UNIANOVA totstra BY agegr









Univariate Analysis of Variance


gender = 1

Between-Subjects Factorsa
agegr / 1.00 / 10
2.00 / 10
3.00 / 10
a. gender = 1
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
agegr / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
1.00 / 3.2733 / .48859 / 10
2.00 / 1.9567 / .20730 / 10
3.00 / 2.2500 / .72695 / 10
Total / 2.4933 / .76220 / 30
a. gender = 1
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / 9.556b / 2 / 4.778 / 17.693 / .000 / .567
Intercept / 186.501 / 1 / 186.501 / 690.619 / .000 / .962
agegr / 9.556 / 2 / 4.778 / 17.693 / .000 / .567
Error / 7.291 / 27 / .270
Total / 203.349 / 30
Corrected Total / 16.848 / 29
a. gender = 1
b. R Squared = .567 (Adjusted R Squared = .535)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Meana
Dependent Variable: totstra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
2.493 / .095 / 2.299 / 2.688
a. gender = 1

2. agegr

Dependent Variable: totstra
agegr / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
1.00 / 3.273 / .164 / 2.936 / 3.611
2.00 / 1.957 / .164 / 1.619 / 2.294
3.00 / 2.250 / .164 / 1.913 / 2.587
a. gender = 1
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
(I) agegr / (J) agegr / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.c / 95% Confidence Interval for Differencec
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
1.00 / 2.00 / 1.317* / .232 / .000 / .840 / 1.794
3.00 / 1.023* / .232 / .000 / .546 / 1.500
2.00 / 1.00 / -1.317* / .232 / .000 / -1.794 / -.840
3.00 / -.293 / .232 / .218 / -.770 / .184
3.00 / 1.00 / -1.023* / .232 / .000 / -1.500 / -.546
2.00 / .293 / .232 / .218 / -.184 / .770
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. gender = 1
c. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).
Univariate Testsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / 9.556 / 2 / 4.778 / 17.693 / .000 / .567
Error / 7.291 / 27 / .270
The F tests the effect of agegr. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. gender = 1

Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
(I) agegr / (J) agegr / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig. / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
Scheffe / 1.00 / 2.00 / 1.3167* / .23240 / .000 / .7147 / 1.9186
3.00 / 1.0233* / .23240 / .001 / .4214 / 1.6253
2.00 / 1.00 / -1.3167* / .23240 / .000 / -1.9186 / -.7147
3.00 / -.2933 / .23240 / .461 / -.8953 / .3086
3.00 / 1.00 / -1.0233* / .23240 / .001 / -1.6253 / -.4214
2.00 / .2933 / .23240 / .461 / -.3086 / .8953
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .270.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. gender = 1

Homogeneous Subsets

agegr / N / Subset
1 / 2
Duncanb,c / 2.00 / 10 / 1.9567
3.00 / 10 / 2.2500
1.00 / 10 / 3.2733
Sig. / .218 / 1.000
Scheffeb,c / 2.00 / 10 / 1.9567
3.00 / 10 / 2.2500
1.00 / 10 / 3.2733
Sig. / .461 / 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .270.
a. gender = 1
b. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
c. Alpha = .05.

gender = 2

Between-Subjects Factorsa
agegr / 1.00 / 10
2.00 / 10
3.00 / 10
a. gender = 2
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
agegr / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
1.00 / 3.3700 / .24264 / 10
2.00 / 1.7900 / .09944 / 10
3.00 / 3.2300 / .48137 / 10
Total / 2.7967 / .78790 / 30
a. gender = 2
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / 15.299b / 2 / 7.649 / 76.371 / .000 / .850
Intercept / 234.640 / 1 / 234.640 / 2342.644 / .000 / .989
agegr / 15.299 / 2 / 7.649 / 76.371 / .000 / .850
Error / 2.704 / 27 / .100
Total / 252.643 / 30
Corrected Total / 18.003 / 29
a. gender = 2
b. R Squared = .850 (Adjusted R Squared = .839)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Meana
Dependent Variable: totstra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
2.797 / .058 / 2.678 / 2.915
a. gender = 2

2. agegr

Dependent Variable: totstra
agegr / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
1.00 / 3.370 / .100 / 3.165 / 3.575
2.00 / 1.790 / .100 / 1.585 / 1.995
3.00 / 3.230 / .100 / 3.025 / 3.435
a. gender = 2
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
(I) agegr / (J) agegr / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.c / 95% Confidence Interval for Differencec
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
1.00 / 2.00 / 1.580* / .142 / .000 / 1.290 / 1.870
3.00 / .140 / .142 / .331 / -.150 / .430
2.00 / 1.00 / -1.580* / .142 / .000 / -1.870 / -1.290
3.00 / -1.440* / .142 / .000 / -1.730 / -1.150
3.00 / 1.00 / -.140 / .142 / .331 / -.430 / .150
2.00 / 1.440* / .142 / .000 / 1.150 / 1.730
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. gender = 2
c. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).
Univariate Testsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / 15.299 / 2 / 7.649 / 76.371 / .000 / .850
Error / 2.704 / 27 / .100
The F tests the effect of agegr. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. gender = 2

Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totstra
(I) agegr / (J) agegr / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig. / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
Scheffe / 1.00 / 2.00 / 1.5800* / .14153 / .000 / 1.2134 / 1.9466
3.00 / .1400 / .14153 / .618 / -.2266 / .5066
2.00 / 1.00 / -1.5800* / .14153 / .000 / -1.9466 / -1.2134
3.00 / -1.4400* / .14153 / .000 / -1.8066 / -1.0734
3.00 / 1.00 / -.1400 / .14153 / .618 / -.5066 / .2266
2.00 / 1.4400* / .14153 / .000 / 1.0734 / 1.8066
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .100.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. gender = 2

Homogeneous Subsets

agegr / N / Subset
1 / 2
Duncanb,c / 2.00 / 10 / 1.7900
3.00 / 10 / 3.2300
1.00 / 10 / 3.3700
Sig. / 1.000 / .331
Scheffeb,c / 2.00 / 10 / 1.7900
3.00 / 10 / 3.2300
1.00 / 10 / 3.3700
Sig. / 1.000 / .618
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .100.
a. gender = 2
b. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
c. Alpha = .05.





T-TEST GROUPS=gender(1 2)






agegr = 1.00

Group Statisticsa
gender / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / Std. Error Mean
totstra / 1 / 10 / 3.2733 / .48859 / .15450
2 / 10 / 3.3700 / .24264 / .07673
a. agegr = 1.00
Independent Samples Testa
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances / t-test for Equality of Means
F / Sig. / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / Mean Difference / Std. Error Difference / 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower / Upper
totstra / Equal variances assumed / 3.495 / .078 / -.560 / 18 / .582 / -.09667 / .17251 / -.45909 / .26576
Equal variances not assumed / -.560 / 13.185 / .585 / -.09667 / .17251 / -.46882 / .27549
a. agegr = 1.00

agegr = 2.00

Group Statisticsa
gender / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / Std. Error Mean
totstra / 1 / 10 / 1.9567 / .20730 / .06556
2 / 10 / 1.7900 / .09944 / .03145
a. agegr = 2.00
Independent Samples Testa
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances / t-test for Equality of Means
F / Sig. / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / Mean Difference / Std. Error Difference / 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower / Upper
totstra / Equal variances assumed / 3.146 / .093 / 2.292 / 18 / .034 / .16667 / .07271 / .01391 / .31942
Equal variances not assumed / 2.292 / 12.934 / .039 / .16667 / .07271 / .00951 / .32382
a. agegr = 2.00

agegr = 3.00

Group Statisticsa
gender / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / Std. Error Mean
totstra / 1 / 10 / 2.2500 / .72695 / .22988
2 / 10 / 3.2300 / .48137 / .15222
a. agegr = 3.00
Independent Samples Testa
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances / t-test for Equality of Means
F / Sig. / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / Mean Difference / Std. Error Difference / 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower / Upper
totstra / Equal variances assumed / .383 / .544 / -3.554 / 18 / .002 / -.98000 / .27571 / -1.55925 / -.40075
Equal variances not assumed / -3.554 / 15.620 / .003 / -.98000 / .27571 / -1.56564 / -.39436
a. agegr = 3.00