The Helmholtz Space Life Sciences Research School (SpaceLife) asks all applicants to provide reports from two academic referees. The best academic referees are familiar with the applicant's most recent academic and/or research work. Their comments and advice help identify the applicant’s academic strengths and prior research experience and training, making it easier to assess the applicant’s readiness for research higher degree candidature and/or their merit for a research scholarship.

The applicant completes section 1 and emails the form to their selected academic referees. The referee completes section 2 and sends the form to the SpaceLife Office (address below). More information is available at

SpaceLife Application: Referee’s Report


Applicant Details

Family name / First name / Middle name(s)
E-mail / Topic of Doctoral Thesis or favorite Scientific Field Preference (as indicated in the SpaceLife Application Form)


Title and Full Name
Street and No.
Postal code
Phone number (work) / Fax no.

Section 2: Referee’s Report

Please describe your knowledge of the applicant’s academic record, work experience, personal achievements, and demonstrated interest in a research career:

How long have you known the applicant? / years / months

In the past five years,

how many research higher degree candidates have you worked with or observed?

How would you describe the applicant’s readiness for a doctoral thesis candidature?

Outstanding – the applicant is in the top 5% of candidates and ready to begin doctoral thesis
Excellent – the applicant is in the top 10% of candidates and ready to begin doctoral thesis
Very Good – the applicant is in the top 25% of candidates and ready to begin doctoral thesis
Good – the applicant is in the top 50% of candidates and ready to begin doctoral thesis
Satisfactory – the applicant is ready to begin doctoral thesis
Unsatisfactory – the applicant is NOT ready to begin doctoral thesis

Please comment on the applicant’s readiness to commence and complete a doctoral thesis in the Helmholtz Research School SpaceLife

Knowledge & Skills in the Field of Study and Research
(Formal qualifications, research experience and training, research output - including publications and other relevant work)
Communication Skills
(Quality of writing, oral communication, interactive skills)
Critical Judgment & Research Skills
(Quality of diploma/master thesis)
Independence & Creativity
(Initiative, leadership potential)
Ethics & Social Understanding
(Level of motivation for different tasks of work and study, work ethics, engagement with university, ability to work as a team member, ability to participate actively in group discussions)
Further Comments

Referee’s Title and Name


Referee’s Signature



Please send this form to:
Application material is due July 31, 2012. / Dr. Christine Hellweg
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Radiation Biology
Linder Höhe
51147 Köln
Germany / Phone:++49 2203 6013243
Fax:++49 2203 61970

Thank you for completing this Referee’s Report. Your involvement and assistance in the selection and recruitment of doctoral candidates for SpaceLife is greatly appreciated.


Application 2012