PCRB Board Member

Position Descriptions

Elected Officers (and appointed committees)

A. Duties shall include, but not be limited to:

1.Soliciting necessary staff to administer the PCRB;

2.Recommending nominees to the Board for managerial and coaching positions for regular season and post-season play;

3.Developing the PCRB budget, including recommending player and sponsor fees;

4.Recommending PCRB purchases for uniforms, equipment and other contracts, i.e., umpire contracts, field usage;

5.Developing the PCRB schedule, including try-outs and conducting the draft;

6.Maintaining all PCRB equipment;

7.Organizing post-season All-Star activities and monitoring the process;

8.Organizing tournaments;

9.Performing duties as described in the specific officer’s or committee head’s duties;

10.Resolving grievances emanating from persons either affiliated with or not affiliated with PCRB;

11.Attending Board meetings - Board members: all; committee heads when requested to attend;

12.Meeting as often as necessary to administer the PCRB;

13.Recommending policies and procedures for each succeeding year, and

14.Supervising the PCRB fundraising activities.

Note: The President, the Vice President, all Division Directors, and the Concerns director MUST have good working knowledge of: 1)PCRB By-Laws, Rules and Policies and 2) Babe Ruth League rules and Major League Baseball rules.

B. Officers

1. President

Direct PCRB operations as prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws, with authority to administer the PCRB rules and laws as empowered. Conduct and preside over Board and Executive Committee meetings. (The President shall not vote on Board matters unless there is a voting tie in which case the President will hold the tie breaking vote.); Prepare and file the annual Washington State non-profit corporation forms; maintain a PCRB business binder with the following documents available at all reasonable times for inspection by members when requested:

a.Current charter from Babe Ruth League, Inc.;

b.Original Articles of Incorporation from the Secretary of State;

c.Application for Internal Revenue Service Tax Exempt Status;

d.Certificates of liability insurance;

e.Paperwork for Medical Accident insurance;

f.Bank signature authority, and

g.Other documents as deemed necessary by the Board.

2. Vice President

Duties shall include but not be limited to:

a.Assist the President in conducting PCRB affairs;

b.Shall preside in the absence of the President;

c.Shall serve as the board’s Rules Coordinator and be able to guide the Board if disputes arise;

d.Maintain a good working knowledge of PCRB by-laws, rules and policies, Babe Ruth League rules, and Major League Baseball rules.


Shall record, maintain, and protect the minutes of all Board meetings and other meetings as deemed necessary for the President to conduct. The minutes shall stand as a legal record of the PCRB proceedings. They shall be typed, including date and stored in a binder for inspection by members when requested. Secretary shall also assist President, Vice President, and other Board and Committee officers as needed.


Maintains custody of the PCRB finances, including banking business for the PCRB. Under the direction of the Board, will record all PCRB financial transactions. The Treasurer shall maintain the following:

a.A deposit schedule designed to account for the sources of all PCRB

income to account for all components of a deposit;

b.A journal recording of amounts paid, which indicate the following information:

i) To whom paid;

ii) What goods or services were purchased, and

iii) Receipts or billing references;

c.Prepare and file Internal Revenue Service forms;

d.Present Treasurer’s reports at board and general membership meetings;

e.Write checks to cover approved budget items;

f.All cash collections and transactions shall be tracked with a receipt;

g.Verify all sponsorship and player registration monies are counted and verified by at least one other Board member;

h.Prepare any State or IRS required documents in order to keep the League’s Non-Profit status;

i.Prepare the Annual Budget and present to the Board for approval.

5. PCRB Division Directors (Major, Minor and Rookie)

The PCRB Division Director duties shall include, but are not limited to:

a.Assisting with registration, spring training, skills evaluations and the draft;

b.Coordinating spring training, skills evaluations and the draft for respective division;

c.Assisting Equipment and Uniform Directors in the disbursement and collection of such;

d.Assist the Scheduling Director as needed;

e.Work with President and Concerns Director to interview and approve nominated coaches in the respective divisions;

f.Act as liaison between coaches and the Board.

g) Assist Registration Team Agent with draft day.

6. Concerns Director

The Concerns Director duties include, but are not limited to:

a.Develop a system for concerns to be filed, educate Board & members on the System;

b.Attempt to resolve the concerned individual’s issue, however, if their concern is still not resolved;

i) Liaison between the member and the Board regarding the concern;

ii) Keep the Board apprised of all concerns, resolved or unresolved.

c.Work with President and Division Directors to interview and approve nominated coaches

7. Uniform/Equipment Director

The Uniform/Equipment Director duties include, but are not limited to:

a.Recommend seasonal equipment purchases, gather equipment purchase information;

b.Inventory equipment, and maintain equipment storage;

c.Distribute equipment, replace equipment as necessary;

d.Purchase equipment upon Board approval and gather equipment in post season;

e. Coordinating the ordering and storing of PCRB uniforms, including post season uniforms; and

f.Coordinating the assignment and collection of uniforms.

8. Registration Director

The Registration Director duties include, but are not limited to:

a.Coordinating registration, including dates, times and places;

b.Properly assign players to teams; coordinating all roster collection;

c.Coordinating all birth verification needs;

d) Assisting with the draft procedures;

d.Preparing Babe Ruth identification cards for lamination and managing the card book;

f) In charge of skill evaluations with assistance from the Player Agent;

g) Providing proper PCRB personnel with completed, correct rosters;

h) Preparing registration notices and packets;

i) Assisting in the assignment of sponsors and team names; and

j) Preparation of summer rosters

9. Scheduling Director

The Scheduling Director duties include, but are not limited to:

a.Develop league schedules for all divisions of PCRB to be reviewed and approved by the Board;

b. Develop PCRB Championship tournament schedule for all divisions;

c. Develop schedules and bracketing for any PCRB sponsored Tournaments;

d) Reschedule all rainout games for all PCR divisions;

e) All above jobs will be with the assistance of the Division Directors;

f) Be aware of holidays, league photo day and community/school events.

10. Fields Director

The Fields Director duties include, but are not limited to:

a.Coordinate all field prep operations;

b.Procurement of the fields needed for PCRB to operate with as many teams as the Board organizes for the year. These procurements will require Board approval and may need the Presidents help;

c.Procurement and oversight of the person hired or volunteering for field preparation with Board approval;

d. Acquisition of items needed to have the fields ready to play (e.g. chalk, field dry, weed killer, bases, mound build-up, etc…) with Board approval;

e.Organize all work party day(s) (along with League Directors) to ensure fields are safe and ready for play.

11. Website/IT

The Website Director duties include, but are not limited to:

a. Development and maintenance of the PCRB website;

b.Work with the Publicity director to ensure all PCRB news and information is accurate and coordinated;

c.Work with registration team to help facilitate registration process;

d.Develop and maintain email database in order to enhance communication between Board and league members;

e.Assist managers with team stat input and other website training as needed;

f.Preparation and distribution of PCRB newsletter, fliers, and any other advertising the League does;

g.Place announcements in papers or on website, in emails, yard signs, or any other advertising regarding registration.


The Concessions Committee duties include, but are not limited to:

a.Operate all functions of the concession operation during both the regular season and postseason tournament play held at PCRB locations;

b.Acquire an adequate number of items for all PCRB snack bars;

c.Ensure all monies from the snack bars are collected and forwarded to the PCRB treasurer;

d.Organize the snack bars for any PCRB sponsored tournaments;

e.Ensure all concession stands are opened on time and locked/secured after games.

f.Coordinate and run PCRB raffle tickets, to include ordering tickets, dispersing tickets, organizing raffle prizes, collecting raffle money.