4-H Camp Cherry Lake Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday January 20, 2009

Present: Debbie Nistler (Bradford), Heather Johnson (Madison), Heather Futch (Hamilton), Lori Wiggins (Taylor), Jana Hart (Lafayette), Sherri Hood (Wakulla), John Lilly (Jefferson), Bill Heltemes (NE 4-H), Brenda Heberling (Levy), Tracey Tesdall, (Leon), Neva Baltzell (CCL), Amanda Thien (Nassau), and Renee Gore (Baker)

I. Meeting was called to order at 10:20AM by Chair, Jana Hart. Introductions were given.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: MaKenzie Reese Boston was born Jan 18, 7lbs l oz. Dad, Marcus Boston is relieved. Stephanie Kraatz had a girl, name is not yet known.

  1. Jana Hart reminded everyone that officers are on a rotation based by county.

2009 Officer are:

Chair: Lafayette, Jana Hart

Co-Chair: Leon, Marcus Boston/Tracey Tesdall

Secretary: Levy, Brenda Heberling

  1. Minutes from the August 26, 2008 were approved as written.
  1. Old Business:

Camping Program Update

  1. PECO dollars are not yet known.
  2. Kim Gumbiner is still looking at Elder Options for possible scholarships for youth.
  3. The Boyd Dove Shoot dollars still have not been matched by the State as of this past Friday, the money has not been released.
  4. Neva reported that the new roofs have been blown off and the leaves that are on the buildings are new leaves that have fallen from the winds.

Camp Update from Neva

  1. The Camp Clean-Up is scheduled TENETIVELY for May 16 from 10 AM – 3PM. Clay will do the cooking for lunch. Neva will confirm the date on the website and e-mail the list of materials and tools needed for the clean-up. Neva requested that a list of repairs or improvements that anyone would like to see made, be sent to her prior to the clean-up date.

Neva reported the 2009 camp schedule is set and if there is any change from this schedule she needs to know as soon as possible.

  1. New Business
  1. Lori Wiggins passed out the outline for the new Camp Counselor Training Manual. Sherrie Hood is helping Lori on the manual along with a volunteer from Taylor County. Lori is putting the complete manual on the Taylor County website. Lori asked that if anyone sends her information to be included in the manual, please site the source if it is not original material. Bill Heltemes reported he has some information to be included and will e-mail the information.
  2. Neva reported that there is a new cell phone policy per the State Committee, “No Cell Phones”. All cell phones will be confiscated. Last year there were several issues like campers taking photos and videos in the cabins and sending them home. There is a possibility of banning ALL electronic devises.
  3. The camp information that will be available on the website February 1 will include: registration, food program, and the cell phone policy.
  4. The camp theme for 2009 is: Exploring New Adventures by Investigating Our Past”. This is a Sherlock Holmes theme in celebration of the Centennial. The primary activity will be a “Choose your own Adventure” where the campers will be given a crime and clues. They will go out to gather clues and then regroup to solve the mystery. The complete activity list will not be available until after the Staff Training. The activity list will include class size limits and time limitations. The normal class rotations will be 4 per day with additional classes offered and being taught by teen counselors. Some of the activities will be: canoeing, archery, fishing healthy lifestyles, swimming, kayaking, and crafts. A waterslide will be available out of Tallahassee for $400 for the day. Lori reported that she will send out information about Action Attraction.
  5. During the Counselor Training, teen counselors will be instructed on how to facilitate a class. Neva noted that the survey conducted last year indicated that there is only a 23% return rate of youth. Why? Youth counselors need to be able to teach and facilitate classes or have an active roll in facilitating the camping week. Neva and staff are willing to organize the rotational schedule of the camp weeks and place the campers into that rotation. Some counties are looking for various alternatives in scheduling like: longer, intensive classes and possible tracks for 13 year olds for Counselor In Training sessions. In scheduling classes, Neva will schedule time off for each staff member. Renee requested name tags for each youth with cabin numbers, rotations and “no media” noted on the tags. Camp Counselor Training will be held at CCL February 27 – March 1. Bill Heltemes recommended that Teen Counselors watch and recommend upcoming youth for potential counselors and add to the chain of command a Senior Teen Counselor to assist with supervision counselors, one male and one female.
  6. Neva reported the repeat staff members are: Jalissa, Alex and Eric. The new staff members are: Tom Richardson, Brandon Beach, Loren Harvey, Jordan Cone, and Marlin Sill. They will work on developing a biography at training and post it on the camp website.
  7. Counselor shirts will be available, same as last year. They do not have a year on them. Youth and adult sizes will be available.
  8. Neva and the camp staff will be looking for games from 1909 to be incorporated into the camp week. Bill reported that he has a book, “Games through the Century”.
  9. Each camping group needs to bring their own CPR and First Aid certified volunteer. CCL will not have a nurse again this year. Neva is working on hiring a LPN or CNA for staff, but it will not be until 2010.
  10. The out-bus is available for counties again this year. Neva will handle the arrangements for the bus, but needs to know from the counties when and where the bus is needed.
  11. Neva reported that due to the lack of space at campfire, there is a possibility of splitting the campfire session by age into 2 groups.
  12. Neva is looking at a decline in numbers for this summer, the rates will remain $157 plus canteen and shirts for a total of $171 per camper. The early arrivals (Sunday) will pay a fee of $10 per person.

The Lifeguard Training will be May 17 – 22, if any county has anyone interested it will cost $125.

Debbie wants Agents to assist in the Counselor Training with any specialties that they have for teaching. The camp will help with travel cost.

  1. Chair, Jana Hart set the next meeting date as a conference call on September 22, 2009 at 10:00 AM. Bill Heltemes will set up the conference call.
  2. Meeting was adjourned by Jana Hart at 11:32AM.

Minutes submitted by:

Brenda Heberling

Levy County