Memoir Revision Worksheet

Title of memoir _

_ Read your memoir aloud. Correct any mistakes and make any changes necessary.

Read your memoir aloud to another student. Make any more necessary changes. Have this student sign this paper to verify that you have read aloud to him/her.

Signature Date _



_ Write your lead.


Which type of lead did you use? Circle One

WhereWhenAction VerbIntroduce a Character

Interesting CommentDialogue

Draw a picture of your lead. Color it. Do you need to add more detal to your lead in order to draw this picture?

Circle all “to be” verbs in red. Now replace some of them with action verbs. List the best tow that you changed. Use a Thesaurus.

From / To

Highlight in yellow, the first three words in each sentence. Have you repeated or used the same sentence openings too often? Change sentence openings to add variety to your writing.

Check the length of your sentences. Do you have some long and some short sentences? If a sentence has 15 or more words, check to see if it is a run on. If a sentence has less than five works, check to see if it is a fragment.

Word Choice is important. Use a thesaurus to help improve your word choice. Use a pink highlighter on each word that you have changed. List at least three words that you changed using the thesaurus.

From / To

What is the best sentence in your entire piece? Write it.

Why is it your favorite?


Where have you used WRITER’S CRAFT? Highlight these places in green. List at least five of these below.

Type of Craft / Example from your writing

Identify two places where you have (or should have) appealed to one of the five senses (using imagery). For example the reader hear something in the story? See something? Highlight these places in blue. Write two examples below.

1. _

2. _


Story transitions help to move the story along. Put a red box around each of your story transitions. List the story transitions that you used.

Does your story come to smooth stop? Please write your ending here.



Circle which type of ending you used.

Feel a feeling Remember a character Get your point Think about the story

Did Mrs. Butcher or any other teacher help you with your revisions? Have that teacher intial here.

NOW…it is time to make these changes in your document on the computer and print your next draft.

NEXT..EDIT this new draft. Now your looking at Conventions. Check for:





Now, do the same thing with a partner. Partner’s signature





FINALLY…make these changes on the computer and print your final copy.