Student Employee of the Year 2012

Craft Fair & Silent Auction

Welcome back!

The 2012 SEOTY Craft fair is in the works and you are invited to join us! All proceeds from this event will directly benefit the Student Employee Year Awards program.

Date: Friday, November 16, 2012

Time: 9:30-2:00pm

Set-up: 8:30-9:30am

Break-down: 2:00-3:00

Place: Campus Center Ballroom/Mall

Cost: $50.00 donation

Due: September 28, 2012

Contact: Linda Miyake


Vendor applications are limited.

Don’t be left out!

SEOTY event detail can be viewed at:

We do not provide vendor parking. However, you can drop off your goods at the Campus Center before parking your car. A limited number of parking passes will be available for those donating $100 or more. Please specify if you are requesting a parking pass.

Set-up/Clean up:

Vendors must be at their assigned tables by 9:30am. We reserve the right to reassign table space for no shows promptly at the start of the event. Please have your space cleaned and vacated by 3:00pm.

Table Assignments:

All booth space will be approximately 6x6. We will have one table and two chairs unless you plan to provide your own racks. This is a new location; please specify if you’d like to be placed with another vendor. Requests for access to electrical outlets must be requested in advanced.

Food Sales/Exceptions:

Please refer to attached letter.


Booth space will be assigned on type of product and on a first-serve basis with special preference to returning vendors. Event Coordinator reserves the right to refuse any applicant. All vendors must comply with food restrictions. Violators will not be allowed to sell and may be asked to vacate their booth without refund.


If you will be donating more than one item for the Silent Auction, we ask that you provide a detailed list of the items along with their values.






Type of Merchandise:

Used for advertising purposes. Please be specific.

Please submit application and donation* to:

University of Hawaii

2600 Campus Road, Rm 212

Honolulu, HI 96822

**Suggested donation $50 per table

Limited parking passes provided for donations of $100 or more

Checks payable to: Cash

Deadline: September 28, 2012