Government of Pakistan
Ministry of Communications
Karachi Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (KIDCL)
in collaboration with
Transport & Mass Transit Department, Government of Sindh
Proposals are invited from reputed Consultancy firms for the Consultancy Services in respect of the assignment “Feasibility & Technical Study and Preliminary Design for Integrated Intelligent Transport System (IITS) for the Karachi Mass Transit Plan (All MRT/BRT Lines under JICA KTIP Study)”, being sponsored by KIDCL to facilitate Transport & Mass Transit Department, Government of Sindh.
Brief Scope of the Consultancy Services includesFeasibility & Technical Study (including basis for specifications) for an integrated ITS; Preliminary Design leading to an Integrated ITS Framework; Developing a RFP document (including Technical Documents, BOQs, Specifications, Concessions etc) leading to procurement of ITS Design-Built Consultancy under PPP by Government of Sindh; Assist Green Line & Orange Line in respect of provision for ITS sleeves etc. during its infrastructure execution; and Financial & Legal Integration and Capacity Building; and services to Government of Sindh in respect of Transaction Advisory Services for a PPP Procurement and Supervision Services (Green and Orange Lines).
Technical and Financial proposals (Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure) on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS), under Public Procurement Rules, 2004 read with Procurement of Consultancy Services Regulation, 2010, are hereby requested on a format specified in the Request For Proposal (RFP). The RFP can be obtained by all the PEC registered consultants in the relevant category (Mass Transit, Transportation Systems Services, Communications System, Electronics Engineering and / or any relevant category under the PEC Bye-Laws) from the address given below, at the cost of Rs. 5,000/- payable through DD/PO only, in the name of “Karachi Infrastructure Development Company Limited (KIDCL)”, along with a covering letter of the firm and supporting documents showing their eligibility. The Pakistan based consultants must be registered with PEC, while Foreign Consultants shall make JV with local consultants as per PEC Bye-Laws.
Qualification Criteria for selection of the Consultant is as provided in the Request For Proposal. Submission of RFP, complete in all respects, can be made, latest by Tuesday, 17thNovember, 2015 till 1100 Hrs, at the address mentioned below. Technical proposals will be opened on the same day / address at 1200 Hrs.
Pre-Proposal Conference: Friday, 6th November, 2015 at 10:00 am at addressgiven below / In case of revised schedule, as updated on Client’s website or otherwise.
General Manager (Engineering), KIDCL
6th Floor, Extension Block, Bahria Complex-IV, Gizri, Karachi
Tel: 021-35155101
; ()
Also available at