Unit 2: Biochemistry
Content Outline: Carbon Properties (2.3)
- Organic Chemistry
- Branch of science dealing with the element carbon and its many properties.
- It is usually associated with allliving organisms.
- About 30% of an organism’sdry weight(called Biomass) is Carbon in organic molecules.
- Helps to make the organic molecules:Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids.
- The original source for Carbon inall life forms is Carbon Dioxide. (CO2 in Photosynthesis)
- Inorganic refers to most compounds not containing Carbon. (CH4 [Methane gas] and CO2 or CO are
exceptions. They contain Carbon but are classified as inorganic.)
- Carbon’s e- configuration
- Carbon has versatility in four directions because of the four unpaired electrons in its outer shell.
1. It is said to have tetravalence. (“tetra” means 4; “valence” is the outer electron shell.)
- These four unpaired electronsallow carbon to act like an intersection in the building of an organic molecule by using those to form covalent bonds with other atoms.
- This allows cells to build an almost infinite number of different molecules.
- Covalent bonding capabilitiesof Carbon
- Single Bond between Carbon atoms. (Shown as: C-C)
- Double Bond between Carbon atoms. (Shown as: C=C)
- Triple Bond between Carbon atoms. (Shown as: C=C)
- Hydrocarbons
- Molecules containing mostly Carbon and Hydrogen.
- Most hydrocarbons are energy sources. (Some examples are: Fossil fuels, oils, and fats.)
- The more Hydrogen atoms in a molecule; the more energythere is in the molecule.
- Hydrocarbons are important parts of cell membranes. (The tails of phospholipids.)
- All hydrocarbons are extremely hydrophobic because they are nonpolarmolecules. (“Afraid of” water’s polarity.)
- Functional Groupsassociated with Organic Molecules
- These are the sites of most organic molecules chemical reactions or properties. (They have a functionto do.)
- Hydroxyls (-OH)
- This group allows molecules to act as an alcohol or polar molecule.
- Name usually ends with “ol”.
- Carbonyls only have one double-bonded oxygen. (It takes one stroke to make a lower case “n”.)
- Aldehydes A is at one endof the alphabet.(Carbonyl is located on the end of the molecule.)
- Ketones K is in the middle of the alphabet.(Carbonyl is located in the middle of the molecule.)
- Carboxyl hastwo oxygen atoms…one double bonded and one single bonded.(It takes two strokes to make an “x”)
- These molecules can act as an acid by losing a Hydrogen atom and can also possibly be polar too.
- AmineContain Nitrogen
- Can act as bases by picking up free H+.
- SulfhydrylContain Sulfur
- Sulfur can make Di-Sulfide bridges for “pockets” in protein formation.
- PhosphateContain Phosphorus
- These molecules are usually involved in E Transfers, such as associated with ATP. They can also act like an Anion, a negative ion.