FEBRUARY 28, 2016
We, the consultation team, thank Pastor KaraBussabarger, the staff, the lay leadership and the congregation of Grand Avenue United Methodist Church for the invitation to consult with this body of Christ.
The following observations and ministry action plan are the result of this team studying the following information: 1) Grand Avenue UMC’s self-study document provided by its leaders; 2) FCJ on-line congregational survey; 3) interview with the pastor, 4) interviews with staff and ministry team leaders; 5) a focus group with participants from the congregation; 6) a meeting with the Ad Council; 7) a MissionInsite demographic report of the area’s population; 8) Faith Perceptions Mystery Guest Report; and 9) input from Saturday’s leadership workshop.
Our prayer is that God will use this assessment experience and consultation report to help Grand Avenue UMC more effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the community and the world.
Both leaders and mystery guests indicated clearly that Grand Avenue and its members can be characterized as “friendly.” Interviewees often used that term when describing some of the best aspects of the church. Guests characterized both the congregation and the pastor as “friendly,” one guest noting, “By the church being so friendly, it made me feel more comfortable to be there at the church with all the congregation.” Leaders consistently told the consultation team the best thing about Grand Avenue is the caring that makes the church feel like family.
Pastor Kara Bussabarger is consistently affirmed as a key strength of Grand Avenue UMC. Interviewed church members expressed 100% confidence in the pastor, using phrases such as “she gives life to the church,” “she’s a breath of fresh air,” and even that she is a “rock star.” Worshippers appreciate her Biblically-based messages and all appreciate her interest in missions, both internationally and locally within Connersville. Her energy level is infectious, translating to commitment to the FCJ process; she is organized (“not a procrastinator”), and leads in a positive way. One mystery guest noted, “She greeted us very warmly, enthusiastically and was very welcoming.”
Grand Avenue demonstrates strength in local outreach, including the Mission Mart (in place since 1976) and Princess Parlor, where girls in the community find prom dresses at no charge. Profits from the Mission Mart are used to help those in need with rent and utilities. A different mission focus is determined each month, and 3% of monthly giving is donated to the designated project. Church members help serve meals at the local Salvation Army's "Lord’s Table" and make pies for inmates at the local jail for Thanksgiving and Easter. The Piecemakers ministry (begun in January, 2014) provides quilts to new church members as well as giving quilts for baptism, youth confirmation or by submitting a name of someone who has a serious illness or injury.
As reported to the consultation team, Grand Avenue UMC has no debt and is fully paying its conference tithe, demonstrating financial stability and positive standing. Just as important as financial standing and generosity, however, are the other kinds of generosity within the church family. When asked about the best thing in the church, interviewees were almost unanimous in responding that “the people” are at the top of that list. Probing further revealed that the generous, giving spirit of the people of Grand Avenue is what shows people to be the best part of the church. Individuals noted that “people help” and “very rarely does anybody say no when I ask for something.”
Grand Avenue UMC has an active prayer ministry. Prayer concerns raised in worship on Sunday are placed on the prayer chain and emailed to over 60 persons who pray for those requests. Respondents to the online survey identified prayer as one of the greatest strengths of the congregation. An ongoing and effective prayer ministry will undergird the effectiveness of the congregation and will greatly impact the discerning of the congregation’s vision for the future.
Concern 1.VISION
The congregation’s self-study indicates the Mission Statement of the United Methodist Church is the Mission Statement of Grand Avenue UMC: To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. The congregational self-study indicates leadership has begun to discern a vision, which we commend. However, a clear vision for how to fulfill the mission is not yet in place. Without a clear shared vision, the church will not be able to use its resources in the most effective way to make disciples and transform the world.
The congregation understands that the day this consultation report is accepted this congregation will reaffirm The United Methodist Church’s mission: “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
The pastor will regularly attend Peer Mentoring sessions with other pastors in the FCJ process to help lead the congregation forward.
In order to prepare the congregation’s hearts to be unified with this mission, the congregation will enter into a season of prayerful reflection. A prayer team will be formed, in consultation with the pastor and the coach, that will commit to a weekly time of prayer in the church, praying for the Holy Spirit to ignite and saturate the church. This prayer team will begin by April 30, 2016, and commit to pray as long as Grand Avenue UMC is engaged in this process.
The church will hold a service of prayer and forgiveness on a Sunday morning to reaffirm God’s mandate for making disciples and transforming the world. This service will be arranged by the FCJ Prayer Coordinator in consultation with the pastor, and be held by April 30, 2016.
The pastor in consultation with the coach will form a team of five to seven persons by April 30, 2016, to identify the core values and discern the vision for the church. The coach will conduct a Core Values Workshop followed by a Vision Workshop for the congregation. The Core Values Workshop will be completed by April 30, 2016, and the Vision Workshop will be completed by June 30, 2016. The team will present their recommendations to the Ad Council for review and adoption by August 31, 2016.
Upon adopting the core values and vision, ministry leaders will demonstrate how each ministry will accomplish the mission and vision.
- To that end, the Ad Council will conduct a ministry review of all existing ministries to evaluate them for their alignment with the mission, vision and values.
- Any ministry that is not aligned to the mission, vision and values, and any ministry that is aligned, but still not fruitful, will be modified and re-evaluated for fruitfulness.
- Leaders of all continuing ministries will set goals and objectives in alignment with the mission, vision and values. This review must be completed by April 30, 2017.
- Leaders of all new ministries must demonstrate how they will be aligned to the mission, vision and values and have a plan for fruitful ministry.
While the church offers Sunday school classes for all ages, as well as a Bible study for men, a youth group and a “Ten Brave Christians” group, there is currently no strategic process to help persons—new or long-time members—to discern where they are on their spiritual journey and what steps they could take to move forward. In addition, the church has no intentional plan to help those in the community, or new to the church, understand faith and how they could grow in their faith. There is no clear answer to the question, “How does a seeker or Christ-follower at Grand Avenue UMC walk through the stages of spiritual development to become a disciple who reproduces disciples?”
The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will establish a team of three to five persons by September 30, 2016, to develop a clear discipleship pathway that helps move people from where they are on their spiritual journey to becoming fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. The coach will lead an Intentional Faith Development Workshop by October 31, 2016, to assist the team in its development of a discipleship pathway.
The discipleship pathway will be designed for everyone, whether a non-believer or one who is maturing in their faith. This discipleship pathway will represent a lifelong process in which participation in a faith development group will be encouraged and expected. The team will discern a faith development plan within a Wesleyan model that encourages all persons to:
- connect and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ,
- be transformed by studying the beliefs and principles of the Christian faith,
- connect with other believers for support and accountability through small groups,
- identify and connect with God’s purpose for their lives through prayer,
- participate in opportunities for risk-taking mission and service,
- and invite others into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
This plan will be adopted by the Ad Council(or its successor) by March 31, 2017, and will be implemented in the life of Grand Avenue UMC at all ministry levels by August 31, 2017.
The church has 17teams with approximately 107leadership slots, resulting in too many people serving on committees while the church needs more people doing hands-onministry. The consultation team observes that the same people serve on multiple teams while leaders told us they have difficulty recruiting new leaders. The church’scommittee-heavy structureand its lack of leadership development are limiting the church’s ministry effectiveness and growth. Without an intentional system to identify, recruit, train, mentor and deploy new leaders, accomplishing the mission and vision of the church will suffer.
The coach will lead an Accountable Leadership Workshop for the leaders of the church by August 31, 2016. Immediately following the workshop, a team made up of the pastor and six members will begin their work to evaluate the administrative structure of Grand Avenue UMC. A new leadership structureshould allow the church to more effectively accomplish its mission and vision. A Charge Conference to approve the proposed new structure will be held by November 30, 2016.
This new structure should provide a more efficient and effective method for implementation ofplanning and programming, church decision making, leadership accountability, andaccomplishing the church’s unifying mission and vision.
The next step will be to revise currently written job descriptions or write job descriptions in order to establish clear vision-centered job descriptions for the staff and ministry team positions. These job descriptions will provide a more objective basis for evaluation, accountability, and supervision. This must be completed by May 31, 2017. Staff and ministry teams will give and receive annual evaluations based on the accomplishment of their goals. The implementation of the model will be coordinated with the pastor, Pastor Parish Relations, and the coach.
The pastor, along with the coach, will name a New Leaders Development Team of five to seven persons by April 30, 2017, following the revision of structure and job descriptions. The New Leaders Development Team, in consultation with the coach, will devise an ongoing, sustainable plan for identifying, inviting, mentoring and deploying new leaders for mission and ministry to accomplish the vision. The New Leaders Development Team will bring a plan to the Administrative Council (or its successor) for approval by November 30, 2017.
The on-line congregational survey revealed that Grand Avenue’s number one concern is an aging congregation. The survey also showed a concern for the lack of children and young families in the life of the church. One mystery guest visitor commented: “There were not many children present at all. The total was maybe five or six children that appeared to be there with theirgrandparents.” The consultation team lifts these concerns as major issues to be addressed. While the congregation has identified these concerns as important, there has been no strategic plan to reverse the decline in the number of children and young families within the life of the church.
MissionInsite indicates a five-mile radius surrounding Grand Avenue UMC includes 8,000 people age 34 and under! In order to develop inspiring, relevant ministries to young adults and families with children and teens, the pastor will form a Next Generation Ministry Task Force by August 31, 2016. The Task Force will develop a plan for reaching young adults and families with children and teens that will include the following:
- Prayer walk the community surrounding the church to discern further impressions about the persons who live in the area.
- Complete a demographics study of the ministry area of Grand Avenue UMC by December 31, 2016.
- As a team, visit three congregations which have a vibrant family, youth and children’s ministry.
- Evaluate current programming and hospitality to determine effectiveness in reaching the target audience of young adults and families with children and teens.
- Evaluate current facilities and spaces dedicated to use by youth, children and babies/toddlers to determine if the spaces are easily identifiable, child-friendly, a good location for children’s programming, and include exciting and welcoming decor.
- Develop a plan to follow-up and engage young adults and families with children and teens in the total life of the church.
A comprehensive plan to reach and disciple young adults and families with children and teens will be presented to the Administrative Council (or its successor) for adoption by April 30, 2017.
The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will establish by June 30, 2017, an ongoing Next Generation Team of five to seven persons to continue planning and oversight of Next Generation ministries.
The congregation has several outreach ministries to bless people in the community, including the Mission Mart, the Princess Closet and the Happy Time Preschool. However, the consultation team found no evidence of intentionality in using these outreach ministries, or planning new initiatives, to make ongoing connection and relationshipwith persons in the community in order to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them and invite them to become part of the congregation. The consultation team believes the mission will not be fully realized by waiting for people to come to church to love them and show them Christ. The church needs to be proactive in going beyond the walls to find, love and witness to unchurched people.
The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will form a team of three to five people by January 31, 2017, to serve as a Missional Team. The Missional Team will review and assess the church’s mission & outreach work in the community as it relates to making disciples of Jesus Christ. The coach will conduct a Missional Workshop by February 28, 2017.
- To that end, the Missional Team will conduct a review of all existing missions and outreach work to evaluate their alignment with the mission, vision,values and discipleship pathway.
- Any mission or outreach that is not aligned to the mission, vision, values and discipleship pathway, and any mission or outreach that is aligned, but still not fruitful, will be modified and re-evaluated for fruitfulness.
- Leaders will set goals and objectives for all continuing mission or outreachwork in alignment with the mission, vision, values and discipleship pathway. This review must be completed by June 30, 2017.
- Leaders of all new mission and outreach work must demonstrate how they will be aligned to the mission, vision, values and discipleship pathway and have a plan for fruitful ministry.
This plan will be presented to the Administrative Council (or its successor) by September 30, 2017.
Once adopted, the plan will be fully implemented by December 31, 2017.
We, the consultation team, thank you for the opportunity to serve your congregation through this Fruitful Congregation Journey assessment process. Our prayer and hope for your congregation are that God will use this process to help your church become more effective and fruitful in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. May God give you courage and strength as you move forward.
Jack Hartman
Mark Ellcessor
Mike Dominick
Kurt Schoch
Dave Schrader
Town Hall Meetings:
Thursday, March 3, at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, March 9, at noon
Tuesday, March 15, at 6:30 pm
Church Conference for vote on the Consultation Report:
Sunday, March 20, at noon