Customizing Portal to see Only ED Patients on the Working Patient List

After using Portal for a short time you may want to customize the screens and establish defaults specific to your workflow and practice. Most Portlets can be edited to customize the display before selecting “Save” at the bottom of the page.

ED providers may wish to change their default Patient Type to see only patients with a patient type of ED by following the instructions below:

On the My Patients tab, select the “edit” link on the CM Working Patient List chrome bar.

Scroll down to the Excluded Patient Types / Displayed Patient Types section. From the Excluded Patient Types pane choose the patient type(s) you wish displayed and click on the right arrow to move the selection to the Displayed Patient Types pane. Selecting ED from the Excluded Patient Types pane and selecting the right arrow will allow only ED patient types to display on the Working Patient List.

We do not use Application Launcher Options.

Scroll down the screen, and if you wish to configure the information displayed on your screen, use Available and Displayed Columns section to select the fields and/or arrow buttons on right to move information from left (top of the pane) to right (bottom of the pane) of your screen display. You can also select the Primary Sort Column. Select Save to file your selections.

With this configuration, the default Patient Type will display as Edit Preference and display only the types of patients selected in the Displayed Patient Types section, in this case “ED”; however you can always select other Patient Types from the drop down selection, ie.

o  In and Out Pt = Inpatient, Outpatients (included OBS)

o  Or Only Inpatients; Outpatients; or OB admission types

If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call the Portal line: 606-674-6966. Simply mention you need Portal training, and we will be happy to assist.