Biology Root Words
a (Gr) without, not
ab (l) away, off, from
abyss (Gr) bottomless, deep
acanth (Gr) spine, thorn
acar-in (Gr) kind of mite, tiny
acetabul (L) a vinegar cup
acicul (L) a small needle
acin,-I, o, us (L) berry
acous (G) hear, heard
acr. –a, -e, -o (G) at apex, tip
acrid (G) locust
actino (G) a ray, beam
ad (L) toward, to
adolesc (L) growing up
aero, -i (G) air. Atmosphere
aestival (L) summer
agri, -o (L) field
ala, -i (L) wing
albi (L) white
ailment (L) nourishment
allanto (Gr) sausage
allelo (Gr) parallel
allo, –io (Gr) other, different
alveol, -us (L) cavity, pit
ambi (L) around, surrounding
ambul, -acr (L) walk
amoeba, -o (Gr) change
amphi (Gr) around, both
ampulla (L) flask
an (Gr) not, without
ana (Gr) again, up, thoughtful
anchyl, -o (Gr) crooked, bent
anco, -n (Gr) bend, elbow
andro (Gr) man
aniso (Gr) unequal
annel (L) a little ring
annu, -a –s, (L) a year
ano (G) up
ante (L) before
antero (NL) in front of, before
anthe –e –o –us (G) flower
anthropo (G) a man
anti (G) opposite, against
antique (L) old
antro –um (G) cavity, cave
apo (G) away from, off
apex (L) the tip, extremity
aphelo (G) smooth
aphrodit (G) Venus, born from sea foam
apis (L) a bee
apic (L) summit, top apex
apohysis (G) an offshoot, outgrowth
aqua (L) water, of water
arachn –a –i –o (G) a spider
arbor (L) a tree
arch –e –eo –I (G) first, ancient, chief
argo (G) shining, bright
arid (L) dry
arista (L) a bristle, awn
aroli –um (NL) a roll of cloth
arthro –um (G) a joint, speech
articul (L) a joint, speech
asc –i –o –us (G) a bag, bladder
aspi –d –s (G) a shield (L) viper
astoro (G) a star
astragalo (G) an ankle bone
atri –um (L) a vestibule black
audi (L) hear
aurioul –is –it (L) an ear
auto (G) self
avi –a –s (L) a bird
axi –o –en (L) axis
azygo (G) unpaired unmarried
bacill –um (L) a little stick
bacter (G) a rod, staff
balano –us (G) an acorn
bas –a –eo –i –o (G) base
batho –y (G) deep
bene (L) well
bentho –us (G) depths of sea
bi (L) two, double, twice
bio –s (G) life
blast –en –o –us (G) a bud, sprout
blepharo (G) an eyelash
bothri –o –us (G) a pit, trench
brachi –o –um (G) the arm
brachy (G) short
branchi –o (G) a gill
brevi (L) short
bryo (G) a swell, moss
bucca (L) the cheek
bulla (L) a bubble
bursa (L) a purse, hide
bytho (G) depths of the sea
caec (L) blind
calo (G) beautiful
calcan –e (L) the heel
calci (L) lime, limestone
callo (L) hardened, thick skinned
campan (L) a bell
cancer (L) a crab
capit –i –o (L) the head
carcino (G) a crab, an ulcer
cardi –ia –io (G) the heart
cardinal (L) chief, principal
carid (L) shrimp
carina (L) a keel
carpo –us (G) the wrist, a fruit
cata – o (G) down, downward
cauda (L) the tail
cava –e –i (L) hollows, a cave
cent –en –i (L) a hundred
centri –o –um (G) the center, a point
cephala –o (G) the head
cera –e –i (L) wax
cerato (G) horn
cerco –us (G) the tail
cereb –ell –ro (L) the brain
cervi (L) the neck
cesto (G) girdle, embroidered
chaela –i (G) a claw, hoof
chiasm (G) cross, crossing
chilo –us (G) a lip, fodder
chiro (G) a hand
chlamy –d (G) a cloak
chloro (G) green
choana (G) a funnel
chola –e –o (G) bile
chondro –us (G) cartilage
chorda (G) a string
chori –o –in –um (G) a skin, membrane
choroid (G) like a membrane
chroma –to –o (G) color
chryso (G) gold
cill –a –o –um (L) an eyelid, an eyelash
circi (L) a ring, a circle
circum (L) around
cirr –us (L) a curl of hair
clado –i –us (G) branching?
clava (L) a club
cleido –us (G) a key, clavicle
clittell (L) a pack saddle
cloaca (L) a sewer
clype –o –us (L) a shield
cnida –o (G) a nettle
co,-l,-m,-n(L). TOgether, with
coaret (L). pressed together
cocci, -o,-us (G). a berry
coda (L). the tail
coel,-i,-o, (G). hollow
coeno (G). common
coleo (G). sheath
colic (G). affecting the bowels
column (L). a pillar
commis (L). united
concha,-o (G). shell
condylo,-us (G). a knuckle, knob
contra (L) opposite, against
conus (G) a cone
cop,-a,-e,-i (G) an oar, or handle
copro (G) dung
copula (L) a link, bend
corbi,-s (L) a basket
corona (L) a crown
corpor (L) a body
cortex,-ic,-ec (L) bark or shell
corymb (G) top, summit
costa (L) a rib
coxa,-o (L) a hip
crania,-io,-ium (G) the skull
craspedo(G) a boarder
crepido (G) a boot, sandal
crino,-um (G) lily
crieta (L) a crest
crura (L) the leg, shank
crusta (L) rind, crust
crypto (G) hidden or concealed
ctom,-idi,-o (G) comb
cubiyu (L) the elbow
cuma,-to (G) a wave
cutene (L) skin
cyan, ,-e,-i,-o (G) dark bluecyclo,-us (G) a circle, wheel
cyprae,-i,-h (L) love
cyrtc (G) curved, convex
cystis,-o(G) the bladder, bag
cyte,-o,-us (G) a hollow place
dactylo (G) a finger, toe
de (L) out, from, down
deca (G) ten
decem (L) ten
decidu (L) falling off
demo (G) people
dendro (G) a tree
dens,-t (L) teeth
dentat (L) toothed
dero (G) the neck, hide
derma,-to (G) skin
deutero (G) the second
dexter (L) the right hand side
di,-a (G) across, separate apart
dialys (G) break up, dissolve, separate
dieho (G) in two, two
dictyo (G) a net
digest (L) dissolved
digital (L) a finger, toe
dilant (L) expand
dimin (L) lessen
dino (G) terrable or whirling
diplo (G) double or two
dis (G) separate, two apart
disco,-us (G) a round plate
duirn (L) in the day, daily
dolicho (G) long
dors,-o,-um (L) the back
duct (L) lead
due (L) double, two
duodenu (L) twelve
dura,-o (L) hard
dyad (G) two
dys (G) bad, malicious, hard
dysis (G) put em, cloth
e (L) without from, out
ec (G) out of, from, out
ecdysis (G) an escape, slipping out
echino (G) sea urchin
eco (G) a house, abode
ecto (G) outside, center, out
ectomy (G) cut out
ectopi (G) displayed
edapho (G) base bottom, soil
ef (L) away from, out
efferen (L) carrying away
efflluen (L) flowing away
ejacul (L) throw out
elytro (G) sheath, cover
em (L) into, in
embia –o (G) lively, longlived
embolo (G) inserted
embryo (G) an embryo
-emia (G) blood
en (G) into, in
encephalo (G) the brain
endo (G) within, inner
entero (G) the intestine, gut
ento (G) inner, within
entomo (G) an insect
epi (G) upon, over, beside
ephenero (G) temporary, for a day
equa (L) equal
eruci (L) a caterpiller
erythro (G) red
eschato (G) last, extreme
eso (G) inward, within
estival (L) summer
estro (G) gadfly
estuar (L) the sea
eu (G) good, well
eury (G) bread, wide
evolut (L) an unrolling
ex (L) out, off, from
excret (L) throw out, seperate
exi –o (G) go out, outside
extern (L) outside, outer
exud (L) sweat
exuvi (L) that which is taken off
extrins (L) from the outside
facia –es (L) face, appearance
falx (L) sickle
fascia (L) a bundle, band
fecund (L) fruitful
femor (L) the thigh
fenestra (L) a window
fer –o (L) carry, bear
-ferous (L) bearing
feti –us (L) the yound in the womb
fili –o –um (L) a thread
fimbriae (L) a fringe, fibers
flabella (L) a fan
flagellum (L) a whip
foetus (L) the young in the womb
foramen (L) an opening
forcip (L) forceps
form –a (L) shape, form
frons (L) forehead, brow, foliage, leag??
fronto (L) the forehead, brow
funda (L) sling, bottom
funicul (L) a cord, rope
fuca (L) a fork
fusc (L) dusky, brown
gamo (G) marriage???
gamet (G) a wife or husband
ganglion (G) swelling, a knot
geo (G) the earth
gemma –ul (L) a bud
gen (G) produce, bear
gen (L) a nation, race
gena (G) a cheek, chin
gene (G) origin, birth
genicul (L) the elbow, knee
genu (L) the knee
gest (L) carried
glauco (G) gray, bluish-gray
globe (L) a ball, globe
glomer (L) a ball
gloss –o (G) the tongue
glotti –o (G) the tongue
gluco (G) sweet
glyco –er (G) sweet
gastho –us (G) the jaw
gon –e –ide –o (G) seed, offspring
gorgo (G) grim, fierce
gracil (L) slender
grad –a –i (L) step, walk slope
granul (L) a little grain
grapto (G) inscribed, written
gravid (L) herd, collect
gross (L) thick
gula (L) throat, gullet
gusta (L) taste
gymno (G) naked, bare
gyn –a –e –eco (G) female
gyra –o (L) turning
habit (L) live, dwell
hal –a –e –it (L) breath
hali –o (G) the sea
hapalo (G) gentle, soft
haplo (G) simple, single
heli –a –o (G) the sun
helico –ix (G) a spiral coil
helminth (G) a worm
hemi (G) one-half
hepa –r –to (G) the liver
hepta (G) seven
hendeca (G) eleven
herma (ML) male, secret
hernia (L) a rapture
hetero (G) other, different
hexa (G) six
hiatus (L) an opening, gap
hippo –us (G) a horse
hirudin (L) a leech
histe (G) a web, tissue
histero (G) behind
holo (G) whole
hom –eo –o –io (G) like, same, alike
homini, homo (L) man
hoplo (G) armor, weapon
hormon (G) excite
hyalo –i (G) glass, transparent
hydra –i –o (G) water
hygro (G) wet, moist
hymeno (G) a membrane
hypo (G) under, underneath
hyper (G) over, above, excessive
hypha (G) web, weaving
hystero (G) lower, the uterus, womb
ichthyos (G) a fish
ileo (L) the intestine
ilia –co (L) the flank, loin
immuni (L) free, safe
in (L) into, withinL without, not
incis (L) cut in
infero (L) low, underneath
infra (L) below, beneath
inter (L) between, among
intercal (L) insert
intra (L) within, inside
intro (L) into, in, within
iso (G) equal
ischia –io (G) the hip, hip joint
-itis (G) inflammation
-ium (G) small
jejun (L) hunger, dry
jugo –em (L) a yoke
ject (L) throw
juxta (L) near to
kine –ma –se –to (G) move, moving
kyst (G) a hollow place, a cell
labellum (L) a little lip
labia –o (L) a liplacinia (L) a flap
lacte –o (L) milk
lacuna (L) a basin, lake, cavity
lamella (L) a small plate
lamina (L) a thin plate, sheet
larva –i (L) a ghost
laryngo –x (G) a gullet, larnyx
lati (L) wide
lecitho (G) egg yolk
lemma (G) husk peel, sheath
lepi, lepido (G) scale
lepto (G) fine, slender
leuco (G) white, clear
levo (L) left-hand side
lima –x (G) snail, slug
limna –o (G) march, lake
linea (L) line
lingua (L) the tongue
lipo (G) fat, lack
lithio (G) stone
littora (L) the seashore
lobi –o –us (G) a lobe
loca –us (L) a place
logo –us –y ?? discourse, study
lopho (G) a crest, tuft
lumba –o (L) the loin
lumbricu (L) an earthworm
lysis (G) loose, loosening
macro (G) large, long
magni (L) great, large
mala (L) the jaw, cheek
male –i –ign (L) bad, evil
manu (L) hand
mandibul (L) jaw
manubri –um (L) a handle
mastigo (G) a whip
maxilla (L) a jawbone, jaw
meatus (L) a passage
meco (G) long, length
media (L) the middle
medulla (L) marrow, pith
mega, megale (G) large, great
melano (G) black
mellit (L) honey
menin –go –r (G) a membrane
menta –i –um (L) the chin
meristo (G) divided
mero (G) a part, thigh
meso (G) the middle
meta (G) between, with
micro (G) small
mille (L) one thousand
mitra (L) a cap, turban
mixi –o (G) mix
mola (L) grind, mill
mullusc (L) soft
mono, monero (G) one, single
morpha –o (G) form
multi (L) many
muta (L) change
myo, mys (G) muscle
myelo (G) marrow, spinal cord
naid (G) a water nymph
nasi –o (L) the nose
nata (L) birth, be born
natan (L) swimming
neo (G) new, swim, go
nema –ato (G) a thread
nephri –us (G) the kidney
nerei (G) a sea nymph
nocti (L) night
nodi –us (L) a knot, swelling
nomen (L) a name
nomy (G) the science of
nom –o (L) new
nucha (ML) the nape
nudi (L) naked, nuke
nulli (L) no, none
oo (G) an egg
obdur (L) harden
oblat (L) spread out
obliqu (L) oblique
obtect (L) concealed, covered
ocellus (L) small eye
octi, -o (L) eight
oculo (L) an eye
odonto (G) a tooth
oleo (L) oil
olfacto (L) smell
oligo (G) few, scant, small
ology (G) the science of
ommato (G) the eye
omni (L) all
omo (G) shoulder
omphalo (G) navel, center, umbilious
oncho (G) barb, hook, swelling
onto (G) being, existing
onycho (G) a claw, nail
operculo (L) lid, cover
ophiuro (G) serpent-tailed
opistho (G) behind, hind part
opti (L) choose (G) vision
ora (L) month
orchid (G) testicle
orni, -tho (G) a bird
os (L) a bone, mouth
osse (L) bone
osteo (G) bone
ostium (L) a small opening
ostraco (G) a shell
oto (G) the ear
oura, -o (G) the tail
ovi (L) an egg, a sheep
oxa, -i, -y, -ys (G) sharp, acute, acid
pachy (G) thick
pago, us (G) rock, ice, frost
palaeo (G) ancient
palma (L) palm of the hand
palpi (L) feeler, palp
panicul (L) a tuft
papilla (L) a nipple
para (G) beside, beyond, near
parasiti (G) near food, eat at someones table
paren (L) parent
partheno (G) virgin
parturi (L) give birth to
patella (L) a little dish
patus (G) a walk, path
pauro (G) little, small
pecten (L) a comb
pector (L) the breast
peda, -e, -I, -o (G) the feet
pelo (G) clay, mud, dusky
pelio (G) livid, black blue
pelvi (L) a basin, pelvis
pen, -e, (L) almost, nearly
pend, -an, ul (L) hang, hanging
penta (G) five
penult (L) nest to last
per (L) through, by means of
pera, -o (G) a pouch
peri (G) around
pes (L) a foot
phage, -o (G) to eat
phallo, us (G) the penis
pher (G) carry, bear
phila, -i, -o (G) love, loveing
phono (G) sound, voice
phora, -e, -o (G) carry, bear
phragm (G) a fence, partition
phylo, -um (G) a tribe
phyllo, -um (G) a leaf
physa (G) a bladder, bubble
physio (G) nature
phyto (G) a plant
pili, -us (L) hair
pisi, -o (L) a pea
piscis (L) a fish
pitheco (G) ape
placo (G) a tablet, plate, flat
plani, -o (G) flat, level
planky (G) wandering
plasma, -o (G) something molded
plati, platy (G) broad, flat
pleco (G) full, more, sail
plexi, -us (L) network, interwoven
pleuro, -um (G) the side, rib
pneuma, -o (G) wind, breath, air
podo (G) a foot
pogo, -no (G) beard
poikilo (G) varied
poli (G) an axis
poly (G) many, much
ponti, -o (L) a bridge
pori, -us (L) a small opening
pore (G) a passage
poro (G) callus, hardening
post (L) behind after
postero (L) hinder, posterior
pre (L) before
priapus (G) the penis
prima (L) first
princip (L) first place
pro (G) before, in front of
probosci (G) that which examines
procto (G) the anus, rectum
propaga (L) generate
prosco (G) to, before
proto (G) first, original
proxim (L) nearest
pseudo (G) false
psora, -p (G) itch, scabies
psylla (G) a flea
ptero, -um (G) a winged feather
pterygo, -um (G) a wing
pulmo (L) lung
pulvi (L) cushion
pyeno (G) thick, dense
pygo, -e, -o (G) the rump
quadra, -i (L) four
quadrato (L) square
quart, -o (L) a fourth
quasi (L) nearly, almost
quinique (L) five
quinti, -o (L) fifth
rachi (G) a spine, the backbone
radia, radiate (L) a spoke, ray, radius
rami, -us (L) a branch
rapha (G) a seam, suture
re (L) back, again
recti, -o (L) straight, the rectum
rena, -i, -o (L) a kidney
rete (L) a network
reticulo (L) a network
retro (L) back, behind, backward
rhabdo (G) a rod
rhea, -o (G) a flow, current
rhino (G) a nose
rhizo, -a (G) a root
rhombo (G) a paralellopiped with equal sides
rhynocho (G) a snort, beak
rostrum (L) a beak, snout
rota, -i (L) a wheel
rubri (L) red, reddish
ruga (L) wrinkle, told
rumen (L) the throat
sabell (L) sand
saccus (G) a sack
sacharo (G) sugar
saco (G) a shield
sagitta (L) an arrow
sali (L) salt
salta (L) leap, dance
sapiens (L) wise
sapro (G) rotten, putrid
sarco (G) flesh
sarcina (L) a bundle
sarcopt (G) flesh-cutting
sauro (G) a lizard
scabri (L) rough
scapus (L) a stem, a staff
scaphi, -o (G) a bowl, boat, trough
scarabae (L) a scarab beetle
schema, -to (G) shape, form
schizo (G) split, cleave
sclero (G) hard
scalo (G) a thorn
scorpio (G) a scorpion
scrot, -um (G) a pouch
scuti, -um (L) shield
scutellum (L) a little shield
scypho (G) a cup
semi (L) half
sepia (G) cuttlefish
septem (L) seven
septum (L) a fence
sequa (L) following
serp (L) creep
serra (L) a saw
sessil (L) sitting on sedentary
seta (L) bristle
sexa (L) six
suna, -a, as (L) fold, bend, hollow
sipho, -no (G) a tube, pipe
sitio (G) good
situ (L) a place
skeleto (G) a dried body
sklero (G) hard
sola (L) sun
solo (L) alone
solar (L) of the sun
soleru (G) a pipe, channel
sorna, -to (G) a body
sona, -it, -o (L) sound
sperma, -ato (G) seed, semen
sphaera, -o (G) a ball, sphere