January 5, 2018
943 Jackson Street, Albany, CA 94706
(510) 982-6023 /
2017Ph.D., Liturgical Studies, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA
Metaphors of Eucharistic Presence: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to an Ecumenical Theology of Bread, Wine, and the Body and Blood of Christ
Committee: Ruth Meyers, Michael Aune, Eve Sweetser, Gary Macy
Allied Field: New Testament; University Discipline: Linguistics
2007M.Div. (honors in Liturgics), General Theological Seminary, New York, NY
2003B.A., Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
- “Eucharistic Spirituality and Metaphoric Asymmetry.” In Putting God on the Map: Theology and Conceptual Mapping, edited by Erin Kidd and Jakob Rinderknecht. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, forthcoming.
- Eucharistic Sacrifice as a Contested Category: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach. Alcuin/GROW Joint Liturgical Studies 85. Norwich: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 2018, forthcoming.
- “A Eucharistic Origins Story, Part 2: The Body and Blood of Christ.” Worship92, no. 4 (July 2018, forthcoming).
- “A Eucharistic Origins Story, Part 1: The Breaking of the Loaf.” Worship 92, no. 3 (May 2018, forthcoming).
- “On Pronouns, Politics, and Process.” Sewanee Theological Review61, no. 1 (Jan. 2018, forthcoming).
- “Radial Extension, Prototypicality, and Tectonic Equivalence.” Open Theology4, no. 1 (Jan. 2018), 84-98.
- “The Word Made Flesh: Toward a Sacramental Theology of Language.” Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy (2014): 121-139.
- “O Oriens: Reassessing Eastward Eucharistic Celebration for Renewed Liturgy.” Anglican Theological Review 94, no. 3 (Summer 2012): 451-473.
2015-16Bogard Fellow, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
2014-15Newhall Fellow, Graduate Theological Union
2012Presidential Scholar, Graduate Theological Union
- “Metaphors of Eucharistic Presence.” North American Academy of Liturgy, Liturgical Language Seminar, January 2018.
- “On Pronouns, Politics, and Process.” Once and Future Prayer Book Conference (PartII), University of the South School of Theology, October 2017.
- “The Word Made Flesh: Toward a Sacramental Theology of Language.”
North American Academy of Liturgy, Liturgical Theology Seminar, January 2014.
2018North American Academy of Liturgy (Liturgical Language Seminar)
2014, 2013, 2011North American Academy of Liturgy (Liturgical Theology Seminar)
2014American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature
Spring 2018Liturgical Leadership, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Spring 2017Liturgical Leadership, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Summer 2016Liturgical Leadership, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Spring 2016Pastoral Liturgical Leadership, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Spring 2015Development of Eucharistic Theology, Graduate Theological Union
(co-taught with LouisWeil)
Fall 2015Teaching Assistant: Postmodern Christian Education, CDSP (Susanna Singer)
Fall 2014Teaching Assistant: Liturgics, CDSP (Ruth Meyers)
Spring 2014Teaching Assistant: Liturgical Leadership, CDSP (Lizette Larson-Miller)
Fall 2013Teaching Assistant: Liturgics, CDSP (Louis Weil)
Spring 2013Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Worship, CDSP (Ruth Meyers)
Fall 2012Teaching Assistant: Liturgics, CDSP (Ruth Meyers)
2012-presentTrainer, College for Congregational Development, Episcopal Dioceses of Olympia and Northern California
2014-2015Co-director, Collaborative for Church Vitality, Episcopal Dioceses
of California and Northern California
2011Certificate in Congregational Development, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
2010Clinical Pastoral Education, 4 units (Level II)
Summer 2015Interim Sabbatical Rector, All Souls Episcopal Parish, Berkeley, CA
2010-2011Associate, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Seattle, WA
2009-2010Chaplain Resident, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA
2007-2009Associate, Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Dallas, TX
English (native)
French (excellent reading, proficient writing and speaking)
Russian (good reading with dictionary, conversational speaking)
Biblical Greek (good reading with dictionary)
Latin (good reading with dictionary)
Spanish, German (basic reading with dictionary)