Workshop Application Form

Before filling in the application form:

-Please make sure that you meet the criteria, listed below,for participating in this programme.

-Please submit the formby the deadline.

Criteria for participating in this programme

By submitting the Workshop Application Form we understand that you fully meet the following criteria:

-Applicants must be a doctoral student, or an early-career researcherat one of the 12 participating universities.

-Applicants must be enthusiastic about collaborative and interdisciplinary work.

-Applicants must be able to commit fully to the programme in Ritsumeikan University and must be able to travel to Japan.

-As the programme will be conducted in English, applicants must be able to communicate in English, although competency in written English is less important.

-Applicants must be able to contribute to disseminating the outcome of the workshop to wider audiences in cooperation with RENKEI member universities and the British Council which is the secretariat of RENKEI.

-Applicants must be able to demonstrate how their academic interests could contribute to the themes of the workshop, which are:

  1. Barriers and criticisms of cultural heritage open scholarship
  2. Business models for cultural heritage open scholarship in HE and private sector
  3. Designing and linking the (social) open scholarship spectrum
  4. Open access and alternative publication models for cultural heritage
  5. Open cultural heritage education
  6. Open geospatial in cultural heritage
  7. Open government and research data and cult heritage
  8. Open scholarship and visualization
  9. Open scholarship, privacy and ethics.

Digital Cultural Heritage Business and Open Data:

Bringing Rome to Japan

Workshop Application Form

1. Name / Given / Family
2. Email
3. Phone number
4. University
5. Current position
(e.g. 1st year PhD student)
6. Current research topic
7. Degree/discipline(s)
8. Language Proficiency / Mother Tongue
□English □ Japanese □ Others ( )
If English is NOT your first language, please answer your English proficiency.
Speaking □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
Listening □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
Reading □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
Excellent:Refined fluency skills and topic-controlled discussions, debates & presentations. Formulates strategies to deal with various essay types, including narrative, comparison, cause-effect & argumentative essays.
Good:Conversational accuracy & fluency in a wide range of situations: discussions, short presentations & interviews. Compound complex sentences. Extended essay formation.
Fair:Broader range of language related to expressing opinions, giving advice, making suggestions. Limited compound and complex sentences & expanded paragraph formation.
Poor: Simple conversation level, such as self-introduction, brief question & answer using the present and past tenses.
9. Accommodation and other requirements / Accommodation
□ I wish to stay at the Ark Hotel □ I wish to commute from home
Special dietary requirements (please include any allergies)
□ I have special dietary requirements
Please specify( )
Special access requirements (e.g. wheelchair access)
Please specify( )
10. Your brief biography
(300 words max)
11. Why are you interested in participating in this programme and how will you benefit from the experience?
(300 words max)
12.Please describe any past experience related to the theme of this programme
(300 words max)
13. How do you think you can contribute to this programme?
(300 words max)
14. Applicants must be able to contribute to disseminating the outcome of the workshop to wider audiences in cooperation with RENKEI member universities and the British Council. If you agree, please tick the box / Yes, I agree to contribute to disseminating the outcome of the workshop
15. How do you intend to bring back benefit to your research or disciplinary group and university after the programme?