Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF)

User Request for Access to Laboratory Resources (External Researchers)

The ESIF, located at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), houses an unparalleled collection of state-of-the-art capabilities to study clean energy technologies at all scales-from developing and validating individual appliances or components to running Megawatt-sized grid simulations.

Designated as an official U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) user facility, the scientific capabilities – researchers, instruments and facilities –are available for use by the global research community. Researchers may propose R&D projects to be conducted in ESIF laboratories using this User Access Request Form.

Admittance into ESIF is subject to DOE approval. Non-U.S. citizens must allow a minimum of four weeks to process paperwork before arriving onsite.

Please fill out this form in its entirety and upload the document as a single PDF. Do not provide any proprietary information in this request.

  1. Project Information-

Project Title

Abstract: (200 word limit) Note: this text may appear on NREL’s public-facing web site.

Requestor’s Contact Information, Institution and Address

  1. Project Participants- List everyone who will physically work in an ESIF laboratory.

Name / Organization / Citizenship / Email

Add rows if needed.

  1. Budget Table- Please estimate the budget associated with each party involved

Funding Recipient / Funding Source / Amount

4.Background and Scientific Approach Note: replace text in the box below. Limit: 2 pages

State the specific objectives of the proposed work and the importance or significance of the results to be obtained. Describe any prior work done to validate the approach. Proposals should include sufficient information for peer review in the area of research as well as information appropriate for a more general audience.
  1. Project Alignment Note: replace text in the box below. Limit: 1 page

Is this allocation needed to fulfil a DOE project requirement? If so, identify the DOE contract number and associated DOE Office and technical monitor. If not, please articulate how this project is aligned with NREL and DOE missions. Be as specific as possible in your response. Requests should include enough information to allow reviewers to judge the alignment with NREL and DOE missions. If your project has funding from multiple sources, please indicate each funding source.
  1. Team and Resources Note: replace text in the box below. Limit: 1 page

Please provide biographies for key personnel and their role(s) on this project. Indicate how the team will be supported financially if not by DOE.

Additional Support – Please replace the text below.

  1. Laboratory Space and Schedule Estimates
  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) Please include single page CVs for all parties that will work onsite at ESIF. Please embed the CV’s intothis request asONE combined document.
  1. Supporting Documentation

Please provide the following supporting documentation as applicable as an Appendix to this request. (Draft documents and sketches are acceptable.)

-Process and instrumentation diagram

-Single line electrical drawing with voltage and power specifications

-Technical specifications ofthird party equipment to be used in the ESIF