ORGA – Minutes – 07/30/2013 – page 4

Oconee River Greenway Authority


30 July 2013

Members Present: Peter Boylan, Chairman; Richard Bentley, Bill Caldwell, Bo Edwards, Sammy Hall, Jonathan Jackson, Eric Mosley, Marion Nelson, Indiren Pillay, Daniel Schay

Others Present: Jeff Gray - GMC

Walter Reynolds – ORGF

Sherrill Jones – Recorder

Not Present: Dr. Heather Langston

Location: Conference Room – Sibley-Cone Library – Georgia Military College

I. Call to Order – At approximately 1:32 PM, Chairman Boylan called the 30 July 2013 meeting of the Oconee River Greenway Authority to order, and introduced GMC’s new President, Lieutenant General William (Bill) Caldwell. He also reported that due to health-related issues Director Langston has been granted a month’s leave of absence.

II. Approval of 25 June 2013 Minutes – Prior to the meeting members reviewed minutes for the 25 June 2013 meeting. Mr. Bentley made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mosley and unanimously approved.

III. Treasurer’s Report – In the absence of Director Langston there was no monthly treasurer’s report; however, Chairman Boylan indicated ORGA’s current financial status is fine. He further reported that due to recent changes in Georgia’s financial reporting entity standards, ORGA will no longer be required to complete any SAO year-end reporting forms or provide SEFA information for the State of Georgia

IV. Old Business

A. Election of ORGA Officers – Mr. Nelson made a motion to approve the following slate of officers for 2013: Chairman, Peter Boylan; Vice-Chairman, Richard Bentley; Secretary/Treasurer, Jonathan Jackson. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mosley and unanimously approved.

B. Phase II Status – Chairman Boylan reported that Change Order #2, which modifies the bridge over Tanyard Creek so that it will support concrete trucks and other heavy vehicles, was approved. Construction is currently underway.

C. Lower Fishing Creek Trail, Phase 1a Status – No update

D. Greene Street Extension Status – Discussion regarding whether or not the Greene Street Extension is open ensued, with Chairman Boylan noting that roadblocks were in place today. Mr. Gray commented that it was open to thru traffic during the weekend. Mr. Bentley reported that GDOT has not released the road to the city and as per board directive during the June meeting heavy equipment has not been allowed; consequently, he believes this is the reason for today’s roadblock.

Those present agreed that the Greene Street extension should be open only to pedestrian and car traffic at this time and that the Hancock Street entrance should be a “construction only” entrance. Mr. Nelson volunteered to coordinate with Fowler–Flemister to insure that concrete trucks use only the Hancock Street entrance. He will also ask the contractor to erect a “construction entrance only” sign. Mr. Reynolds volunteered to provide a public service announcement relative to the two entrances. Chairman Boylan and Mr. Bentley will coordinate with City Engineer Mark Patrick.

E. Selma Erwin - Chairman Boylan reported the transfer of the Selma Erwin property has stalled due to difficulty with the property deed. Mr. Mosley explained it seems that when the property was transferred to the Forestry Commission in 2001 all the required paperwork was never completed. Tax records indicate the property is still owned by Central State Hospital, and that there will be a fee for completing the required paperwork for the deed transfer. It was agreed that ORGA will address the cost of the deed transfer. Mr. Mosley volunteered to follow-up with the county and with Director Langston to see that this is completed.

Greg Strenkowski has been given a copy of ORGA’s signed resolution to accept the property once the deed issue is resolved.

On July 27, there was a volunteer workday at the property. Mr. Reynolds reported 25 volunteers worked to clear and repair trails and that ORGF hosted a cookout for these workers.

F. Berry Property – Mr. Nelson reported that Mr. McDade is still interested in leasing the Berry property at $8/acre for archery-only hunting. He asked if a lease agreement has been initiated, noting archery season begins in September. Chairman Boylan will contact Dr. Langston to determine if the AG’s office has drafted an agreement. If not, Mr. Nelson will work with Dr. Langston on securing this as soon as possible.

G. History at the Greenway

1. Historic Markers: - Chairman Boylan, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Hall and Mr. Nelson will meet with Dr. Bob Wilson to discuss signage. Mr. Nelson once again noted the signage being used at Andalusia and suggested board members examine it. Mr. Mosley recommended Voss Signs as a possible vendor.

2. CVB – Following Director Langston’s conversation with CVB Director Jane Sowell, Chairman Boylan wrote members of the CVB Board asking that the Greenway be included on the CVB’s Walking Tour. Mr. Edwards pointed out there are no sidewalks leading to the Greenway, making pedestrian access limited. Chairman Boylan would like to see, as a minimum, the inclusion of the Greenway on the CVB’s walking map.

3. Collaboration with OCMS – Plans are underway for an exhibit on the Greenway in the Barbara Chandler Room of the Old Capital Museum in early 2014.

H. Wilkinson County Report – Mr. Jackson reported that Director Langston is scheduled to make a presentation on the Greenway to the Wilkinson County Chamber of Commerce on August 6, at 8:30 AM. All ORGA Board Members will receive invitations in the mail. Mr. Edwards indicated he would be available to substitute for Director Langston if needed. Dennis Holder will also make a presentation on the progress of Ball’s Ferry.

I. Executive Director Evaluation - Chairman Boylan asked Board Members to submit their completed evaluation forms for Director Langston as soon as possible so he can compile data in preparation for an evaluation session immediately following the next board meeting.

J. By-laws revision - Mr. Hall reported that Director Langston wants to gather additional information before conferring with him on the subject; consequently, this is still a work-in-progress.

K. Maintenance Issues – Chairman Boylan reported the following maintenance issues at the Greenway: Trash, a downed tree blocking a new part of the trail, and grass needing to be cut. Mr. Gray will address the trash issue. Mr. Nelson noted that Director Langston has been contracting grass cutting on an as-needed basis.

Mr. Mosley commented that grass cutting, particularly around the pond area, will be an issue when the Selma Erwin property is officially transferred and he reiterated his previous concern (earlier board meetings) regarding property management. Mr. Bentley volunteered to contact prison industries regarding the need to cut grass on this tract.

V. New Business

A. ORGF Update – Mr. Reynolds provided the following information:

· A River Clean-up Day is scheduled for September 14. The event will be well publicized. Plans include beginning the day with a Celebrity Plunge. In light of the recent rescue of three teens swimming in the river, Chairman Boylan expressed concern and cautioned the group about liability. Mr. Reynolds indicated he would ask the planning committee to take these concerns under consideration.

· On September 21, the Milledgeville Kiwanis Club will sponsor a River Rat Race, which will begin at the Greenway Boat Ramp.

· On the second Saturday in August the Fall Line Ramblers will perform.

· ORGF will participate in a Taste of Milledgeville during First Friday in September.

· Z-97 is providing a number of new public service announcements relative to the Greenway.

· November/December plans will focus on several charitable events including a canned food drive and a toy drive.

· Baldwin High classes of ‘67,’68, and ‘69 want to donate a tree to the Greenway. Mr. Mosley recommended they consider either a River Burch or a Black Gum.

· ORGA’s website, FB and social media continue as means of advertising events at the Greenway.

· The Saturday Farmers Market continues to attract 200-300 visitors each week. Mr. Edwards commented that this event doesn’t appear in The Macon Telegraph’s Weekly Calendar. Mr. Reynolds took note and will contact The Telegraph.

In an effort to build community support for the Greenway, Mr. Reynolds asked that one or more ORGA Board Members attend each event sponsored by ORGF. Chairman Boylan also noted that it would be helpful if board members made a monetary contribution (any amount would be fine) to the Foundation so that it can assert 100% Board participation when seeking grant support.

B. Schedule Next Meeting – The next meeting of the Oconee River Greenway Authority is scheduled for 1:30 PM on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 in the Sibley Cone Library at Georgia Military College.

C. Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 2:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,


Sherrill Jones, Recorder