TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007 – 7:30 P.M.

Dear Visitors:

Welcome to an open meeting of the School Committee. This is the agenda that will be discussed this evening.

Please note that a Hearing of Visitors is included. If you have a statement or question, please be kind enough to

give your name to the secretary.


I.Calling of Meeting to Order – Establishing a Quorum – Flag Salute

II.Hearing of Visitors

III.Reading and Approval of Records

A. Approval of SC Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2007Enc. #1Pages 1-6

B. Financial Statement dated April 30, 2007Enc. #2Pages 7-8


V.Unfinished Business

VI.Report of Chief Supervisor of Attendance for Month of April, 2007Enc. #3Pages 9-10

VII.Report of Superintendent of Schools

A. Presentation by the BHS Guidance Department Enc. #4Pages11

B.Approval of Proposed FY2008 School Department BudgetEnc. #5Pages12-12A

C. Authorization to submit a Foundations for Learning Proposal to the Enc. #6Page 13

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools

D.Authorization to submit a Continuation Proposal for Adult Basic EducationEnc. #7Page 14

E. Authorization to submit a Renewal Request for Registration permittingEnc. #8Pages 15-19

unlicensed School Personnel to administer Epinephrine

F. Authorization to accept and expend funds from the Brockton WorkforceEnc. #9Page 20

Investment Board Summer of Work and Learning Program

G. Authorization to submit a proposal to the Massachusetts Action for Enc. #10Page 21

Healthy Kids

H. Resolution to act on School Choice Program for 2007-2008Enc. #11Pages 22-24

I.Approval of Summer School Committee Meeting DatesEnc. #12Page 25

J.Approval of Out-of-StateTripsEnc. #13Pages 26-29

1. ArnoneSchool, grade 6, to CanobieLakePark in Salem, New Hampshire,

June 7, 2007

2. RaymondSchool, grade 6, to CanobieLakePark in Salem, New Hampshire,

May 29, 2007

3.West JHS, grade 8, to CanobieLakePark in Salem, New Hampshire,

June 8, 2007

K. Approval of Transfer of Funds from Personal Services to OrdinaryEnc. #14Pages 30-31


L. Notification of Personnel ActionEnc. #15Pages 32-34

1. Leaves of Absence

Alisa Scott – BHS (1 yr. Alternative Career – Eff. 2007-2008 school year)

Lisa Corr – Plouffe (12-wk. unpaid Medical – Eff. 3/15/07)

2. Resignations

Erin Ciovacco – BHS (Eff. 6/18/07)

Steven Cummings – North JHS

Matthew Dawson – BHS (Eff. 6/18/07)

Catherine Lothrop – Arnone (Eff. 4/20/07)

Penny March – North JHS (Eff. 6/30/07)

Blair O’Connor – BHS (Eff. 6/30/07)

Matthew Van Kirk – BHS (Eff. 6/30/07)

Darwin Caffrey – Lincoln Monitor Teacher Assistant (Eff. 4/20/07)

David Arena – DowneyParaprofessional (Eff. 5/11/07)

3. Retirements

Barbara Gallant – BHS Paraprofessional (Eff. 7/31/07)

Agatha Sheehan – BHS Paraprofessional (Eff. 7/31/07)

4. Retirement – to participate in the 12% Final Step Increase Plan

Peter Spillane – BHS Maintenance Craftsman (to retire 5/25/2010)

5. Change of Retirement Date

Pamela Mansbach – Arnone (from 8/30/07 to 8/14/07)

VIII.Report of Special Committees

A. Bid Review (May 7) Mr. HancockEnc. #16Pages 35-37

B. Finance (May 8) Mr. DaleyEnc. #17Pages 38-40

C. Accounts Review (May 15) Mrs. BeyerEnc. #18Page 41

IX.New Business

At this point in the meeting, the Committee should discuss with the Superintendent any special

matters that should be scheduled for future agendas. This is one of the Committee’s

opportunities to look ahead, to ask the Superintendent to research special problems, and to make suggestions that will help the Superintendent prepare for future Committee agendas.

X.Executive Session
