November 2011doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1587r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

November 2011 Atlanta Session Minutes
Date: 2011-11-15
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / Allied Telesis R&D / 2-14-38 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 JAPAN / +81 92 771 7630 /

TGaiNovember 2011 Atlanta Meeting Minutes

Monday AM1 Session: (Joint Ad-hoc with REG SC)

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 9:03am.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11/1486r0
  4. Presentations
  5. RF Exposure Update by Peter Ecclesine (Cisco)
  6. Enablement in 5GHz for FILS by Marc Emmelmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  7. The AP notifies its 5GHz channel list to STAs by 2.4GHz. Then the STA accesses by 5Ghz. (Marc)
  8. FCC does not specify such test. (Peter)
  9. Should ask to FCC. (Rich Kennedy)
  10. Adjourned at 10:21am

Monday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11/1486r0
  4. Approve Okinawa session minutes 11-11/1350r0.
  5. Moved: Michael Montemurro
  6. Seconded: Ping Fang
  7. Unanimously approved.
  8. Approve Teleconference minutes 11-11/1389r2.
  9. Moved: Marc Emmelmann
  10. Seconded: Michael Montemurro
  11. Unanimously approved.
  12. Submission List by Chair11-11/1487r0
  13. Modified and uploaded as r1.
  14. AM1 joint ad-hoc report by Marc Emmelmann
  15. No presentation material.
  16. Presentations
  17. Real Air-time Occupation by Beacon and Probe by Katsuo Yunoki (KDDI R&D Laboratory)11-11/1413r1
  18. Why probe responses are more than probe requests? (Andrew Myles (Cisco))
  19. There are multiple APs with same SSID. (Katsuo)
  20. Probe Request and Response in TGai by Katsuo Yunoki (KDDI R&D Laboratory)11-11/1414r2
  21. AP Status Broadcast by Katsuo Yunoki (KDDI R&D Laboratory)11-11/1415r0
  22. The presentation had copyright violation.
  23. Chair stopped the presentation and removed the material from the server.
  24. Security Requirements for TGai by Robert Sun (Huawei)11-11/1436r1
  25. A Protocol for FILS authentication by Dan Harkins (Aruba Networks)11-11/1429r0
  26. Recess at 3:25pm

Tuesday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 1:31pm.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11-11/1486r1.
  4. Presentations
  5. Fast Authentication in TGai by George Cherian (Qualcomm)11-11/1160r3
  6. If ANonce is broadcasted, may the security level be changed? (Emily Qi (Intel))
  7. No. (George)
  8. How long the lifetime of rRK? (Emily)
  9. It depends on implementation and deployment. (George)
  10. Wi-Fi driver and IP stack is separated. How to configure IP stack from Wi-Fi driver? (Gabor Bajko (Nokia))
  11. Wi-Fi drive can configure IP stack. It’s an implementation issue. (George)
  12. Fast Security Setup by Dezhi Zhang (ZTE)11-11/1426r0
  13. How to trigger Message 1? (George)
  14. I’ll ask to co-author. (Dezhi)
  15. DHCPDISCOVER is unprotected? (George)
  16. Yes, but DHCPDISCOVER does not include much information. (Dezhi)
  17. Using Upper Layer IE in TGai by Pig Fang (Huawei)11-11/1047r5
  18. Please clarify why authentication instead of association. Association messages include various information such as AID. (Santosh Abraham (Qualcomm))
  19. Such information is transferred by the last message. (Ping)
  20. How about changing message 16 and 17 as association? (Dan)
  21. It makes less change. (Jouni Malinen (Qualcomm))
  22. TGai Editor’s report by Tom Siep (CSR)11-11/1527r0
  23. Tutorial on “shall, “should”, “may”…
  24. Use of 11ac by 11af. Order issue.
  25. Recess at 3:18pm

Wednesday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11-11/1486r2.
  4. My presentation was revised as 11-11/977r6. (Hitoshi Morioka (Allied Telesis R&D Center))
  5. Presentations
  6. TGai Upper Layer Setup Proposal by Hitoshi Morioka11-11/977r6
  7. My proposal does not include MAC header. (Hiroki Nakano (Trans New Technology))
  8. My proposal includes MAC header. (Ping)
  9. I’ll fix them. (Hitoshi)
  10. Capability bits are better than IE in beacon. (Gabor)
  11. OUI protocol type is better than capability bits in beacon. (Hiroki)
  12. Strawpoll
  13. Which IE is better?
  14. Generic Container IE:14
  15. Function Specific IE:8
  16. Abstain:16
  17. TGai Discovery Proposal by Paul Lambert (Marvell)11-11/1548r0
  18. IP Address Assignment Indication by George Cherian11-11/1525r2
  19. AP Status Broadcast by Katsuo Yunoki 11-11/1565r0
  20. How frequently is the metric updated? (Stephen McCann (RIM))
  21. How to define metric? (Emily)
  22. Open for discussion. (Katsuo)
  23. Recess at 3:22pm

Wednesday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 4:01pm.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11-11/1486r3.
  4. Presentations
  5. Access Enhancements for FILS: Network Discovery & Access Congestion Improvements by Santosh Abraham (Qualcomm) 11-11/1523r2
  6. Does Network ID mean header? (Santosh Pandey (Cisco))
  7. Control field is to be defined. (Abraham)
  8. Is it protected? (Pandey)
  9. No need to protect. (Abraham)
  10. Why is ANonce? (Pandey)
  11. It’s used in 1160r3. (Abraham)
  12. How about APs without network ID, such as in home? (Jarkko Kneckt (Nokia))
  13. Use SSID. (Abraham)
  14. GAS Version Control in 11ai by Phillip Barber (Huawei)11-11/1498r1
  15. GAS Query Optimization in TGai by Phillip Barber11-11/1499r0
  16. Broadcast Probe Response by Phillip Barber11-11/1500r0
  17. What’s change by broadcasting probe response? (Gabor)
  18. Prevent retry. (Phillip)
  19. Scanning Goals and Challenges by Jarkko Kneckt11-11/1559r0
  20. AP and Network Discovery Enhancements by Marc Emmelmann11-11/1521r0
  21. Strawpoll
  22. Do you support changing the mlme-scan methods
  23. to allow for requesting “period reporting” on discoverd STAs (as opposed to a combined reporting we have today)
  24. Adding a mlme method resulting in aborting ongoing scanning
  25. Result: Yes/No/Need more information/Abstain: 10/0/3/11
  26. Do you support adding a mechanisms expediting the process of detecting multi-band-operated APs?
  27. Result: Yes/No/Abstain: 25/0/4
  28. Recess at 6:04pm

Thursday AM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 10:32am.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11-11/1486r4.
  4. Presentations
  5. Security Properties Straw Polls by Dan Harkins11-11/1572r0
  6. Which property is supported by WPA2? (Santosh Pandey)
  7. It depends on EAP method. (Dan)
  8. Please create table. (Marc)
  9. Strawpolls
  10. Identity Protection is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  11. Yes: 14
  12. No: 5
  13. Don’t know/Don’t care: 9
  14. Forward Secrecy is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  15. Yes: 13
  16. No: 4
  17. Don’t know/Don’t care: 14
  18. Session key independence is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  19. Yes: 14
  20. No: 0
  21. Don’t know/Don’t care: 13
  22. Mutual authentication is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  23. Yes: 18
  24. No: 1
  25. Don’t know/Don’t care: 10
  26. Non-mutual authentication (server authenticates client only) is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  27. Yes: 11
  28. No: 3
  29. Don’t know/Don’t care: 8
  30. Deniability is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  31. Yes: 6
  32. No: 2
  33. Don’t know/Don’t care: 19
  34. Resistance to DOS attacks is an important security property for a FILS authentication protocol to have
  35. Yes: 7
  36. No: 9
  37. Don’t know/Don’t care: 13
  38. Recess at 12:11pm

Thursday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 1:33pm.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11-11/1486r5.
  4. Presentations
  5. Scanning Enhancements for FILS – Normative Text by Marc Emmelmann11-11/1576r0
  6. This document was not uploaded 4 hour before. So motion will be made in PM2.
  7. IP address configuration during association by Gabor Bajko11-11/1014r2
  8. How about “either IPv4 or IPv6”? (Phillip)
  9. STA will choose from “IPv4 and IPv6”. (Gabor)
  10. How about additional “.11ai capability” bit? (Paul)
  11. Remove instruction pages. (Dan)
  12. Numbers in bit and element ID should be “ANA+1”, “ANA+2”… (Dan)
  13. I can’t understand how to use this IE. (Jouni)
  14. Bit expression should be “00”, “01”, “10”, “11” instead of “1”, “2”, “3”. (Phillip)
  15. Exclusive OR should be advertised too. (Phillip)
  16. Frame format, Association and Beacon, should be specified. (Emily)
  17. Is this IE not included in Association Response? (Emily)
  18. It is not needed because IP address is included in Association Response. (Gabor)
  19. Editors recommendation for submission by Tom Siep11-11/1575r0
  20. I’ll fix the process flow chart. (Tom)
  21. And show which section is to be changed. (Tom)
  22. It will be uploaded as r1. (Tom)
  23. Timeline
  24. Modified as following.
  25. PAR Approved, Modified, or Extended 2010-12-08
  26. Final contribution submissionJan 12
  27. Creating draft startsJan 12
  28. Internal review startsMay 12
  29. WG Letter Ballots Initial / RecircJul 12 / Nov 12
  30. Form Sponsor Ballot Pool / Reform Mar 13
  31. MEC DoneMar 13
  32. IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballots Initial / Recirc Jul13/ Nov 13
  33. Final 802.11 WG Approval May 14
  34. final or Conditional 802 EC Approval May 14
  35. RevCom & Standards Board Final or
    Continuous Process Approval Sep 14
  36. ANSI ApprovedN/A
  37. Teleconferences
  38. Recess

Thursday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 5:07pm.
  2. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  3. Agenda 11-11/1486r5.
  4. Teleconferences
  5. Strawpoll
  6. Which time zone is prefer for weekly teleconference until January.
  7. Time 1: 09:00 EST Tuesday: 7
  8. Time 2: 23:59 EST Monday: 10
  9. Time3: 17:00 EST Tuesday: 9
  10. Motion
  11. Approve the following schedule of weekly teleconferences.
  12. Monday 23:59 EST (NY Time) continue from 21st Nov.
  13. Duration 1Hour
  14. Using WEB-EX that will be provided by Task Group Chair
  15. Moved: Marc Emmelmann
  16. Seconded: Lei Wang
  17. Result (Y/N/A): 8/2/4
  18. Motion passes.
  19. Presentations
  20. Scanning Enhancements for FILS – Normative Text by Marc Emmelmann11-11/1576r1
  21. Motion
  22. Move to adopt 11-1576r2 and instruct editor to create draft 0.1 incorporates the contribution to the TGai draft.
  23. Moved: Marc Emmelmann
  24. Seconded: Lee Armstrong
  25. Result (Y/N/A): 4/7/8
  26. Motion fails.
  27. Plan for January
  28. Close call for submission.
  29. Drafting draft 0.1.
  30. Recommend to include Slide 12 on 11-11/1572r1 to security proposal.
  31. Adjourn at 5:37pm

Submissionpage 1Hitoshi Morioka, Allied Telesis R&D