NYPTA Brooklyn/Staten Island District Fall Meeting
October 26, 2017
When: Thursday, October 26, 2017
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: College of Staten Island
2800 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10314
Physical Therapy Department, Building 5N, room 205
Continuing Education Course Offering: Advancements in Lower Extremity Prosthetic Design, presented by Hanger Clinic.
-Michael Masaracchio
-Elizabeth Tangney
-Amanda Rotondo
-Samuel Akl
-Marie Elena Milone
-Kevin Johnson
-Michael Mattia
-Attendees to conference (see attached list)
How to be active in the district without being a Board Member
-Being a member of APTA & NYPTA
-Get emails about meetings & events
-3x/year – gather together as NYTPA in Albany
-conference in Albany
-Lobby Day
-Delegate Assembly
-Meetings every quarter
-Social events (SI Yankee Game)
- Networking
-Holiday social – time and date TBD in December (PTs, PTAs, SPTs, & SPTAs)
-Winter meeting – January in LIU – speaker (Mike Masaracchio) – 1 hour CEU course followed by meeting
-Spring Symposium – date and time TBD – ortho, peds, mixed
-Lobby Day – late spring – Tues afternoon in Albany
-Delegate Assembly – Albany – Late spring – talk about NYS representation (bylaws, etc) to talk to APTA on national level
Town Hall Meeting
Michael Mattia, NYPTA President
-Lobby Day – Tues 4/17/2018
-Just finished board meeting (3xyear board meeting – 14 member board – members from each district), executive committee
-Local chapter of APTA
-6800 members of NYPTA (highest we’ve had)
-Mike Mattia ending term as President next year – wants to see 7000 membership
-$750,000 budget each year
- chapter office
- staff of 4 people
- budget for each district
- 18 committees that we fund
-Passed Title Protection – use of DPT for only licensed PTs in NYS
- Governor signed last week
- Bills that pass go to Governor – has 30 days to sign bill
- Signed bill
-Passed PTA bill
- Under NYS worker’s comp law, PTAs not recognized and can’t sign off on notes or treat
- Bill passed last year, governor vetoed it
- Got bill passed again this year – educated governor’s staff, will be going to Governor’s desk – will be delivered & then has 30 days to sign
-Functioning practice act task force
- Looking at modernizing practice act of NYS (how we practice in our state)
- When we open practice act it becomes public record so we need right rationale for why we do things & why we’re making changes
-Direct Access Bill
- Direct access to PT services 10 visits or 30 days and need 3 years practice experience before you can see
- New bill eliminates this – we are held accountable for referrals and what we do – need to create relationship with PCP
-Look at opportunities & look to see how we can expand our reach and show what we do and what value we add to communities
-NYPTA is an organization – we are ones that have responsibility to move mission forward to serve communities
-Need to develop relationships at local level
- Had large numbers (100 people) at lobby day but didn’t get much done
- Need practitioners to talk about reality of what’s happening in clinics and treatment centers
-If not a member, become a member!
- Students get discounted rate so sign up now to get discount as new grad
- Get discount for 5 years
- Huge amount of member portfolio benefits (car insurance, life insurance, professional insurance, local partners (credit card companies with discounted rate for offices to accept credit cards)
-Everyone in the room is a leader! All have leadership skills – will use it in different areas
- Constitutional convention – NYPTA stance?
- We have lobbyists – we asked them to take a look at the constitutional convention – if we have one, they’re looking into what opportunities there are for us to do good things
- Vote is on back of ballot – non-vote means yes, so vote!
- Unions want “no”
- Medicare cap – will get repealed in January?
- $1970/$1980 per year shared with SLP
- OT has its own cap
- There is a national bill In Washington to repeal cap once and for all
- Mike Mattia wrote letter to Dan Donovan and asked him to sign on as a co-sponsor – more people to sponsor bill, in the room those people will speak on the floor to sway people to vote yes on it
- We need to police ourselves – don’t give every Medicare pt 75 visits – need to be evidence based and realistic or will have problem & put the cap back on
- Rehab is 1% of billing in a year
- Can email or call chapter with questions
- Try to do local lobby days to visit legislators in home offices before Albany – we want them to know about us before we get to Albany