Minutes of the Lochmaben & District Initiative Meeting of 3rd September 2014 at the

Town Hall, Lochmaben

1. Howard welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Present: Howard Baisden, David Mair, Sandy Grant, Paul Gow, Isabelle Gow, Jack Wade, Tom Russell, Tony Hancock, David Rose, Beverley Wilkinson, Sheona Muir.

3. Apologies: Alistair Brown, Peter Diggle, Anne Johnston, Patrick Johnston, Sue Coulthard, Stephen Thompson.

4. Minutes of 2nd July 2014 meeting were approved.

  1. Matters arising:

Item 14 - Spraying of the Mill Loch is being done. Mill Loch Notice Board has been put up.

Item 17 - over 100 people turned up at the vigil.

Item 18 - vote of thanks given to Sue Knight and Isabelle Gow for their work on the Storyboards in the Town Hall.

A survey is to take place on 23rd September 2014 regarding the opening hours of the library.

6. Council Report: Peter sent information about a proposal for local authorities to say if there are local environment matters.

7. CLD update: Sue advised that the first meeting of the new session took place on

2nd September 2014.

8. Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust: David Rose gave out a report. Some points are-

a) Work on fence now completed and pathway should be completed in the first week in September. Therefore from 1st September 2014 it should be possible to complete the circuit of the Castle Loch on footpaths.

b) New security measures in place at Lochfield Cottage.

c) Burnt down Bird Hide may be rebuilt in a new position.

d) Great interest shown from companies in doing the feasibility study for Lochfield Cottage.

e) The Castle Loch Advisory Committee Draft Constitution had been drawn up and sent to Dumfries and Galloway Council. Hopefully this will result in Local Nature Reserve status being re-instated. Local groups will be asked for representatives once in place.

9. Community Council Report: Tony gave an update on CC work. Some points are-

a) Harestanes Wind Farm - first tranche of money - £4,000 in first year - £2,000 per year thereafter - will be in soon.

b) Various traffic issues / surveys / petitions still being progressed. A Speedie attended meeting of CC on 2nd September 2014 and will return to the one in November 2014.

c) RBS mobile bank for 45 minutes per week in Community Centre car park. No businesses in Lochmaben have indicated that they are willing to house the ATM.

d) Proposed Solar Panel Farm at Broomhill Farm. £240,000 lump sum (or £20,000 per annum) would be available from developers for Lochmaben. The developers wanted suggestions / ideas on what the money would be spent on. It was thought consideration could be given to a MUGA, skateboard park and a museum for a start.

e) Proposed Mill Road Development approved by Dumfries and Galloway Council. They turned down a request to visit the site.

f) Lights in High Street need changing - what type to be decided.


A fuller update of the CC report will be found in their minutes on the Lochmaben Website.

10. Day of the Region 2014: Local brochure issued giving details of the events to be held on 12th and 13th September 20014. Focus will be on and around the Castle Loch and the Victory Park end of the burgh.

Hopefully it will be featured in ITV’s Border Life programme. Delegates from Ireland are due to attend.

11. Lochmaben Publications / Newsletter: Various points were discussed-

a) Castle Loch Leaflet - any required changes to be given to David Mair before it is reprinted.

b) Editorial group for the Autumn Newsletter to meet after David Mair has received all the copy from various groups and individuals. Hope to distribute the Newsletter about the 4th October 2014. Suggested Hal McGhie for the spotlight profile. What is in a Name - street name ideas required. Also names of companies who may wish to pay to a have a page advert.

c) Updated version of the Keep it Local pamphlet will be issued with the Newsletter.

12. Lochmaben Voices: New software, which costs £47 is available which will slow down recordings so it will be easier for typing. Still require somebody to type up the interviews. Would a Media Studies student be willing to work on DVD’s matching scripts and photos?

Names of potential people to be interview being discussed.

13. Finances: Sandy produced a report which shows a bank balance of £9,822.18.

£202 received from the day of the Region organisers and £600 plus from the web-site contributors.

14. Website / Internet: Tom circulated Website Notes.

The owner of Dolphin Cottage has being doing research about it and may wish to put some information on the web-site. Tom requires info from local clubs about their syllabuses for the next session.

15. Potential / New Funding Sources: Initial discussion took place.

16. Potential New Projects: Initial discussion took place.

17. Mill Loch Access /Litter /Vandalism: Paul and Isabelle have done research on who owns the track down to the Mill Loch. It has been very interesting and has thrown up a few possibilities but further work is required to be done.

Litter and vandalism is still an ongoing problem.

18. RBS Closure: To proceed on 8th September 2014. Customers told to use the Post Office, Internet Banking (not easy when 2 signatures are required) or the mobile bank. Also see point 9)c.

19.Mill Road Planning Application: See comments under number 9)e.

20. Any other Business: Tom said felling of the wood was taking place at the Bogs Woodland without any prior notice.

22. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting: Wednesday 5th November 2014 at 2pm

at Lochmaben Town Hall.