Termination form for project participants
The form is to be completed by the participant
IntroductionThis termination form is to be completed by all participants in projects which have received grants from the European Social Fund.
The information in the termination form will be recorded electronically, and the Danish Business Authority will use the information to:
· Ensure successful performance of the structural funds
· Observe the requirements in the EU regulations, including the requirements regarding control and supervision of the allocation and use of the structural funds
· Evaluate the performance of the structural funds
It is therefore very important that the form is completed fully and correctly.
Now and then you will be requested to elaborate your answers. In that case, you will find
highlighted text which will help you reply to the right questions.
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Questionnaire for the participant - Termination form
You are attached to the following project under the European Social Fund:
0.1 Basic project data:Project name: / ______
Project number: / ______
Project manager / responsible: / ______
Growth forum: / ______
Fund: / ______
Priority: / ______
Area: / ______
Category: / ______
Competition-exposed pool: / q Yes / q No
1. Your name (first name and family name)
(write here)
2. Your date of birth (date, month, year)(write here)
3. Have you completed or stopped the project?(10)
(Tick only once) / 4. On which date did you withdraw from the project (Date, month, year)
q / Completed the project
q / Stopped the project / (write here)
5. To which extent have you been satisfied with the project?
(Tick only once) / 6. Did you establish your own business during the project period or in connection with termination of the project?
(Tick only once)
q / To a very large extent / q / Yes Go to 6.1
q / - / q / No Go to 7
q / -
q / Neutral
q / -
q / -
q / To a very small extent
q / Don't know
6.1 State the CVR number of your business
(Only reply to question 6.1 if you have established your own business during the project period or in connection with termination of the project)
CVR no (xxxxxxxx):______
7. What is your relation to the labour market at the termination of the project?
(Choose the answer which best describes your present relation to the labour market)
(Tick only once)
q / I am employed
Go to 7.1
(You are employed if you are a wage/salary earner in ordinary employment or employed in a flex job or a protected job, or if you are a student with more than 20 hours of ordinary employment)
q / I am unemployed, i.e. without a job, looking for a job and available to the labour market
Go to 7.2
(You are unemployed if all three conditions below are met:
-You must be without a job,
- you must be available to the labour market,
- you must be looking actively for a job.
Covers everybody receiving unemployment benefits, welfare claimants looking for a job, and other unemployed people looking for jobs, together with people in job training or welfare-to-work schemes.)
q / I am not employed, and not unemployed
Go to 7.3
(Covers everybody else, such as students, people on early retirement, welfare claimants who are not actively looking for a job)
7.1 Which of the following covers best your employment situation?
(Please only reply to question 7.1 if you have stated that you are employed)
(Tick only once)
q / Wage/salary earner
q / Self-employed or assisting spouse
Go to 8
7.2 Which of the following covers best your unemployment situation?
(Please only reply to question 7.2 if you have stated that you are unemployed)
(Tick only once)
q / Unemployed with less than 12 months' continuous unemployment from the start of the unemployment period
q / Unemployed with more than 12 months' continuous unemployment from the start of the unemployment period
Go to 9
7.3 Which of the following covers best your situation?
(Please only complete question 7.3, if you have stated that you are employed or unemployed)
(Tick only once)
q / In education/training, including education/training with traineeship/internship
q / Receiving pre-retirement benefit, early retirement benefit or other types of pension
q / Welfare claimant - and not actively looking for a job
q / None of the above - unemployed and not actively looking for a job, and not in education/training or job training.
Go to 9
8. What is your job function at the termination of the process?(14)
(Please only reply to question 8 if you are employed)
(Tick only once)
q / Management in businesses, organisations and the public sector
Go to 9
(Covers all managers regardless of the size of the business/organisation, and regardless of the demand for qualification level)
q / Academic work in businesses, organisations and the public sector. Lecturing/teaching at universities, upper secondary schools, business schools and primary and lower secondary schools
Go to 8.1
(Work involving use of knowledge and/or research at the highest level within a specific professional area and employees with teaching/lecturing jobs which require a high level of professional knowledge. For example physicist, actuary, construction engineer, IT and system developer, architect, physician, midwife, teacher, attorney, auditor, librarian, journalist, actor, musician and clergyman)
q / Technical work in connection with production and transport, assistance in connection with trade and administration; teaching, care and assistant work in the health sector, and assistance in connection with police and customs work
Go to 9
(The work assumes skills at medium skills level, i.e. most often a short or medium-term further education. For example: laboratory technician, programmer, photographer, ship's master, nurse, nursery teacher, estate agent, customs and police officer)
q / Office work, postal and police work, shop and sales work, care work in the private sector
Go to 9
(The work mainly includes general office work, IT and other entering work, calculation work, book-keeping and recording, postal and office work, work in connection with money transactions, such as bank clerks, travel agent, reception work and switchboard work, shop and sales work, and work in connection with personal care, such as hairdressers)
q / Work within agriculture, horticulture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Go to 9
(Work in connection with horticulture, animals, field crops and farm animals, forestry, fishing and hunting)
q / Artisan's work
Go to 9
(Artisan's work within mining, industry and construction and manufacturing activities, such as work done by bricklayers, carpenters, electricians and bakers)
q / Process and machine operator work and transport and construction work
Go to 9
(Operating and surveying process machinery and other stationary machines, mounting and assembly line work, and transport and construction work)
q / Other types of work
Go to 9
(Such as cleaning and refuse collection, courier and security service and telephone and door-to-door sale. Assistance within agriculture, horticulture, fishing and forestry. Manual work within the construction sector, the transport sector and manufacturing activities)
8.1 Which type of academic work do you do?
(Only reply to question 8.1 if you have stated in question 8 that your job function is academic work)
(Tick only once)
q / Academic work in businesses, organisations and the public sector.
q / Research and/or lecturing at institutions of higher education
q / Teaching in primary school, upper secondary school and adult further education
9. Have you obtained or will you obtain new job functions as a consequence of the project?
(Tick only once)
q / Yes
q / No
9.1 To which extent have you improved your competences within your present/latest area of competence?
(Tick only once) / 9.1 To which extent have you improved your competences within an area different from your present/latest area of competence?
(Tick only once)
q / To a very large extent / q / To a very large extent
q / - / q / -
q / - / q / -
q / Neutral / q / Neutral
q / - / q / -
q / - / q / -
q / To a very small extent / q / To a very small extent
q / Don't know / q / Don't know
9.a Date and signature
I accept that personal information about me as stated in this termination form can be collected and processed as described in "Information about the Act on Processing of Personal Data and the European Social Fund" in connection with the implementation and evaluation of the social fund project in which I participate/for which I work. "Information about the Act on Processing of Personal Data and the European Social Fund" was received by me at the start of the project. If desired, the material can be provided once more by the project holder.
Thank you for your replies. Please hand over the completed questionnaire to the project holder/course leader who will enter your replies for the Danish Business Authority.
Fields reserved for the project holder:
Participant number:______Date of registration:______(version 2.1 - 01 March 2012
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