EdExploreSRQ.com Provider Application/Criteria Form
EdExploreSRQ.com is a public websiteand a place for teachers to search all of the rich and engaging opportunities orexplorations available through our numerous community arts, science and history organizations. To be included on this site,your organization will be asked to complete thisCriteria Form which will enable us to learn more about your organization and the exploration(s) you are offering to our students. This Criteria Form is intended to help organizationsfind the most meaningful ways to connect to our students. Primarily, we are looking for a strong level of connection to our state standards. If you need help connecting your exploration to the standards in any subject area, we are happy to help. If you have questions about the form or about standards, please contact Angela Hartvigsen, Fine Arts Program Specialist for the Sarasota County Schools at or 941-927-9000, ext. 34107.
Section I
Please give a brief description of your organization, including the following:
- Organization/Artist Name:
- Organization/Artist Address:
- Mission Statement:
- Website:
- Organization Contact Person:
- Contact Phone:
- Contact email:
- Organization Founded (year):
- How long have you had an educational program?
- Discuss your organization's involvement in providing educational programs in the Sarasota CountySchools.(maximum 300 words)
Section II
Please discuss your Exploration. (Please complete this section for each exploration you plan to submit for posting on the EdExploreSRQ.com website.)
- Exploration (Program) Title:
- Description of Exploration (maximum 300 words):
- How does your exploration connect:
To state educational standards?(Please list specific benchmark numbers and briefly explain how each will be addressed.)
To our student needs?
- Please describe why this exploration is needed in the Sarasota County Schools (addresses gaps in grade level offerings, geographic coverage, subject area needs, etc).
- Exploration website address(if available, provide a link to an area of your site that is specifically about this exploration):
- How were curriculum materials developed? (Please include names and credentials of those involved inmaterial preparation)
- Please include examples of your pre and post exploration learning activities and your curriculum materialsused during the exploration. (You may submit a web link if your materials are on line.)
- Has the exploration been evaluated? If so, by whom and what are the results?
- Has this exploration been offered in Sarasota County Public Schools? If so, please give a brief history.
- Grade Level(s) Addressed:
- Subject Area(s) Addressed:
- Type of Exploration:
___ In-School Field Exploration ___ In-School Performance ___ Off-Campus Field Exploration
___ Off-Campus Performance ___ Teaching Artist Residency ___ Online/Virtual Performance
___ Online/Virtual Conference ___ Professional in Field Visit to Classroom
___ Other Type: ______
- Location(s) of this exploration:
- If this is a school-based exploration, are you limited to specific schools or areas of the district?
- Dates Available:
16. Times:
17. Maximum number of participants:
18. What does it cost? (Denote whether this is per student or per exploration):
19. Is transportation needed?
If so, is it included in the cost or is it an additional cost and what is the amount?
Who arranges transportation?(The organization, the school/teacher or other.)
20. Do you offer financial assistance for school or student participation? (This can include transportation.)
21. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Organizations: please submit this completed form to Angela Hartvigsen, Fine Arts Program Specialist for the Sarasota County Schools, at or Angela Hartvigsen, Curriculum and Instruction, Sarasota County Schools, 1960 Landings Blvd., Sarasota, FL, 34231-3331.
Teaching Artists: please submit this completed form to Cindy Balistreri, at the Arts and Cultural Alliance