PACE Rep Minutes

October 10, 2007

2:00 PM, Taylor 248

Chair: Shelby Carter

Recorder: Ann Keane

PACE Reps: Abby Greenfield (OOA), Ann Keane (ADC), Caralee Perry (Evr), Kristi Bronson (Herrett), Lauri Watkins (Aspen), Revis Turner (Can), Robert Milligan (Fine Arts), Sandra Bosteder (Can), Shelby Carter (Tay), Tricia Richard (Library), Vicki Kulm (Shl), and Zetell Nelson (Tay),

PACE Execs: Dawn Orr (Tay) and Teri Fattig (Library)

Guests: Tina Standlee (Training Committee)

Shelby Carter started the meeting at 2:00 P.M.

Minutes from the Sept. 07 meeting were approved.

Introductions: Tricia Richard will be replacing Rosann Baird as the Rep for the Library.

Executive Committee: Execs want to remind everyone that nominations for 3 Execs will be coming up in Nov.

Old Business

³ Meetings for remainder of the year:

³ Nov. 14 – Ann Keane (chair) and Kristi Bronson (recorder)

³ Dec. 12 – PACE Rep Retreat, Shelby volunteered to look into it and Robert said he would ask about having someone from Fine Arts to be a comic.

New Business

Training Committee - Tina

³ Some members of the Training Committee have had to step down for various reasons. The next meeting will be held on Mon., Oct. 15 at 10 AM in Taylor’s TLC. Tina asked if any of the folks at the meeting would be interested in becoming a member of the training committee or if they could recommend someone.

³ The next Brown Bag is scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 18. Jim Bolton, CSI instructor will show folks how to make a wine holder. The class is already full with 15 participants. Future Brown Bags will be Plumbing for Dummies with Dennis Bower and Inside/Outside Car Care with Tim Pierce.

³ Training Days did not have as big as participation as in the past. Everyone that went enjoyed it. Dayle Ohlau from the Hailey Center gave a presentation on Communication in the Workplace.

³ Tina wanted to remind folks that every time they attend an event, their name is put into the drawing for the year-end grand prize. The prize has still not been determined.

³ Ideas for other brown bags were given. Some suggestions were basic animal care, culinary arts, finger painting, holiday decorating, hyster training, more FERPA training, moving of shrubs/trees/plants and the planting of winter bulbs.

Recycling – Sandra

Sandra reported that an instructor on campus who relocated from the state of Washington would like to see a more thorough recycling program implemented on campus. He was surprised at the amount of recyclables that he sees tossed into the garbage from campus. She was surprised to learn that we are not to be throwing any type of battery into the landfills. There was quit a bit of discussion among everyone about recycling issues. After it became obvious this was an important issue one of the Execs said they would bring it up at the Exec mtg. and then pass the information along to the Maintenance Dept to look into.

I’ve Been Treated – Shelby

An “I’ve Been Treated” flyer was passed out to every person in attendance. The idea is to provide a small treat to a co-worker (under $5.00). The treated co-worker then provides a treat to another co-worker and places the “I’ve Been Treated” sign on their desk. It works like a domino effect and the sign helps in that it allows more people to be treated. An Exec mentioned that if a dept doesn’t seem to be able to get the ball rolling on this to please give one of them a call.

Donuts – Shelby

³ On the 2nd Tues. of every month from 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. PACE provides donuts for employees. The next date will be Nov. 13th. Shelby and Zetell volunteered to take care of the table after it was announced that no one was signed up for Nov.

³ There was quit a bit of discussion about having this event rotate to different buildings rather than always holding it in the Taylor.

Building Reports

³ OOA reported they are working to hand over the Senior Expo to St. Luke’s. They would still participate by having a couple of booths, but they would let St. Luke’s take care of the logistics. They also need to advertise more about the availability of golf carts to transport folks from the parking lot to the gym. There is going to be a Community Health Fair at the Filer Fairgrounds towards the end of the month. The OOA will participate in this event.

³ ADC is proud to announce that Marian Steel has achieved the rank of Dr. after successfully defending her dissertation.

³ Evergreen has been doing business as usual. They did have lots of 6th graders recently for a Science & Technology Expo that was held in the gym on the 8th of Oct. The report is that it was highly successful.

³ Herrett Center will be hosting the Festival of Trees this year due to the fact that the Anderson Building is no longer available. This will be quit an event for the Center. Kristi mentioned that folks need to request bookings for the Rick Allen room in advance. This also includes campus groups. The very minimum is three months in advance. She said most groups have learned to book their next event immediately following their event that just finished.

³ Aspen has been doing business as usual.

³ Canyon reports that a new welding class will be starting.

³ Fine Arts reports that the show “Frankenstein” has been well received.

³ Library has new window displays that folks might want to check out. One of them is on banned books.

³ Shields is doing business as usual.

³ Taylor is already gearing up for Spring semester with schedules.

Other Business

³ It was reported that the PERKS books are a go again for this year.

³ Ann suggested that PACE create a crazy quilt. Someone could create the design layout. Each building could be responsible for creating a specific size quilt with some artistic idea about PACE. After it is put together it could be auctioned or raffled off for some kind of function. Ann said maybe everyone could think about this idea and bring their thoughts to the next meeting.

Next Mtg: Wed., Nov 14, 2-3 pm in Taylor 258

Chair: Ann Keane

Recorder: Kristi Bronson

Meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m.