2830 Henderson Mill Rd.

Chamblee, Georgia 30341

(678) 874-2942




This course provides students the continuing opportunity to learn through a developmentally appropriate, comprehensive sequentially planned physical education program aligned with the Georgia Quality Core Curriculum. In 8th grade, the content standards emphasize working as a team to solve problems. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge (including defensive and offensive strategies) to team physical activities, gymnastics/tumbling, and square dance; the assessment and maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance; the requisite knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and performance; and the application of psychological and sociological concepts, including self-responsibility, positive social interaction, and group dynamics, in the learning and performance of physical activity. Units of activity include: physical fitness (activities, assessment, concepts, development and maintenance); cooperative activities; movement skills and strategies applied in modified games of: flag football; soccer or lacrosse; volleyball; basketball; tennis; bowling; or floor hockey; soccer; softball; team handball/ultimate Frisbee; dance; stunts and tumbling.

Description of Standards / QCC's / Objectives (as appropriate for course)

Georgia Performance Standards for grade (Subject Area) will be taught during this course. Please refer to the Georgia Performance Standards for detailed listings of standards. (


1. Dress out everyday-

  • Shorts/Sweats/Warm-ups and a T-Shirt are required.
  • Black or Blue shorts/sweats are preferred.
  • A White or Grey T-Shirt is preferred.
  • Tennis shoes and socks are required.

2. Lock your belongings in the locker room with your own combination lock (No

key locks).***Take your lock and belongs with you when you leave the locker room.

Lockers are for Class use ONLY.

3. Each student needs a notebook/pocket folder with paper for class.

4. Sit in your assigned spot upon entering the gym.

5. Do not sit on the stage area.

6. Do not touch any equipment unless instructed to do so by a teacher.

7. Follow all Physical Education teachers’ directions.

8. Participate in all class activities.

9. Doctor notes are required for excused non-dressing.

10. Parents need to contact the PE teacher by email or phone if child needs to be

excused for other reasons.

11. No horse playing.

12. No food or drink in the gym.

13. Enter front locker room doors before the tardy bell rings. All tardies will be

reported to HR teacher.


Grading Scale Weighted averages

100-90 ADress Out 30%

80-89 BParticipation30%

71-79 CWritten Tests 20%

70 DFinal Exam 10%

69 and below FSkills Test10%

Policies / Regulations

It is the policy of the DeKalb County School System that students will receive a denotation of “I” (Incomplete) for any missing assignments until student work is completed. Student work must be completed within the prescribed time limit set by your school. The maximum point allotment will be 80%.

  • Zeros Are not Permitted Policy: (ZAPP)- It is the expectation of this faculty that all assignments are completed for mastery. If an assignment is not submitted and/or does not meet standards, then the student must complete and/or re-do the assignment during one or more of the outlined Safety Nets.
  • Homework- Homework is expected to be completed as assigned.
  • Late work / It is the policy of the DeKalb County School System that students will receive a denotation of “I” (Incomplete) for any missing assignments until student work is completed. Student work must be completed within the prescribed time limit. The maximum point allotment will be 80%.
  • Make-up work- Announced work, such as homework, quizzes and major assessments are due the day the student returns. For each day’s excused absence, students will have one day to make up missed work. If a student is absent under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements can be made to make up work. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE CALENDAR AND/OR REQUEST MISSED WORK.
  • Academic honesty- Receiving or giving information for an assignment is cheating and when caught in the act students will not receive credit nor receive the opportunity for a chance of make-up. Plagiarism is not acceptable: If a student takes information from the Internet or any printed resources without a citation, it is considered plagiarism and will result in a reduction in grade.

Safety Net Opportunities- Any opportunity afforded to students to ensure mastery of required standards. Suggested safety nets may include but are not limited to: before and after school tutorial, SaturdaySchool, Second Chance Café, make-up packets, special projects, teacher tutorials, technology based projects, research and other extended learning opportunities.

Expectations/ Consequences / Discipline- Students must adhere to the DCSS Student Code of Conduct, as well as specific class rules.

Helpful websites and other resources

(See GPS for Parent's section)

*The teacher reserves the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success.

Signature page / Parental contact information

Students and Parents/Guardians, by signing this syllabus, you are hereby considered knowledgeable of the requirements outlined in the (Subject / Semester) syllabus.


Student Name


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent/Guardian Address

Day Time Phone # (_____)______Cellular Phone # (___)______

Home Phone # (_____)______Other Phone # (_____)______

E-Mail Address ______


Teacher’s Signature