Southern ACT Catchment Group Coordinators Report 21st July 2015
Peak Body Development
I continue to be involved with the other 2 catchment groups in developing a Peak Body in the ACT to represent community Landcare in the ACT Region. With Glenys I am on the temporary executive for this body. The launch of the peak body took place on the 13th June and was very successful. We are also working on finalizing the constitution, a lighthouse project, and ongoing arrangements for sharing the ACT Landcare website. Our contract with the Commonwealth has provided further funds for 2015-2016 for the consultant as well as secretary support which is being undertaken by Fiona Spier.
Erosion Control Workshop for ParkCarers
This project is now complete and much work was done with the funding provided through the RLF program. In all, the project provided an expert and support for:
- A theory based workshop for 32 individuals from 17 community groups
- On site assessments for 9 ParkCare/Landcare Groups (including 3 technical reports with recommendations)
- 13 community group built erosion structures in 5 reserves.
All feedback has been very positive and we thank Cam Wilson very much for all his work.
Regional Investment / coordinator funding
The installment due 7th March 2014 has been paid and a new contract to move from Caring for our Country to the National Landcare Program will be signed shortly with no changes to the budget from 2015 to 2018. With the 2015-2016 budget Fiona will be assisting me now for 2 days a week in planning and delivery of this year’s milestones including GIS mapping and workshops. $9000 has been approved to be rolled over to further support this year’s activity. Our funding and amounts remain guaranteed for the next three years as stipulated in our contracts (ie. $129,396, $130,303, $127,778 consecutively).
Green Army
The Green Army Team that is shared with the 6 partners of the ACT is doing very well and will be finishing up the 28th August. The program has been very successful with at least one member of the team already finding work. Landcare ACT have been successful for 4 more Green Army teams (6 month each over the next 2 years). The first of these will begin around 14th September and we will be retaining Conservation Volunteers as the Service provider. These teams will be principally for the 3 Catchment groups and Lyons Youth Haven. All work on reserves needs approval as usual through TAMS unless it is part of your normal work program.
25th Anniversary Landcare grants
The grant for fencing for rehabilitating an area of Strangers Paddock near point hut crossing for POSM through the commonwealth progressing slowly following a delay in funding. We are working closely with Parks rangers and POSM. The Green Army Team have worked on site preparation on the 23rd and 24th April and the fencing contractor has begun. Planting and transplanting of wetland plants will take place once the fencing is complete.
ACT Environment Grants
- Cypress Springs waterways (erosion control structures): ~$15,000. This project is complete and will be aquitted shortly. The field visit on the Sunday the 31st May 10am to 12pm was postponed due to lack of interest but will be rescheduled shortly.
2. Revegetation of the MRC at Castle Hill: ~$8,000. The first 1400 plants have been planted. The next 1000 plants will go in soon.
This week we will be submitting a grant for:
- $17 900 for rehabilitation for the former construction site of the ECD in partnership with Icon and PCS
- $49 400 for Gudgenby Woody Weeds Works in partnership with PCS and 3 Gudgenby Catchment rural lessees
ACT Heritage Grants
The 4th of the 2014-2015 heritage grant walks with Tyronne and Wally Bell took place on the 14th June at Urambi Hills with 41 attending. For the final walk on the 30th August at Mt Taylor will join with the other catchment groups in a “progressive” walk across the region were people can join in when the walk comes to their area throughout the day.
I have submitted a 2015-2016 ACT Heritage Grant on behalf of Landcare ACT. This project will be the first stage in a three year project to establish best practice guidelines for the integrated cultural and natural resource management in the region. This stage will undertake site assessments, provide Aboriginal cultural heritage training for the NRM community, develop educational media, and identify key issues to be addressed in the guidelines.
ACT Rural Grants
“Cypress Springs rabbit control and native grassland restoration” for ~$11 600. Work is completed with an area being ripped to destroy burrows. Due to acquitted in October.
I did not apply for funding under the 2015-2016 grant round. I have had preliminary discussions with some landholders about an application for this round.
SACTCG equipment and tools
A lending agreement has been written up for the digital devises and these are available for use by members. We are keen to use the GPS function on the Samsung Galaxy notes for groups to map rabbit warrens and weed infestations in order to provide this information directly to PCS digitally. Tools including photo boards and a marquee are also available for groups to use.
The small grants have been assessed and 5 applicants were successful with $750 going to :
- Red Hill for signage
- Point Hut Ponds for a CVA Day for weeding
- Mt Taylor for a CVA day for weeding
- Mugga Mugga Isaacs Ridge for a CVA day for weeding
- MOTH for a CVA day for weeding
Website and IT
We continue to use ArcGIS to map and our projects are beginning to be added to a spatial database with the help of Fiona. We would like to map our member group planned and completed activities on the ArcGIS program to assist with the strategic planning process, for communicating with PCS, for SACTCG reporting and to be useful for groups when looking at future works planning. Fiona has been adding material to the SACTCG website.
Office and Other Activities
- All current accounts paid as of 21/07/2015. A reminder that Authorises need to logon twice a week to authorise payments or accounts can end up being overdue.
- Radio Landcare monthly shows are running very well. Volunteers are welcome to join the show as guest speakers.