Item # 3
President Report
August 4, 2012
Here are a few updates from the 2012 Annual Meeting and Trade Show: Presentation of final numbers.
Congress update: We need to get a handle on how many folks from the Florida Chapter will be attending Congress. Tim Mooney will report on his efforts on the Chapter Dinner. There will be a nice contingent of National Awards winners from the Florida Chapter as well. Hope to see a bunch of Florida folks in Anaheim.
Strategic Plan: We spent quite a bit of time on this yesterday but I want to reiterate that this year we will be expending most of our efforts in support of the Strategic Plan. The key is to establish reasonable goals and effective metrics in a way that allows us to make a significant impact. The new Chapter Membership Drive will be a major focus for us this year as will the continuation of the Public Works Director Roundtable. The Marketing and Social Media Committee will be helping the Branches coordinate these in their respective areas. During the break-out sessions some great ideas were generated and we’ll be incorporating some of them into our efforts.
Committees: Many of our Committees have started off strong by using our Chapter Conference Call capabilities to communicate with the Committee members. I encourage all of the committees to do this. Hopefully by now the Chairs have appointed at least 2 other committee members to participate. Remember to get this information to Tracy. This is one of the best ways we can build a bench and fits in well with our Leadership segment of the Strategic Plan. I’d also like to focus on more coordination with the Districts and encourage them to dovetail off of existing efforts at the Chapter level. We’ll be focusing more on the Districts at our next meeting in October.
A few other reminders for District Reps, please forward all Branch meetings and activities to Tracy for inclusion on the website. All meetings should show up on the website as that is how many folks find out what time they start and where they are located. I know this from personal experience! This is also how our events get covered by insurance. I also want to remind District Reps that your Branch Chairs are invited to join us and encouraged to participate. I have been making the rounds throughout the State and have attended 6 Branch meetings since taking office representing 5 different Branches. I would like to visit every Branch during my term but I’m counting on the District Reps to send me the dates of your Branches meetings so I can schedule them.
Chris Evers
Florida Chapter