LCMS March 2015 Good News Report
LCMS congratulates our MarchStudents & Staff of the Month and their families
7th graders: Adrianna Haley and Ty Culvey
8th graders: JoseyTolley and Cameron Head
Staff: Angie Freeman
8th Grader JoseyTolley will be competing in the Governor's Cup State Finals, March 14-16, in Louisville. She qualified for State by placing 3rd in the Composition portion of the Regional Governor's Cup Competition that was held at Paducah Middle School on January 30th. This is an awesome achievement, and we are very proud of Josey. GOOD LUCK AT STATE!!!
LCMS students are featured in a 6-minute video about "Forgiveness." Please check it out. Missy Jenkins Smith's trip to/from Livingston County is at the time stamp 1:06-1:20, assembly at LCMS is 2:50-4:18, & student interviews are 5:18-5:37.
LCMS students had a great time at the Valentine's Dance on Friday, Feb. 13. Thanks to Mr. Schoensiegel and Mrs. Belt for coordinating. We appreciate the students who attended, the staff who chaperoned, and Dr. Henson who DJ'd.
LCMS has many transitional activities planned with LCHS for 8th graders:
- Meeting with the high school counselor to work on LCHS individual schedules for the 2015-16 School Year on March 12
- CTE Career Fair on March 18
- 8th Grade Night on March 19
- Summer transitional programs through Project PASS during June
LCMS 8th graders will participate in Operation Preparation Career Cruising Advising on March 10. They will meet with 16 career professionals in very small groups; the groups will be chosen based on the student’s ILP-designated career pathway. Mrs. Ronda Tayloris working very hard and doing a great job organizing this event!!!
LCMS 8th graders will participate in Operation Preparation Advising on March 16 and 17. They will meet individually with a career mentor in their ILP-designated career pathway.
LCMS 7th graders who took the ACT as part of the Duke Talent Identification Program are getting their ACT scores back.
86% of LCMS students have completed their ILPs as of March 3. Also, we’re working for 100% PARENT review of the ILP for the 4thstraight year!!!
LCMS PTSO will conduct parent SBDM council elections on April 22. They will work on written procedures at their March 9 meeting. They plan to take nominations March 23-April 3.
100% of LCMS certified staff completed the TELL survey within 24 hours of getting the passcode.
LCMS teachers have conducted face-to-face parent conferences with 89% of our families as of March 3.
LCMS has 1,894 documented volunteer hours as of March 3, 2015, for the 2014-15 school year.
LCMS attendance year-to-date (Aug. 12-March 3) is 94.76%. Our goal is 98% for the year.
LCMS has 182 followers on Twitter (LCMS_LiveRed) and has made 1,101 tweets.
LCMS has 305 Likes of our Facebook page (Livingston County Middle School) which includes multiple posts, photos, and videos.