The Co-Teaching CWT is designed to assist educational leaders in ensuring implementation fidelity of the co-teaching model and increasing the effectiveness of their program. The survey contains four focuses: Focus on Curriculum, Evidence of Collaboration, Co-Teaching Instructional Formats, and Instructional Practices. The Focus on Curriculum section is identical to the standard CWT and as so is a required data collection point. Instructional leaders are also required to identify and collect data from the Co-Teaching Instructional Formats focus section. Five different co-teaching formats (One Teach One Support, Parallel, Station, Alternative, and Team) are included in the focus, and the ability of co-teachers to regularly utilize a mixture of the different formats serves as an indicator of both co-teachers’ abilities to substantially contribute to the instruction of all students within the class including those with disabilities.

Evidence of Collaboration and Instructional Practicedata is collected based on the focus of improvement within each school. The seven indicators in Evidence of Collaboration look at parity within the collaborative co-teaching relationship and the instructional process. The three “look fors” in Instructional Practices are similar to the standard CWT and include opportunities to collect data on use of Marzano’s research based effective instructional practices, flexible grouping, and differentiation of instruction in the co-taught classroom.

To increase internal validity in data collection, a glossary of terms found in the Co-Teaching CWT is attached. For assistance in utilizing the Co-Teaching CWT or for more information on the Co-Teaching Model, contact Rose Merry Kirkpatrick at or (501) 835-3330.

The Effective Classroom Management Classroom Walk-Through (CWT) was developed for leaders who want to determine the degree of positive, effective, and proactive classroom management approaches in classrooms across their school. Based on educational and behavioral research, the Effective Classroom Management CWT protocol involves 23 items organized in three areas.

The Evidence of Teacher’s Effective Classroom Management area (9 items) looks at whether teachers specifically identify their behavioral expectations for students in the classroom, and then monitor, evaluate, and reinforce students for appropriate or prosocial behavior, while responding to and correcting inappropriate or antisocial behavior. Students’ academic engagement is also tracked here, as is the degree of respect demonstrated by teachers toward students.

The Students’ Positive Behavioral Interactions and Respect area (9 items) looks at the degree to which students are positive, prepared, engaged, and on-task throughout a class period, along with how well they interpersonally relate to peers and adults, and treat them with respect.

The Classroom Safety and Security area (5 items) looks at the organization and arrangement of a school’s classrooms, and whether emergency procedures are posted and could be physically and logistically followed.

The Effective Classroom Management CWT items reinforce the principles of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports, and they focus on positive and proactive ways to encourage teachers and students to communicate, collaborate, and demonstrate mutual regard and respect together. For assistance in utilizing the Effective Classroom Management CWT, contact Dr. Randy Glenn at or (501) 329-7412.