State University of Performing & Visual Arts



For Hiring of 62.5KVA mobile generator (Silent) without diesel and towing vehicle with diesel, Innova car, TATA 407, Tempo Traveller.

Sr. No. / Name of Equipment/Vehicle/Generator / Cost of Tender Document / EMD
1 / Vehicle / Rs. 1,000 /- / Rs. 20,000/-
2 / 62.5KVA mobile generator (Silent) without diesel and towing vehicle with diesel / Rs. 500 /- / Rs. 10,000/-

Last Date for Submission of offer is 14.09.2016 (3:00 P.M.)

State University of Performing & Visual Arts,

Sector – 06, Rohtak


Sealed offers are invited for hiring of 62.5KVA mobile generator (Silent) without diesel and towing vehicle with diesel, Innova car, TATA 407,Tempo Traveller for (SIFTV) State University of Performing & Visual Arts, Sector-6, Rohtak.

The details of required Vehicle/Generator is as under :

Tender – I
Sr. No. / Items Required / Qty. / Period / EMD
1.  / 62.5KVA mobile generator (Silent) without diesel and towing vehicle with diesel / 02 / 65 days / 10,000/-
Tender - III
Sr. No. / Items Required / Qty. / Period / EMD
1.  / Innova Car / 01 / 65 days / 20,000/-
2.  / TATA407 / 02 / 65 days
3.  / Tempo Traveller / 02 / 65 days

The tender document can be obtained from the Assistant Registrar, State Institute of Film & Television, Sector-6, Rohtak 124001 (Haryana) on above prescribed cost. The interested firms may apply up to 14.09.2016 (3:00 P.M) addressed to Registrar/OSD, State University of Performing & Visual Arts (State Institute of Film & Television), Sector-6, Rohtak 124001(Haryana), (Phone no. 01262-216485 email Id)

Terms and Conditions

1.  The offers should reach this office by on or before 14.09.2016 upto 3.00 P.M.

2.  The offers so received shall be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM in the presence of parties who wish to remain present. The tender/offer must be accompanied EMD as detailed below

Sr. No. / Name of Equipment/
Vehicle/Generator / Cost of Tender Document / EMD
1 / Vehicle / Rs. 1,000/- / Rs. 20,000/-
2 / 62.5KVA mobile generator (Silent) without diesel and towing vehicle with diesel / Rs. 500/- / Rs. 10,000/-

3.  EMD should be in form of Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, SUPVA, Rohtak for respective tenders

4.  The tenders/offers received after the due date and time and without earnest money (EMD) shall be rejected out rightly.

5.  Quote/Offers the rates on daily basis.

6.  Transportation, baggage charges and food charges etc. shall not be provided by the University.

7.  Taxes as applicable shall be charged.

8.  The tentative period mentioned above may change and may confirm at the time of execution.

9.  The above required equipment should be in good condition and same will be inspected in University.

10.  State University of Performing & Visual Arts reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reasons.

11.  Bid form and EMD+List of equipments with accessories must be separately submitted in sealed packets. Packets I and II should be placed in one big envelope duly sealed and superscribed as “ Tender for hiring of______”

12.  Rates should be quoted on the bid form. In case space available in the tender/offers form is not sufficient, the additional sheet may be used which should be signed by the tenderer with seal of the firm.

13.  The rates should be quoted at the appropriate column in bid form in the figures as well as in words, otherwise the tender will not be considered.

14.  The tender/offers should be neatly type written/hand written free from erasing and over typing/writing.

15.  The tender/offers with the seal of the firm should sign each document attached with bid form.

16.  No increase in quoted price will be allowed during the validity of tender.

17.  In case of continuation of service etc. the periodical payment may be made on pro-rata basis.

18.  The approved lowest rates will be valid for one year from the date of opening of bid. The Contract can be extended with mutual consent of both parties on approved rates. The decision of University shall be final in this regards. No communication will be entertained.

19.  The firm will have to provide the replacement of the Vehicles/ Generators etc. immediately on demand in case of sudden breakdowns due to any reasons.

20.  The firm will supply of the Vehicles/Generators after the supply order as per specifications.

21.  The tender/offers forms are non-transferable.

22.  If the supplier fails to replace the Vehicles/Generators as required continuously during the hiring period the University reserve the right either to impose penalty of Rs. 5000/- Per day per Vehicles/Generators etc. or to cancel the work order and to blacklist the firm.

23.  The tenders/offers who quote and agree to supply the Vehicle/Generator for 24 hours x 7 days will only be considered.

24.  Negotiations with the L1 bidder shall be held at State Institute of Film & Television, Rohtak.

25.  The successful bidder will give a certificate to the effect that the rates so charged are not higher than those charged to any other Govt. department/ educational institutes during the period of contract.

26.  The earnest money of the successful bidder will be treated as security deposit.

27.  In case of failure of the tender/supplier to supply the Vehicles/Generators as per the terms and conditions and to the full satisfaction of the University, the security deposited by the firms shall be forfeited.

28.  The security deposit will be forfeited in case of violation of any condition.

29.  In case the bill is found having over- writing/cutting, the bill submitted against such work order will not be entertained.

30.  The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies.

31.  The State University of Performing & Visual Arts, Rohtak reserves the right of placing order for all items or some items as per requirements to one or more contractors at the approved lowest rates.

32.  In case of any dispute, the decision of the State University of Performing & Visual Arts, Rohtak will be final.

33.  The State University of Performing & Visual Arts, Rohtak shall not be responsible for any loss/ damage caused to the operators Vehicles/Generators during the hiring period.

34.  Any legal dispute pertaining to this tender and contract awarded shall be dealt within the jurisdiction of Rohtak, Haryana.

Technical bid proforma



State University of Performing & Visual Arts,

Sector-6, Rohtak

Subject: Quotations for hiring of vehicle/generator.


The following is the quotations for hiring of vehicles/generators:

1.  Name of the firm/company:______

2.  Address of the firm/company:______



3.  Phone no.:______Mob No.:______

4.  PAN NO.:______

The offered equipment and accessories are as under:

Sr. No. / Name of vehicles/generators (without Diesel)/ / Qty. / Period

(Separate sheet may be attached, if required)

Authorized Signatory with Seal

Financial bid proforma



State University of Performing & Visual Arts,

Sector-6, Rohtak

Subject: Quotations for hiring of vehicle/generator.


The following is the quotations for hiring of vehicles/generators:

1.  Name of the firm/company:______

2.  Address of the firm/company:______



3.  Phone no.:______Mob No.:______

4.  Email ID:______

5.  PAN NO.:______

The offered rate is as under:

Sr. No. / Name of vehicles/generators (without Diesel)/ / Qty. / Amount Per day
(Including transportation,
baggage charges, food charges & taxes)

Authorized Signatory with Seal