Notes from Baston Parish Council Meeting held on 13th February 2014

Kier Petherick gave a presentation on a proposed Solar Farm at Wilsthorpe Farm, Greatford.

The Clerk reported that the parking problems on Main Street/Cardyke, during school time, had been reported to PCSO Laughton. Lincolnshire County Council Enforcement Officer had asked Hanson’s to be more vigilant in applying site rules. The Council Facebook is continuing to receive a good response. It has been confirmed that Baston falls into phase 7 in regards to Superfast Broad Band connection. The majority of Councillors hope to attend the Christmas tree planting ceremony on Easter Sunday.

It was agreed that the Council would give no representation on the Waterside Garden Centre planning application. They asked that the Cemex application be deferred to the March meeting. It was agreed that Cllr Wheatley join the planning group in place of Cllr Mrs Colbourn.

A Faculty had been granted by Lincoln for a new WW2 Plaque to be placed in the Church. It was agreed to grant £400 to Baston CofE School towards travelling costs when children go swimming.

It was agreed that Cllr Kelly would represent the Parish Council on the Neighbourhood Police Panel. Concern was expressed about the number of empty houses in Baston.

C.Cllr Trollope-Bellew reported that Peterborough Hospital Trust would be losing its Military Personnel in April & Deeping had registered to run its own Library service. He also updated the meeting on Greatford First Time Sewerage Scheme, the meeting held to discuss Tallington Railway Crossing & Independent Remuneration Panel suggestions for County Councils salaries. He also informed the meeting (on behalf of D.Cllr Cooke) that litter bins had to be considered on a needs basis.

D.Cllr Woolley reported that SKDC & Lloyds Bank were continuing to help first time buyers to obtain a mortgage. The District had arranged an ‘Enterprise Week’ on 17th – 21st March to help start-up, small and medium sized businesses. It is proposed that the District will not increase its share of the community tax & it will soon be time to re-join the Garden Waste Service which starts on 1st April.

Cllr Hutchins reported on BPFMC that the toilets issue at the Barn had been sorted. They are still having problems with Japanese Knotweed and they would like to include items onto the Parish Council S106 wish list. Baston in the Blitz was being well advertised.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 13th March 2014 at The Barn at 8pm. All welcome. For more information please go onto the website:-