “job summits” won’t produce long-lasting solutions. The “chamber” approach is to implement a strategy that’s equal parts public policy and private-sector initiative.
The Minnesota Chamber counts among our 2017 legislative successes important reforms toward building the K-12 portion of the workforce pipeline. The new youth training skill program will allow high school-aged students to participate in manufacturing internships and apprenticeships. Scholarships are available for students attending Minnesota State two-year programs of high employment need. Reforms to K-12 teacher licensure and teacher layoff rules will strengthen the goal of placing effective instructors in all classrooms.
Immigration reform leads our federal efforts. The continued strength of our economy depends on attracting and integrating immigrants into the workforce.
Public policy successes will not alone solve our worker shortage. Employers must step to the plate. On that front, we are involved in a variety of initiatives.
Job Match is a new system operated in partnership with RealTime Talent. The program uses statistically validated questions to connect candidates and employers based on skills, interests and job requirements rather than relying on keyword counts in a resume.
We are challenging employers to broaden their hiring strategies. “Hidden Talent Pools,” an event we hosted this spring, explored available workers that employers have overlooked or underused. We showcased employers that have hired successfully and productively from these pools – for example, individuals with physical and mental disabilities or those with criminal convictions.
We’ll make limited headway in supplying employers with qualified employees absent of new collaborations. One of our most shining examples at the Minnesota Chamber is Business Education Networks, a proactive approach to better synchronize workforce skills with the needs of the changing economy.
Our pilot project was launched in 2015 with the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce. Winona, home to 100-plus manufacturers, struggles to find qualified applicants for a variety of high-demand manufacturing job opportunities.The project has made great strides though a variety of initiatives. We’ve expanded Business Education Networks to the hospitality industry in Brainerd and the manufacturing and healthcare industries in Waconia. We hope to replicate the program in other communities where we can find local chamber partners.
The strategy behind Business Education Networks mobilizes our state’s employers – the players with the most at stake in ensuring Minnesota’s workforce is well prepared. Building these networks through our local chambers will help narrow the skills gap, plus encourage students from all backgrounds to complete education in areas where they will have opportunity for meaningful employment. That’s a win-win for everyone.
Doug Loon is president of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce – .