D10-009 – Procedure

June 15, 2010
TO: / Regional Administrators
Superintendents and RHC Staff
SOLA Program Managers and SOLA Staff
FROM: / Linda Rolfe, Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Purpose: / This management bulletin describes the Division’s expectations regarding the use of personal electronic devices by DDD employees providing direct services and support to clients at the Residential Habilitation Centers (RHCs) and State Operated Living Alternatives (SOLA) Programs. This includes, at a minimum, all Attendant Counselor job classes and RHC Adult Training Program staff, as well as other staff as determined by the Superintendent or SOLA Program Manager.
definition: / Personal electronic devices means a wireless telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA), Blackberry, pager, laptop computer or other electronic communication device that makes or receives phone calls, leaves messages, sends and receives text messages, accesses the Internet, or downloads and allows for the reading of and responding to e-mail and is not state issued. Cameras, MP players, IPODs, digital book readers and game players are also considered personal electronic devices for the purpose of this procedure. The Division reserves the right to modify and broadly interpret this definition as new or modified technology becomes available.
Background: / It is the Division’s expectation that the RHCs and SOLA programs will provide an attentive, safe, and therapeutic treatment environment while respecting client confidentiality. Employees who provide direct services and supports to clients must be fully engaged in their work duties while on work time.
Employee use of personal electronic devices interferes with productivity, attention to work, and is disruptive to clients and other staff. It is also a health and safety issue when personal electronic devices are used by an employee operating machinery or a vehicle. Consequently, the use of personal electronic devices must be limited during work time.
What’s new, changed, or Clarified / Effective July 1, 2010, the Division will implement the following operating procedures regarding the use of personal electronic devices by RHC and SOLA staff providing direct services and supports to clients, while on work time.
A. Employees may use their personal electronic devices only when on their meal or break periods. Employees who work straight 8-hour shifts are expected to be available to respond to client needs and exercise good judgment in taking their meal and rest periods when clients are not busy.
B. Employees are expected to leave their personal electronic devices off and put away during work hours.
C. Use of personal electronic devices by employees is prohibited when working directly with clients, in a client’s home, the living unit, or when accompanying or participating in an activity with a client outside the home.
D. DSHS information must not be stored on an employee’s personal computers, devices, or removable media that are not administered by DSHS. This includes any information about clients in text messages or photographs of clients, etc.
E. Personal cameras and cell phone camera functions must not be used to photograph clients.
F. It is recognized that on occasion employees may need to accept or place emergency calls. These may be handled through the employee’s work location (i.e., work unit number, RHC Duty Office, or SOLA program office).
G. In certain emergent situations, the Superintendent and SOLA Program Manager may allow limited use of personal cell phones. Such approval must be time limited, not to exceed thirty (30) days in duration, and documented in writing.
H. DDD will not be held responsible for damages to unauthorized personal electronic devices brought into client homes or on RHC grounds.
ACTION: / The operating procedures described above are effective July 1, 2010. Superintendents and SOLA Program Managers are responsible to ensure consistent implementation of these procedures and ongoing monitoring. Additional operating procedures may be developed at the local level to implement this procedure as necessary.
Don Clintsman, Assistant Director

For SOLA Programs:
Saif Hakim, Community Residential Services Program Manager

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