Names:______Time ______

Title ______

Oral Presentation (10 points possible)—

Delivery 5 4 3 2 1 0

o  Please do not just read the PPT slide, we can do that for ourselves

o  Loud confident voices

o  Presenters know who is talking when -orderly

o  Practice is evident

o  Audience can understand you (No “ummmmm” or “uhhhhhhhh”ing)

Automatic –3 for reading your presentation ______

Knowledge 5 4 3 2 1 0

o  Fill in gaps, explain concepts/themes in more detail than can fit on any single slide

o  Know what you are talking about- Be an expert

Google Slides Presentation - information, readability, quality (10 points possible)

Quality 5 4 3 2 1 0

o  Group went above and beyond expectations

o  Obviously not copied and pasted

o  Time was spent on looks/graphics/organization


o  PPT can be read in the back of the room

o  Font color is not distracting/ lost in background

o  Bullets for organization

o  No long paragraphs or information

o  Clean slides- not overly cluttered

Information 5 4 3 2 1 0

o  All parts of G4P requirements are met

o  Level of detail expected by IB students

o  Deep research is evident

o  Scientific journals/articles were used to gather information data/graphics

§  Written Report (15 points possible)

Does paper adequately cover all information in the Group 4 project

o  If a student was absent during your presentation, would they be able to get the data from your written report?

Quality/Content of topic 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

o  Written report is organized

o  As detailed as a formal lab report

o  Sources cites section (MLA—for entire project)

Other requirements:

Research Notes and Resources

·  Presentation notes for each person (typed)

·  Any and all informal notes gathered during research period (these may remain un-typed) from each student

·  Printed out version of Google Slides Presentation + digital copy to Mrs. McCobb on Google Classroom

·  You will LOSE ADDITIONAL points if all parts of project are not turned in on time (Max -5)

·  NOTHING will be accepted after the due date of 2/15/17 by the beginning of the period

Attendance by all group members – Participation MATTERS. You will be docked one point from your presentation for each day that a student is absent. (Max -5).

TOTAL=_____/35 (Lab Report score)