Government of Karnataka
Water Resources DepartmentTENDER BULLETIN
(Published in terms of the Provision of the Karnataka Transparency in public Procurements Act 2000)Volume No.26
No.WRD 01 MBI 2005 Date:17-10-2005
The details of the notices inviting the tender in respect of the Procurement requirements of different procurement entities is published as a part of the State Tender-Bulletin for the fourth week of October 2005. The details of the published Tender Notification may be obtained by the concerned Executive Engineers who has invited the respective Tenders.
Email:-tender_bulletin@hotmail. Deputy Secretary to Govt., (MMI) Water Resources Department.
Send to:
1. Managing Director, Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
2. Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
3. Managing Director, Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
4. Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources Development Organisation, Bangalore.
5. Compiler, Karnataka State Gazette Officer, Bangalore.
6. The District Tender Bulletin Officer & Deputy Commissioner, ______.
7. The Chief Engineer, ______.
8. The Chief Engineer, B.T.D.A., Bagalkot.
9. The Superintending Engineers, ______Circle.
10. The Executive Engineers, ______Division.
11. The President, Karnataka Engineer’s Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
12. The President, Karnataka Engineering Service Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
13. The President, Karnataka State Contractor’s Association, Bangalore, for information with a request to give vide publicity of the Tender-Bulletin through The President / Chairman of the affiliated District Contractors Association, ______District.
Office of the Executive Engineer,KBJNL, JBC Divn. No.2, Bheemarayanagudi – 585 287
Tq.:Shahapur, Dist.:Gulbarga. Date:-5/10/05
Conventional or Electronic sealed item rate tenders in the prescribed form PWG-65 in duplicate in two cover system are invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Managing Director, Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited, Bangalore from Class-I Contractors registered with K.P.W.D. and enrolled in Category-I only of select list of contractors in “Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited” for the work mentioned in the statement :
Sl.No. / Name of Work / Approximate Amount put to tender ( Lakhs) / EMD
( lakhs) / Category / Stipulated period for completion of work (including monsoon)
1 / Construction of (civil portion) Bridge-cum-Barrage across river Manjra near Chandapur village in Bhalki taluk. / 3300.00 / 33.00 / Category-I and above / 12 Months
2 / Construction of (civil portion) Bridge-cum-Barrage across river Manjra near Halhalli village in Aurad taluk. / 4300.00 / 43.00 / Category-I and above / 12 Months
2. Pre-qualification Requirement :
a) Only Category-I contractor enrolled with KBJNL can apply.
b) The contractor should have completed a single work of concrete Dam / Barrage / Bridge / Aqueduct costing not less than Rs. 20.00 crores in the last 5 years.
3. Calendar of Events :
(a) / Date of receipt of application / 14.11.2005 to 19.11.2005 upto 5.30 PM(b) / Date of issue of blank tender documents / 15.11.2005 to 21.11.2005 upto 5.30 PM
(c) / Date of receipt of completed tender documents / 15.11.2005 to 22.11.2005 upto 5.00 PM
(d) / Date of opening of tenders / 24.11.2005 at 11.00 AM
If any of the dates mentioned above happens to be General Holiday, the next working day will hold good.
4. The blank tender documents will be issued and completed tender booklets received at the following offices / website :-
b) Office of the Managing Director, KBJNL (Registered Office), PWD Office Annexe Building, 3rd Floor, K.R.Circle, BANGALORE.
c) Office of the Managing Director, KBJNL, ALMATTI – 586 201. Tq.:B.Bagewagi, Dist.:Bijapur.
d) Office of the Superintending Engineer, KBJNL, JBC Circle, Bheemarayanagudi, Tq.:Shahapur, Dist.:Gulbarga.
e) Office of the Executive Engineer, KBJNL, JBC Division No.2, Bheemarayanagudi, Tq.:Shahapur, Dist.:Gulbarga.
The tender documents can be obtained and completed tender documents can be submitted through electronic tendering system. This facility is available through (click on link named E-tender which will link to where electronic tendering facilities are provided).
1) Cost of blank tender booklets per set including VAT (Non-refundable) is Rs.14,000/- which shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of the undersigned payable at State Bank of Hyderabad, Shahapur / Bheemarayanagudi. In case of electronic tenders in addition to above two options, payment can be made using e-payment, which will be available in the KBJNL web site link:E-tender.
2) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be furnished in the form or Demand Draft / Banker's Cheque / Bank Guarantee of any Nationalised or Scheduled Bank in favour of the Executive Engineer, KBJNL, JBC Division No.2, Bheemarayanagudi payable at State Bank of Hyderabad, Shahapur / Bheemarayanagudi . The validity of the EMD shall be for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of the tenders. Tenders received without valid EMD will be rejected.
3) All contractors who apply for tenders must necessarily quote their offers along with E.M.D. If they do not quote, such contractors would be black listed and would be barred from participation in future tenders.
4) The contractor should indicate the rates bith in figures and words and also indicate the total amount with percentage.
5) In the case of electronic tendering the contractor is required to attach his scanned signature to the Schedule-B before submitting.
6) Sealed cover containing the completed tender documents, original and duplicate kept in separate covers and both placed in a single cover duly sealed, superscribing Sl.No. and name of the work as mentioned in the Notification should be submitted.
7) The intending contractor should note that, if any of the lands (either in part / parts or in whole) required for the work is not yet acquired by the Nigam, it shall not be the responsibility of the contractor to take the possession of such land by consent of the land owners before commencement of work, at no extra cost to the Nigam and no claims whatsoever relating to non-availability of land would be entertained.
8) Conditional tenders / incomplete tender documents are liable to be rejected.
9) If the documents are submitted by the bidders through post or courier services it is at the risk of the contractor (i.e, KBJNL is not responsible for any postal delay).
10) The completed tender form should be submitted in sealed cover should be super scribed with name of work, the tender notification number and date.
11) Every contractor should indicate the amount for each item by multiplying his quoted rate with the quantity and also indicate their quoted amount and premium in percentage terms with two decimals.
12) Tender containing erratic rates are liable for rejection if the contractors do not agree for rationalization.
13) Automatic gates are to be provided for the barrage (separate tender), it involves fixing some embedded parts into the concrete for sill beam assembly, wall plate assembly, fulcrum assembly etc., For this civil contractor and gate contractor are to work hand-in-hand so civil contractor should make provision for this.
14) The dewatering, river diversion including formation of bund is responsibility of the contractor and no extra cost will be paid for it.
15) Further information about electronic tendering can be obtained from or e-mail .
16) Any corrections in the notification necessary corrigendum will be issued time to time.
17) The officer competent to accept the tender shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
18) In case of electronic tendering two option exist.
(a) The contractor will obtain tender documents from the website, print it and submit two copies of the same manually into the tender box.
(b) The contractor will obtain tender documents from the website, fill them and submit one copy of the completed tender document into the electronic tender box on the website itself. In this case the EMD documents should be scanned and attached with request applications.
19) In electronic tendering contractor should submit the scanned copy of the signature along with the schedule 'B'.
20) Further information about electronic tendering can be had from or e-mail contract us @ or technical @
(A Government of Karnataka Undertaking)
Office of theExecutive Engineer,KBJNL JBC Divn No.4 Awarad, Post Kellur, Tq. Jewargi Dist. Gulbarga
No.: KBJNL: JBC: D-4: Tender: PB-2/05-06 Dated:
Manual: (conventional) and Electronic tender on TURNKEY basis are invited by Executive Engineer Krishan Bhayga Jala Nigam Limited Jewargi Branch Canal Division
No–4,Post Kellur village Awarad Tq Jewargi Dist Gulbarga on behalf of M.D K.B.J.N.L Bangalore from enlisted pre-qualified LIS Construction under KNNL who satisfy the conditions for taking up the following lift irrigation work on TURNKEY basis.
The tenders are invited through manual tender and e-tendering in order to enhance the transparency in tendering process as per the water Resources Department Government of Karnataka circular dated 12.2.2004.
Two cover system of tendering consisting of Cover-I and Cover -II will be followed,
Cover–I shall contain the following documents.
1 The certificate of registration issued by the State/Centre Public sector organizations.
2 The requisite EMD
3 Latest copy of Income tax clearance certificate
4 Latest copy of Sales tax clearance certificate
5 EPF registration certificate
6 Technical bid
7 List of man power available with him for taking up the work.
Cover –II shall contain the financial bid.
The Cover –I will be opened first and thereafter Cover-II of only those bidders whose documents are in Cover-I are in order will be opened.
1. Eligibility Criteria: The Consultant applying for the work shall satisfy following prequalification criteria:
a. Shall have successfully carried out atleast one similar work for an area of 10000 Ha. In the last five years.
b. Bid validity of tender is for 180 days from the date of opening of tenders. Hence the validity of EMD and APS should be for 180 days from the date of opening of tenders.
The details of work put to tender are as follows:
Sl. No. / Name of work / Approximate amount put to tender in Lakhs / EMD in Lakhs / Stipulated period for completion including mansoon)1. / Consultancy Services for Planning and Design of Head works and canal system of Mallabad Lift Irrigation Scheme Near Balbatti, Yelgod Village of Jewargi Taluka and Nagnur Village of Shorapur Taluka Dist. Gulbarga. /
Rs. 125.00
/ 1.25 /6 Montsh
The aspiring bidders may submit their applications for blank tender documents receive blank tenders documents and submit the sealed tenders at any of the following places on notified dated.
a. Registered office Krishan Bhagya Jala Nigam Limted PWD office Aneexe 3rd floor, K.R Circle Bangalore.
b. M.D, KBJNL Office Almatti .
c. Superintending Engineer KBJNL, JBC Circle Bheemrayan Gudi Tq Shahapur Dist Gulbarga.
d. Executive Engineer KBJNL, JBC Divn –4 Post Kellur Awarad village Jewargi Taluka Dist Gulbarga
The cost of blank tender booklet per set including KST and surcharge is Rs. 5500/- (Five Thousand Five Hundred only) it is not refundable and shall be in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Executive Engineer KBJNL, JBC Divison No –4 Post Kellur Awarad Village Tq Jewargi, Dist Gulbarga Payable at SBH Jewargi and shall be attached with the application.
Sl.No. / Particulars / Manual Tendering / E-Tendering /
From / To / From / To /
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 /
1. / Submission of requisition for blank tender documents / 19.11.2005
Upto 5 PM / 26.11.2005
Upto 5 PM / 19.11.2005
Upto 5 PM / 26.11.2005
Upto 5 PM
2. / Issue of Blank tender documents / 28.11.2005
Upto 5 PM / 2.12.2005
Upto 5 PM / 28.11.2005
Upto 5 PM / 2.12.2005
Upto 5 PM
3. / Receipt of the completed tender / 8.12.2005
Upto 4.30 Pm / 9.12.2005
Upto 4.30 PM / 8.12.2005
Upto 4.30 Pm / 9.12.2005
Upto 4.30 PM
4. / Pre – Bid Conference at MD Office, KBJNL Bangalore / 19.11.2005
at 11 AM / 19.11.2005
at 11 AM
5. / Cover-I containing bid security and technical bid will be opened at M.D. Office KBJNL, B’lore / 14.12.2005
11 AM / 14.12.2005
11 AM
6. / Cover-II financial bid will be opened at MD Office at MD Office KBJNL, B’lore / 21.12.2005
at 11 AM / 21.12.2005
at 11 AM
7. / Qualifier in Cover-II / 28.12.2005
Upto 3 PM
Notice Board of E.E. Office / 28.12.2005
Upto 5 PM
Can be had from website &
e-tendering @
8. / Aspiring bidders who wish to undergo training in e-tender should submit their request in writing to undersigned on or before (under e-tender) / 17.11.2005
upto 5.30 PM
9. / Training for the above will be held at MD office Bangalore on (under e-tender) / 19.11.2005
at 3 pm
10. / Aspiring contractors who have not obtained the user ID & password for participating in
e-tender in KBJNL may obtained the same by requesting MD KBJNL, Bangalore on or before (under e-tender) / 19.11.2005
Upto 5.30 PM
11. / Application DD (Not refundable) original to be submitted to the undersigned office on or before (under e-tender) / 26.11.2005
11 AM
12. / EMD original to be submitted to this office on or before (under e-tender) / 21.12.2005
1 AM
EMD should be in the form of D.D/ Bank Gurantee of a Nationalised or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour Executive Engineer KBJNL JBC Divn No-4 Post Kellur Awarad Village Jewargi Taluka Dist Gulbarga. Payable at State Bank of Hyderabad Jewargi Branch. Tender Received without EMD shall be rejected. (Both under Manual and E-tender).
The Qualifier in Cover-II will be notified in notice board, office of the Executive Engineer KBJNL, JBC Divin No-4 Post Kellur village Awarad Ta Jewargi Dist Gulbarga. In manual tender and under E-tendering can be had from and linking to e-tendering .
The intending bidders are advised to visit the site of work before attending the pre-bid meeting and also meeting and also submitting their tenders.
The successful bidder should produce an additional bank guarantee for the difference amount below 25% if the quoted rates are below 25% of the estimated rates before executing agreement with KBJNL.