3 day OR 8-week workshop:

Into Action: Fetal Alcohol / neurobehavioral conditions

Understanding and Application of a Brain-Based Approach

Project Description: Into Action approaches fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and other neuro-behavioral conditions from a brain-based approach.The goal is to establish a common language for parents, professionals and community partners and shared understanding of behaviors from a brain-based perspective. This enhances collaboration and assures congruent application across systems. The long-term goal is to shift paradigms, strengthen programs, and contribute to healing and prevention.

Program Description: This three-day format was also developed to meet the need for an introduction of the neurobehavioral conceptual framework to help establish and sustain strengths-based informed networks of care. Information in this set is taken from Into Action, the complete training program

Program objectives: At the end of this session, participants will:

1) Share a common language around FASD and the brain-based approach

2)Understand behaviors from a brain-based perspective in order to enhance collaboration and assures congruent application across systems.

The long-term goal is to shift paradigms, strengthen programs, and contribute to healing and prevention.

Program Agenda:

(Please note that the format described is for a 3-day presentation; this can also be delivered over 8 separate sessions).

Day 1

1) Welcome and Introductions

2) Conceptual framework establishing FA/NB as a brain-based physical condition,

3) Neurobehavioral Screen with definitions of primary, secondary and tertiary behavioral symptoms,


4) Exploring overlapping DSM diagnoses,

5) Introduction to the Functional Neurobehavioral Assessment.

Day 2:

6) Reflections on Day 1, Questions

7) Using the Functional Neurobehavioral Assessment for problem solving


8) Health and healing

Day 3:

9) Values and values clashes

10) Reflections on first two days, questions.


11) Taking the brain-based approach into action - who to reach, what to do, barriers.

Target audience: parents and professionals involved with families, individuals, or systems impacted by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or other neuro-behavioral conditions. This introduction will engage participants and encourage further exploration, including ongoing consultation and participation in longer Into Action formats.

Credit Hours: 16.0

Adrienne Ehlert Bashista, Director, FAFASD (Familes Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)

/Into Action: Fetal Alcohol / neurobehavioral conditions:

Understanding and Application of a Brain-Based Approach